CMLL results, Lucha Underground, AAA taping schedule, Lady Shani, lineups

CMLL (SUN) 09/20/2015 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [CMLL]
1) Gitano, Mr. Brisa, Relampago b Ángel Aéreo, Meteoro, Rey Halcón
debut for Angel Aereo
2) Súper Estrella b La Pantera
3) Engendro Jr. & Roberto Paz Jr. DQ Exterminador & Maléfico
Guadalajara vs Arena Roberto Paz (who were both debuting here). They lost by DQ after a foul.
4) El Divino, Neutrón, Vaquero Jr. b Joker, Ráfaga, Sádico
Divino beat Joker.
5) Cavernario, Damián 666, Halloween, Mosco X Fly DQ Esfinge, Gallo, Magnum, Tritón
Guadalajara vs Tijuana. Cavernario and Triton were randomly added to the match. Match came down to X-Fly and Esfinge, with X-Fly tricking Esfinge into holding a barbed wire covered chair (???) and pretending he was hurt, drawing the DQ victory.

Next Sunday’s show isn’t listed on the CMLL site (because it’s all indy.)

CMLL (TUE) 09/22/2015 Arena México [@TKD_117, CMLL]
Attendance: 3000
1) Aéreo & Eléctrico b Pequeño Universo 2000 & Pequeño Violencia
Tecnicos took 2/3.
2) Arkángel de la Muerte, Canelo Casas, Inquisidor b Metatrón, Robin, Sensei
straight falls
3) Súper Comando b Flyer [lightning] Flyer vs. Súper Comando, 2015-09-22 (posted by TKD117)
Super Comando pulled Flyer’s mask to win, though it looked like he got DQed live.
4) Misterioso Jr., Pierroth, Sagrado b Blue Panther Jr., Delta, The Panther
The Panther was stretchered out after Pierroth’s finisher (which looked misapplied.) The medical staff almost dropped The Panther off the stretcher.
5) Kráneo, Morphosis, Ripper b Blue Panther, Super Porky, Titán
6) La Máscara, La Sombra, Rush b Felino, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas

CMLL hasn’t put up the lightning match, but TKD took a handheld. This was Super Comando’s first win on a singles match since April, when he beat Bengala in the opener of an Sabado Retro show. The Saturday singles match show makes those stats less impressive; you’d have to go back to 2012 to find a singles win for Comando before that. He’s 6-7 in known singles matches, which is actually not that bad.

Ingobernables were said to be very impressive as a trio in the main event. It’s rare to get them all together on a Tuesday, even with Rush & Sombra not being able to work in Guadalajara.

Dragon Rojo will replace Polvora on Friday.

In a WrestleZone interview, Chris DeJoseph was talking about season 2 of Lucha Underground, and reportedly said Alberto el Patron was confirmed be back. (I have not yet listened to it, or the MLW radio interview with him.) Alberto said not so fast.

Everyone always cites the seven year deals that were originally offered to indie wrestlers as what everyone coming to Lucha Underground signed. Alberto didn’t sign when everyone else did, and Alberto wasn’t an indie guy who they felt they could replace. (And I’m not sure if those were the deals that were finally signed by anyone or if things were changed; assuming everyone signs the same deal is a bad idea in general.) Anyway, if Alberto says he’s not actually confirmed as coming back, I tend to believe him.

There is the other issue of Alberto repeatedly posting about his unhappiness with Lucha Underground on Twitter. He complained about editing of his matches (the first one with Mundo), he wrote about being disrespected about being in the opener of Lucha Underground. LU doesn’t seem to be WWE, where complaining publicly will get you humiliated, but it still strange for someone to take those issues public. Alberto may not feel like he’s getting listened to, or he may just not care (and he can afford to not care with the other stuff he’s got going on.) Alberto may just be using Twitter to vent – he’s done it about non-LU stuff and even non-wrestling stuff – and is less upset about things in reality, but that seems like a stretch.

LU losing Alberto would hurt from star value, especially if they don’t add another level star (see next paragraph), but LU is at such a low level in conventional numbers that I’m not sure if it matters. Ratings on El Rey rose from the moment Alberto debuted to the end of the season, which might be some of him and might just be some of people discovering the show or that they had the channel. (He conceivably might have been a bigger difference maker on UniMas, but we just don’t have those numbers.) Alberto’s notoriety would seem to help open doors for deals in the US and in Mexico, but there’s no sign of any of those deals being made. Alberto and Mundo had some great matches and there’s a lot more left for Alberto since he’d been kept out of the championship picture (plus the tease of the match with Prince Puma), so he’d be a definite loss. On the other hand, if LU is going increasingly sci-fi/fantasy, Alberto’s character doesn’t quite fit in.

