Volador keeps his title and fractures the Ingobernables?

uh oh

CMLL (FRI) 10/30/2015 Arena México [CMLL]
1) Acero & Último Dragoncito b Mercurio & Pequeño Universo 2000
12:45. Tecnicos took 1/3 in the 2nd best match of the night.
2) Esfinge, Oro Jr., The Panther DQ Raziel, Skándalo, Súper Comando
10:28. Tecnicos took straight falls, the last when Raziel unmasked Esfinge. The Panther & Super Comando continue to feud.
3) Amapola, Dalys, Zeuxis b La Vaquerita, Marcela, Princesa Sugehit
12:17. Rudas took 2/3. Starting with this match, all the losers were ‘dragged to hell’ by the forces of Mictlan.
4) Boby Z, Dragón Rojo Jr., Thunder b Euforia, Gran Guerrero, Mr. Niebla
12:11. Mr. Niebla replaced Ultimo Guerrero on Friday. Thunder feuded with Gran Guerrero instead, pinning him in the third (after his team also took the first.)
5) La Máscara, Marco Corleone, Rush b Máximo, Super Parka, Valiente
10:55. Los Ingobernables took 1/3.
6) Volador Jr. © b La Sombra [NWA WELTER]
5th defense. Volador & Sombra played the gods of paradise and hell thru the night. Sombra took the first, then lost the second when second Rush interfered repeatedly. Rush (and Valiente) were ejected. Volador won clean with the Guillotine Deprepedador (new name for Volador Spiral out of the corner) to win. Sombra tried to say he respected Volador after the match, but was stopped by Rush & La Mascara, who beat up Volador instead. (Marco wasn’t seen. It’s unclear if Naito’s still in Mexico.)Rush reminded the crowd and Sombra that the Ingobernables respected no one, and he and Sombra went face to face over it. La Mascara calmed them down and they did a first pound. Rush took the belt from Volador and tried to give it to Sombra, but Sombra didn’t want it and walked off.

That was a flown blown tease of a Ingobernables split, the first time they’ve done that since getting together last spring. (As you’ll see in the lineups, it turns out to be more than a tease.) It also seemed like Sombra ending the four year feud with Volador, at least for now. Sombra repeated in post match interviews that Volador earned his respect, but insisted everything was normal between him and the rest of the Ingobernables.

Sombra’s next match is teaming with Rush against Volador & Caristico on the Sunday Arena Coliseo Guadalajara Elite Lucha Libre show.

That match, and the post match angle, was worth the price of the iPPV. The Dia de Muertos stuff was fine, but didn’t add a lot to the show for me this year. The only other good match was the opener. The rest of the matches could’ve been on any other show, and this was otherwise treated like a normal show.

The finish in the second match suggested the Super Comando/The Panther feud may not just be a singles feud, but a larger midcard issue. Raziel did a promo backstage saying he wanted Esfinge’s match. That doesn’t mean a lot on it’s own, because everyone always says that, but it came off in the match as a meaningful thing. I’ve been guessing Thunder/Ultimo Guerrero as a December apuesta match, but maybe that’s a bad guess or maybe Ultimo Guerrero’s injury (blamed on Thunder on this show) might mean he won’t be back in time to set up that match. We still don’t know anything about that injury.

I had no real problems with the iPPV – well, at least no problems I didn’t create for myself. Picture quality was as good as YouTube.

Caristico says he’s NOT on the 11/15 FULL/MDA show in Monterrey. That’s a Sunday, and he’s working for Elite Lucha Libre on Sundays. That’s the match where he was listed as teaming with Mistico II and facing Averno; it’s in question if any of those people will actually be in the match.

Black Terry versus Virus has been added to the 11/22 Arena Lopez Mateos Lucha Memes/Chairo card. That’s going be rather good.

Diva Dirt says Cheerleader Melissa will be on Lucha Underground, but as a masked character and not as Marty the Moth’s sister.

Drago and Pentagon Jr. will be on the 4Fw (UK) 01/23 show.

RobViper has highlights of the 05/15/15 CMLL show.

Segunda Caida reviews Boby Zavala versus Blue Panther

The Gladiatores talks to Drago about his appearances in PWG.


