Mazatlan defeats Guadalajara, Sombra/Shocker, Que Viva el Rey tour

CMLL (SUN) 10/18/2015 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Avispón Negro Jr. & Meteoro b Guerrero de la Muerte & Quca
2) El Yaqui & Nube Roja b El Chakal & Mr. Apolo
2v2 hair match challenges followed the match.
3) El Cuatrero, Forastero, Sansón b Furia Roja, Mr. Trueno, Rey Trueno
Mr. Trueno snuck in a foul on Cuatrero.
4) Kempo Dragón, Mario Mora, Príncipe Kisho, Relámpago de Mazatlán, Terremoto King Jr. b El Divino, Frezzer, Magnum, Neutrón, Pepe Aguayo [cibernetico]
Guadalajara versus Mazatlan. Pepe Aguayo replaced Esfinge (double booked.) Match came down to Kisho and Divno, with Kisho cleanly winning with a casita for the visitors.

The best part of this week’s Super Libre was the Mazatlan guys making fun of Esfinge for working in Mexico City instead. The outsiders keep winning over the locals in the feud.

CMLL (MON) 10/19/2015 Arena Puebla [CMLL, me]
1) Asturiano, Centella Roja, Paris b Ares, El Malayo, Fuerza Chicana LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DEL MUNDO EN VIVO 19 DE OCTUBRE DE 2015 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Tecnicos took 1/3
2) Flyer, Lestat, Star Jr. b Espanto Jr., Inquisidor, Molotov LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DEL MUNDO EN VIVO 19 DE OCTUBRE DE 2015 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
tecnicos took 2/3. Molotov feuded with Flyer.
3) Ángel de Oro, Esfinge, Stigma b Kamaitachi, Nitro, Okumura LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DEL MUNDO EN VIVO 19 DE OCTUBRE DE 2015 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Stigma replaced Dragon Lee. Tecnicos took 2/3.
4) Euforia, Gran Guerrero, Último Guerrero DQ Boby Z, Dragón Rojo Jr., Thunder LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DEL MUNDO EN VIVO 19 DE OCTUBRE DE 2015 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Boby Z replaced Rey Escorpion (who may be gone again.) Guerreros won 2/3, the last via Thunder foul to UG. Euforia & Gran Guerrero demanded a rematch.
5) Rey Bucanero, Shocker, Terrible b La Máscara, La Sombra, Marco Corleone LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DEL MUNDO EN VIVO 19 DE OCTUBRE DE 2015 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Rudos took 1/3, Shocker blocking a casita on Sombra and hooking the ropes to stay on top for the pin. This set up a singles match between them next week.

Show was not very interesting and promised not so interesting things for next week. Opener was the best match on the show.

The Centella Roja moved older than a usual debuting luchador. There’s a Centella Roja and a Centella Roja Jr. who wrestle in Puebla. I would’ve assumed it was the son, but it looked more like the father. He did not look good.

The Guerreros were tecnicos last night, and are rudos tonight in Arena Mexico. Ultimo Guerrero, Euforia, Gran Guerrero take on Titan, Volador and Super Porky, with the preview focusing on Volador against Ultimo Guerrero. Zeuxis defends the national women’s championship against Princesa Sugehit earlier in the show, and seems likely to keep the title.

The opener, Angelico & Acero versus Pequeno Olimpico & Pequeno Violencia, will air live tonight according to CMLL. It’s said it’ll air on, but there’s no more info on it right now. The CMLL Cleeng site lists a sign up for tonight, but CMLL hasn’t made it clear you’ll need to sign up. We’ll see what happens.

A press release announced AAA & promoter Icon Star were working together for weekly Thursday AAA events in Zapopan (just outside of Guadalajara) running from 11/05 to 12/10. The press release mentions lucha libre classes and VIP access. AAA hasn’t said anything about this, but Joaquin Roldan is mentioned as talking at the press conference.