Alberto hasn’t been around AAA much since TripleMania, but he is listed after Heroes Inmortales as making a rare spot show appearance in Oaxaca on 10/11. Misterio is listed as making spot shows around TV tapings, so perhaps this is a clue Alberto’s also booked for the 10/09 Tlahuelilpan show. Estrella Divina is the only non-AAA roster person on that show, which makes me think Divina actually is on the roster but at the extreme fringes (and it’s not often they’re calling for the fourth? exotico.) That name has shown up on other spot shows too.

On that podcast, DeJospeh says he doesn’t know if Rey Misterio Jr. is coming in. He also noted he didn’t know about this renewal until everyone else. I still think Rey’s coming in (though I thought so for the end of Season 1, and was wrong then.) They didn’t say a word about Rey in the press release, which makes me think they’re saving it as a surprise for episode 1. It doesn’t do a lot of help to announce it in any time before now, because they’re going to sell (the free? tickets) out to the first shows anyway. Given Rey’s closeness with AAA and his willingness to work for any indie that can pay him, this seems obvious.

Unrelated request: can everyone please stop asking DeJoseph about Big Dick Johnson as an ice breaker. It’s like the 10,000th most interesting thing to ask him, it only ends with the host agreeing he didn’t actually like the gimmick either, it is not good audio. Please ask him about how the running back carries should be distributed between Andre Ellington, Chris Johnson and David Johnson instead. Thank you.

Wrestling Observer Radio said the first Lucha Underground tapings would be in December. AAA usually tapes Guerra de Titanes in December and has few other tapings in December and January, so it’s an easy time to get started scheduling wise.

Sexy Lady confirmed she’s new AAA luchadora on Instagram. (Her user names on Twitter and Instagram have the new name too.) She thanks a lot of people for helping her improve and get the new character (another Oscar Garcia design, which feels like a fighting game costume.) Sexy Lady seemed promising last we saw her but hadn’t been used on TV since March 2014 and only infrequently prior. (Her second most recent appearance was on IWL TV, to let you know how long it’s been since she’s had a TV appearance.) “Sexy Lady” seemed a bit plain for a luchador and also confusing with a Sexy Star around, so this seems like an improvement.

A few later year AAA TV tapings have leaked out. AAA’s returning to Arena Xalapa for a taping on 11/06, and the Ciudad Juarez date is officially 11/15.  Both are advertising Rey Jr. on top. (Again, if he’s working Ciudad Juarez, they probably can get him to LA.) Those dates fit on the TV schedule right after the Reynosa/Nuevo Laredo shows; AAA could still add more tapings in between but would’t need to. The Juarez taping might be the last show before Guerra de Titanes.

Victoria says their spring lucha lbire campaign was a success, with beer sales up 10%. That was the AAA/CMLL wrestlers on cans and bottle caps. The entire collection is going for between 235 and 600 pesos on the black market.

Would you like a vague hint of Hijo del Ninja coming to AAA? How about one for Pagano? Have them both. (Hijo del Ninja might do well. Pagano would last 1 match.)

Luna Magica says she’s planning to return to wrestling early next year. She didn’t retire, but left to have a child and had some following surgeries. (Child seems to be OK, that’s good.)

Cara Lucha announced Rush & Trauma II vs Sombra & Trauma I for 10/03. Relevos Increibles remain a plague. I’d rather see the Japan method of adding in guys not on the (star) level of the top guys to each side to take the pins if that’s the issue.

Today would’ve been El Santo’s 98th birthday. R de Rudo looks back at his pre-El Santo career, and tries to compare Atlantis’ current run with El Santo’s successes.

LuchaWorld has a new edition of the podcast, this week’s Poster-Mania, KrisZ’s update for Monday in one two parts and one for Wednesday as well.

Segunda Caida reviews Huracán Sevilla, Misterioso, Volador I vs Fuerza Guerrera, Kung Fu, MS-1

Apolo Valdes reviews the Anniversary show. Apolo laughed when I was (comically) sad after Sombra lost, which is probably a point in his favor.

Kcidis draws La Sombra getting into a new club.

Diosa Atenea talks about winning the WWS championship.

Super Lucha writes about Princesa Sugehit and Cien Caras’ feud with Rayo de Jalisco.

Mano a Mano interviews Metaleon (who says his parents are ex-luchadors Leon Dorado and Dama del Ring), Emperador Azteca (who calls the group of IWRG trained wrestlers Metaleon, Golden Magic, Emperador Azteca, Centviron, Mr. Leo and Latigo “la ola dorada”) and Extreme Tiger.