CMLL (FRI) 11/06/2015 Arena México
1) Astral & Eléctrico vs Demus 3:16 & Mercurio
2) Esfinge, Fuego, The Panther vs Puma, Súper Comando, Tiger
3) Marcela, Silueta, Syuri vs Dalys, Tiffany, Zeuxis
4) Euforia, Gran Guerrero, Último Guerrero vs Boby Z, Dragón Rojo Jr., Thunder
5) Diamante Azul, Mistico, Super Parka vs Felino, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas
6) La Sombra & Volador Jr. vs La Máscara & Rush

It’s way too quick for Sombra & Volador to be teaming up. Maybe there’s another story here. This is the first time they’ve been partners in Arena Mexico since they won the right to have the mask match at the Anniversary show two years ago. They won the incredible pairs tournament prior to that and are 9-1 all time as a team in Arena Mexico (only losing the tag team titles to Hector Garza & Mr. Aguila in the match where they broke up.)

Plenty of returns elsewhere in the card. Diamante Azul is back from France, which was suggested on Informa a couple weeks back. Silueta returns from Japan and brings Syuri with here. Ultimo Guerrero is listed as returning back to action, but we’ll see what happens there. Super Parka is listed as back again; it seems like he’s a regular now, and it also seems like that’s not an effective way of using him.

Super Comando and The Panther again link up in the second match, which might be one of the better matches on the show.

I think this show will be streaming somewhere, but I think CMLL is changing things around with that again.

RIOT (SAT) 11/14/2015 Arena Femenil, Monterrey, Nuevo León
1) Arez & Belial vs Unmexicans
2) Alberto Dos Rios vs Rico Rodríguez
3) Tony Rodriguez vs Erick Ortiz
4) Low Rider & Sammy Guevara vs Kratoz & Ultimo Ninja
5) Dralion vs Impulso

Second card for the new Monterrey group. Show will be on YouTube at some point.

CMLL iPPV: 2015-10-30 

back at it again

Recapped: 10/30/2015

What happened:  Volador beat La Sombra to keep the NWA Welterweight Championship, taking the second fall by DQ and the third fall by Guillotine Deprepedador (a new official name for the Volador Spiral.) Sombra wanted to give credit to Volador for the win, Mascara & Rush didn’t, and Rush & Sombra nearly fought over it. Super Comando and The Panther continued to feud in the second match, though the finish involved Esfinge & Raziel.

What was good: aThe main event was at the usual standard of Sombra/Volador matches. The minis opener was the only other worth watching.

Where can I watch it:  You can’t. This was an live only iPPV. The top two matches will air on Lucha Azteca on 11/14

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CMLL iPPV tonight (Volador/Sombra, people being dragged to hell), no news on Alberto

photo by Alexis Salazar-CMLL

The first of CMLL’s two Dia de Muertos shows takes place today. Luchadors and edecanes will dress in makeup and costume to fit in with the traditional Mexican celebration of the dead. The entire arena will have a special look for the next couple of days. And, they’ll also be having wrestling matches – Volador versus Sombra once again, this time for the NWA Welterweight Championship

This will be the 24th known Volador/Sombra match since they started feuding in 2010. Volador leads 11-10 with two ties. It’ll be the 21st to air on a TV show. It’s their third match this year: Volador won in April in Arena Mexico and August in Arena Puebla. Volador has won the last five matchups. He’s coming in as champion and seems likely to win again. This is the signature feud of this last decade of CMLL. I wish CMLL had gone with something fresh for an iPPV, but if only hardcore fans are going to buy this (and only some hardcore fans are going to buy this), then maybe you go with the one match you know will work for those fans.

The rest of the show has, at best, middle chapters of ongoing feuds. The semimain is Maximo, Valiente, and Super Parka versus Rush, La Mascara and Marco Corleone. CMLL’s preview teases Rush and Super Parka may continue feuding. The fourth match was scheduled to have Ultimo Guerrero versus Thunder, but Ultimo Guerrero is out of action (and believed to be injured). It’ll instead just be a random trios match with Thunder, Boby Z, and Dragon Rojo facing Euforia, Gran Guerrero and Mr. Niebla. The best undercard match of the night will probably be The Panther, Esfinge, and Oro Jr. versus Super Comando, Raziel and Skandalo, continuing the Panther/Comando feud.