AAA did send out an interview with Pentagon Jr. pushing a tag title rematch. Maybe we can pencil that for Guerra de Titanes.

Box Y Lucha #3208 has Ciberentico saying he’s with AAA. Also, Mistic 2.0 stuff.

Luchas 2000 #795 has more Mistic 2.0 stuff, and also Sin Cara and Hijo del Santo. There must be some people who don’t follow lucha closely who were very confused by Mistic & Sin Cara being on the same cover.

MDA/FULL says the Mistic 2.0 show with no location on 11/15 will now officially be in Arena Jose Sulaiman in Monterrey. They’re giving presale access to people who come to their 10/25 show.

Elite Lucha Libre has a poster out for their 11/01 Guadalajara show. Laredo Kid, who’s been in AAA recently, is pictured.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update and this week’s PosterMania.

RobViper has a music video of 05/05/15 CMLL.


CMLL (MON) 10/26/2015 Arena Puebla
1) Black Tiger, Centella Roja, Starman vs Hijo del Signo, Rey Apocalipsis, Toro Bill Jr.
2) Pegasso, Stigma, Tritón vs Cancerbero, Espíritu Maligno, Tiger
3) Ángel de Oro, Guerrero Maya Jr., Super Porky vs Felino, Hechicero, Negro Casas
4) Euforia, Gran Guerrero, Último Guerrero vs Boby Z, Dragón Rojo Jr., Thunder
5) La Sombra vs Shocker

Shocker has never beaten La Sombra. That match probably won’t be so good.

Tercera has the right people to have a good match, and the right people to have a bad one. That’s a pattern on the show – second match has the best match to be decent.

DTU (THU) 11/05/2015 Arena Aficion
1) Erwin, Irving, Luigi vs El Maszito, El Porroito, Megra Liz
2) ?, Chica Ye-Ye, El Exótico vs El Chato, El Junior, Lady Maravilla
3) Hormiga vs Black Fire, Miedo Extremo, Aero Boy, Chico Che
4) Ángel o Demonio & Ovett vs Corsario Negro Jr. & Drako
5) Lanzeloth & Pesadilla vs Jimmy & Kevin
6) Drastik Boy, Suicida, Tony vs Flamita, Freelance, Rocky Lobo
7) Violento Jack vs Cíclope [Rancho de Texas, DTU CHAMP]

Flamita (and Drastik) returning back to DTU after Dragon Gate. That semimain should be good, and a pretty big match for Tony. Cara Lucha also announced Flamita on 11/07. Flamita was working tons of indies last time thru, and probably will be again when he comes back. He’s listed back in AAA on 11/056, which might affect who else is on this card.

ZZINC (SUN) 11/22/2015 Auditorio Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon, Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes
1) Rey Mysterio Jr. vs El Patrón Alberto, Blue Demon Jr., Johnny Mundo, Chavo Guerrero Jr., Drew Galloway, Brodus Clay, Dos Caras Jr., Fenix (AAA), Drago (AAA), Magnus, Willie Mack,El Mesías, Jack Evans, Angélico, Australian Suicide, Sonjay Dutt, Sanada, Steve Pain, Mickie James

This is one of a four new cards from this concert promoter that turned up recently. The Que Viva el Rey tour is currently 11/07 in Veracruz, 11/19 in Leon, 11/20 in Morelia, 11/21 Queretaro, 11/22 in Aguascalientes, and 11/27 in Merida. The 11/20-11/22 shows are extra interesting because Ricochet just implied he canceled off another indie show because he was working Lucha Underground that weekend, and there’s about 10 different people who worked Lucha Underground on booked in Mexico that weekend. This look like hard shows to cancel or postpone.

The Merida show lists Myzteziz on the poster, and the promoter said he’d still be appearing on that show. Maybe he will, but that would cause me to be less certain about the promoter.

It seems a safe bet to rule out any of those cities for Guerra de Titanes.