Lucha Libre in Japan Elsewhere

09/23 Stardom: Rosa Negra beat Star Fire to win the High Speed Championship (2:13); Star Fire falls on second defense.

Star Fire suffered what appears to be a significant knee injury in the first minute of the match. The report says she wanted to go on, could not. Rosa Negra quickly finished her with a frog splash to end the match, then actually carried Star Fire to the back to help her get medical aid. Hope it’s not as serious as it reads.

The Alberto/Mesias WWL title match in went to no contest when Invader #1 and Gilbert ran in.

Jonathan Gresham is in Germany until the end of October, so maybe he’ll have a chance to win the DTU Alto Impacto title back before then. DTU hasn’t acknowledged the title change. I hope that title does come back and sticks around for a decade more, because it’s accumulating a UWA-like list of random people as champions, with the bonus of actually representing a non-dead promotion.


RDLL (SUN) 09/27/2015 Centro Civico, Múzquiz, Coahuila
1) Príncipe Halcón vs Mr. Venganza
2) Baby Star Jr. & Chicanito vs Apeyron & Power Bull
3) Thay Lee vs Escape, La Maldicion
4) Explosivo & Razzman vs Alexander Grenssen & Johnny Arana
5) Guerrero Maya Jr. & Robin vs El Reo & Killer

A show I would not know about except for Maya tagging me on every photo he uploads. Randomly listed as an AYM airing on the poster. That’s not the case most of the time, but maybe it’s airing in clips on Sobre el Ring or Divinas.

CMLL (TUE) 09/29/2015 Arena México
1) Flyer & Robin vs Artillero & Súper Comando
2) Esfinge, Oro Jr., Tritón vs Okumura, Sangre Azteca, Virus
3) Estrellita, Marcela, Princesa Sugehit vs Amapola, Dalys, Zeuxis
4) Titán vs Kamaitachi [lightning]
5) Guerrero Maya Jr., Stuka Jr., Valiente vs Hechicero, Luciferno, Terrible
6) Dragon Lee, La Sombra, Máximo vs Ephesto, Mephisto, Último Guerrero

Titan versus Kamiatahci sounds outstanding. Semimain has a chance to be good too. Terrible will punch Maya and Maya will fall to the mat like a log, guarantee it.

Third match is kind of the best of the CMLL women’s division in a post Dark Angel world. Eek.

CMLL (TUE) 09/29/2015 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) El Tapatío & Star Black vs Demonio Rojo & El Chakal
2) Hombre Bala Jr., Magnum, Súper Halcón Jr. vs Cancerbero, Ráfaga, Raziel
3) Delta, Fuego, Rey Cometa vs Misterioso Jr., Pierroth, Sagrado
4) Atlantis, Blue Panther, Super Porky vs Dragón Rojo Jr., Pólvora, Rey Escorpión
5) La Máscara, Marco Corleone, Volador Jr. vs Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas, Shocker

Marco and Niebla seem headed to a singles match to start Ocotber.

RIOT (SAT) 10/03/2015 Arena Femenil, Monterrey, Nuevo León
1) Caifan vs Epydemius
2) Dralion vs Rey Horus
3) Lord Byron vs Psicotico
4) Kratoz & Ultimo Ninja vs Low Rider & Sammy Guevara
5) Kaientai vs Erick Ortiz, Arez
6) Alberto Dos Rios vs ?

Debut show for a new Monterrey promotion, run by people involved with LuchaMania Monterrey.  I may have the card order upside down!

IWRG (SUN) 09/27/2015 Arena Naucalpan
1) Alas de Acero & Omega vs Adrenalina & Vardeus
2) Freyser & Kanon vs Picudo Jr. & Ram El Carnero
3) Leo, Mike, Rafy vs Hip Hop Man, Imposible, Super Jack
4) Black Terry, Golden Magic, Relámpago vs Canis Lupus, El Golpeador, Negro Navarro
5) Máscara Año 2000 Jr., Trauma I, Trauma II vs Danny Casas, Hijo De Dos Caras, Veneno

Last week’s show ended with Heddi Karoui making challenged, Heddi Karoui isn’t even on this card. IWRG!

On TV, they didn’t get the cameras rolling until the segunda was already in progress. We’ll never know what happened to Imposible last week. He’ll try again here.

Freyser may have turned again. Who knows.