The show is on iPPV for a listed price of $6 USD. It was actually $7.62 when they added in fees for me this morning. If you did not change your clock for daylight savings this past week (if you live in the US or Japan), the show will start one hour later than usual. It’ll start at 10:30pm in New York. You can find the time where you live here.

I haven’t checked this out thoroughly, but I believe today’s iPPV is the only wrestling one where the winners will go to a heavenly paradise and the losers will be dragged to hell.

Speaking of hell, there’s no update on the Alberto situation. The Monterrey (Sunday) and Reynosa (Monday) promoters continue to advertise Alberto on the show. If AAA sent an updated lineup to Juarez, they probably also have one for these shows – or maybe not, if they really believe (believed?) Alberto is working those shows.

Random German TV segment on lucha libre includes the host trying to learn lucha libre from Guerrero Maya, though it’s mostly him getting beat and falling badly. There’s a few trainees with masks I’ve never seen and Canelo Casas turns up as a mask maker.

There’s a lucha libre exhibit at the Museo del Objeto del Objeto in Mexico City.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update.

Segunda Caida watches Atlantis vs Emilio Charles Jr.

NJPW would like to tour Mexico. I would like some ice cream. I’m going to get that ice cream at some point. Not sure about NJPW.

Eric Mutter writes about Aerostar.

Relampago, a Vercruz one, lost his mask to Rey Pantera in Arena Xalapa.


AAA MM (THU) 11/05/2015 Gimnasio Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jalisco
1) Dinastía & Mascarita Sagrada vs Mini Abismo Negro & Mini Charly Manson
2) Goya Kong & Pimpinela Escarlata vs Mamba & Sexy Star
3) Angélico, Australian Suicide, Jack Evans vs Daga, Joe Lider, Taurus
4) Fénix & La Parka vs Cibernético & Pentagón Jr.

first of the weekly Thusday Guadalajara shows. First match for Sexy Star since TripleMania (and her injury.) Their Twitter account says they’ll be announcing news on airing the show soon.

lucha TV scheduled for the weekend of October 31st, 2015

  • CMLL has a iPPV tomorrow! You may have heard. It’s $6. It’s also starting an hour late because of daylight time (which will also affect all the Mexican based shows on Saturday.)
  • AAA is the taping after Myzteziz left but before Alberto left. It also has what looks like a really good first two matches.
  • I believe Claro Sports (the TV channel) is ending up with the Tuesday lucha and the Sunday lucha is getting orphaned. I’m not 100% sure that starts this week and it may be a while before everything settles into place. Plus, I don’t get Claro Sports so I might not be able to tell for a while. (And the show seems to be bumped to Friday & Sundays now?)
  • LATV may get Negro Casas versus Titan, a great looking lightning match which hasn’t turned up yet. I don’t get LATV either – we’ve reached the point where there’s (only!) four hours of CMLL on normal TV stations and I can only get two hours, the hours which are already aired live on the internet.
  • I hope everyone wears scary robes for the Castle of Terror IWRG match. Not even kidding.


11/15 AAA TV Lineup (Ciudad Juarez)

New lineup on 10/29

AAA TV (SUN) 11/15/2015 Gimnasio Municipal Josué Neri Santos, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua
1) Aéreo, Dragón, Latino vs Centinela, Mr. Alfa, Pagano
probably a locals dark match
2) Dinastía vs Mini Abismo Negro [AAA MINI]
Dinastia’s 7th defense (5 on TV, 2 unofficially on spot shows) and first since June.
3) Australian Suicide & Speedball vs Daga & Steve Pain
4) Garza Jr., Monsther Clown, Murder Clown vs Dark Cuervo, Dark Scoria, Zorro
5) Blue Demon, Electroshock, La Parka vs Hijo de Pirata Morgan, Parka Negra, Taurus
6) ?, Psycho Clown, Rey Misterio Jr. vs Averno, Chessman, Cibernético

Poster here. The silhouette appears to be Myzteziz, but I’m 95% sure they just blacked him out becauase he was already in that spot in the original promo and it won’t him in the match.

Every match but the local match has been changed with Myzteziz and Alberto (and for reasons less clear but perfectly fine with me, Joe Lider) all off the show. This is not the last card to change; Wrestling Observer earlier reported Alberto el Patron is expected to go to RAW on Monday and not Nuevo Laredo. That leaves Guerra de Titanes as the only TV date Alberto could working, but that seems incredibly doubtful at this point.

Whatever’s going to happen to handle that will happen on Monday, and this will be the peaceful aftermath and/or a frantic attempt to put together a new card for Guerra de Titanes. On that note, it might be important that it’s the trios champions together in the main event in a non-title match – or it might not, since Misterio is probably going to be involved with the title and/or Johnny Mundo.

Averno is now booked in Juarez and Monterrey at the same exact time. Can’t do both. Everyone expects him to jump to Caristico’s side, to the point where I think people may be wanting to will it into happening, but Averno’s been super professional in the past about giving notice about leaving.

This is overall a much better card than the original one. A bonus title match with Dinastia is always welcome, and a much better prospect than the Taurus/Electroshock match. Electroshock instead faces off against ex-friend Hijo del Pirata, which works better for him. The Daga/Steve Pain vs Suicide/Speedball match plays off the Suicide/Daga feud – maybe they have the singles match in December, but I’d be perfectly fine getting that tag match repeatedly.

Important discussion topic: what if Zorro is the guy stalking La Secta? That seems like something Zorro would do. Zorro versus Garza Jr. seems correct in general.

Original Post follows

AAA TV (SUN) 11/15/2015 Gimnasio Municipal Josué Neri Santos, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua
1) Aéreo, Dragón, Latino vs Centinela, Mr. Alfa, Pagano
probably a locals dark match
2) Dinastía & Mascarita Sagrada vs Mini Charly Manson & Mini Psycho Clown
3) Monsther Clown, Murder Clown, Psycho Clown vs Daga, Hijo de Pirata Morgan, Steve Pain
4) Electroshock vs Taurus [bull terrier]
5) Blue Demon & La Parka vs Joe Lider & Parka Negra
6) El Patrón Alberto & Rey Misterio Jr. vs Averno & Myzteziz

Air Date: 11/21 (very iffy that far out.)

Pagano’s working the opener, so Pagano shared the card. (It doesn’t look like the “official” AAA card because the text on the bottom looked edited to include the Ciudad Juarez locals match, but that’s actually more helpful for us.) This taping is out of order and who knows when AAA will officially release it on their own – when AAA can’t issue a statement about Myzteziz after three days, it’s probably not a great idea to count on them sending out their lineups.

Myzteziz himself is listed in the main event, so this’ll change. That match had little chance of it happening anyway; whatever happened between Alberto & Myzteziz didn’t appear to be resolved and it would’ve been tough to get them in the same ring. (That’s issue is more likely to be a reason why Myzteziz left AAA than ‘they were going to have him drop his mask at TripleMania’. AAA doesn’t have the power over it’s luchadors that WWE has over theirs and Myzteziz wasn’t going to lose his mask unless he was happy doing so.) It might have been something where AAA still tried make it happen the day of the show and only changed things then, but it doesn’t really matter now.

This is not a promising lineup as is. That semifinal is very unappetizing. There’s no obvious reason for the bull terrier match (except our new friend Taurus is a bull.) The notAnarkia versus Psycho Circus match probably won’t be the best way to get the new rudo act over, though I think they’re likely to actually win. The minis match should be good, but it’s no sure thing to air. Maybe the main event will be good with the right replacement, but this looks like a skippable taping for the dedicated fan. This is also possibly the last taping before Guerra de Titanes and there’s no obvious clues on what will main event that show.

We haven’t yet seen the 11/06 Xalapa show prior to this, but that figures to turn up from Xalapa people on Facebook soon enough.

CMLL on CadenaTres: 2015-09-19 

Cavernario takes out the wrong guy!

Recapped: 10/14/2015

What happened: Cavernario kept the welterweight championship over Triton. Negro Casas fouled Mistico in the main event, which doesn’t seem to have gone anywhere.

What was good: The Triton/Cavernario match is either the best great match or the least excellent match of the year. The rest of the show was Tuesday filler.

Where can I watch it: It’s on TKD’s YouTube channel.

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