DTU (SUN) 09/27/2015 Unidad Deportiva Javier Rojo Gomez, Tulancingo, Hidalgo
1) Chiki Nerd I & Chiki Nerd II vs Maczito & Zuzu Divine
2) Eslabon Dorado, Itzcoatl, Pequeño Torando vs Odiseo, Ovelix, Zeuz
3) El Kromiko, Energia Jr., Payaso Krokus, Sacristán del Diablo vs Colmillo Blanco, Corazon Latino, Dr. Boris, Exotico
Pachuca wrestlers
4) Deluto I, Deluto II, Deluto III vs Águila, Fryser, Impostor
Pachuca wrestlers
5) Chico Maravilla, Gio Malkriado, Luigi vs Corsario Negro, Enemigo Publico, Perro Negro
6) Artikus, Hormiga, Jimmy, Lanzeloth vs Black Fire, Demente Extreme, Jinzo, Miedo Extremo
7) Aero Boy, Joe Lider, Pesadilla, Rocky Lobo vs Cíclope, Ovett, Paranoiko, Yuriko

Crazy Boy benefit show.

TXT (MON) 10/05/2015 Domo de la Feria, León, Guanajuato
1) ? vs ??
2) Rossy Moreno vs Lady Apache
3) Bobby Lee Jr., Huracan Ramirez, Rayman vs Heddi Karaoui, Pirata Morgan, Zumbi
4) Angel Blanco Jr. © vs Cielito [WWA MIDDLE]
fourth defense? Cielito is the unknown.
5) Canek, El Hijo Del Santo, Octagón vs Dr. Wagner Jr., Fuerza Guerrera, Heavy Metal

Their new poster looks more professional then the old one, though it’s interesting the old one listed this as part of a Hijo del Santo retirement tour and the new one does not. Not sure about this title challenger. Cielito has never appeared previously. Maybe he’s the guy in the bottom right? Mano Negra, notably bad referee in high speed matches, will be back on this show but probably won’t have those style of matches to worry about. No TV outlet listed.

There may be a new Santo movie in a few years. Maybe. (The article makes it sound like it’s so in the preliminary stage that it never even gets mentioned if it wasn’t Santo’s birthday.)

indy (SUN) 10/11/2015 Arena Coliseo Monterrey
1) ? vs ??
2) Epidemiuz vs Rico Rodríguez, Laredo Kid [? CRUiSER]
3) Silver King vs Humberto Garza Jr. [loser must retire]
4) Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Hijo del Ninja, Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr., Ultimo Ninja, Hijo De Silver King, Ninja Jr. [cage, mask, hair]

Listed as taped for TV; one of these matches may join the rotation of the four matches they keep repeating forever and ever and ever and ever.

Not sure why a single person would care about a stipulation involving Silver King being forced to stop doing anything when he’s wearing his mask again. Not for a second would anyone believe he’s actually going to retire if he loses that match. Not that I think he’s the one retiring.

Amo la Lucha Libre (SAT) 10/31/2015 Arena Lopez Mateos
1) Alas De Oro vs Fuerza Negra
2) Chico Che, Pegazus, Saruman vs Black Thunder, Muerte Infernal, Rey Gato
3) Chucho el Roto & Sádico vs Motocross & Neza King and Holkan & Mascara Perdida [Copa Amanos la Lucha Libre]
students of Rocky Santana vs Puma (?, Arena Neza) vs Konkreto
4) Gallego & Gallego Jr. vs Hijo del Pantera & Pantera II and Bombero Infernal & Mike [Copa Padre Maestro Hijo de Talento]
5) Yakuza © vs Romano Garcia [AULL WELTER]
6) Máscara Sagrada, Súper Muñeco, Súper Pinocho vs Fuerza Guerrera, Máscara Año 2000, Pentagon I

Ring announcer/occasional YouTube host fifth year anniversary show. Fourth match seems to give away Mike’s identity but a) Bombero has at least two sons and b) expert turtle watchers believe that might not be the original Mike. (He spells his name Miike on his gear, but the people who make posters have seemingly rejected that as too crazy.)

09/21 Arena Puebla results, next week’s lineup

CMLL (MON) 09/21/2015 Arena Puebla
1) Guerrero Espacial, Rey Apocalipsis, Toro Bill Jr. b Paris, Principe Diamante, Zaeta Roja
Rudos took 1/3
2) Akuma, Metálico, Policeman b Lestat, Molotov, Oro Jr.
Lestat accidentally dropkicked Molotov, which led to Molotov repeated harassing Lestat until Molotov finally turned on him. Straight falls for the rudos.
3) Boby Zavala, Disturbio, Kamaitachi b Delta, Fuego, Guerrero Maya Jr.
Rudos took 2/3. Triton was hurt during the match but completed it. Zavaa got the win but his finish looked off.
4) Ephesto, Luciferno, Mephisto b Dragon Lee, Valiente, Volador Jr.
Rudos took 2/3. Mephisto snuck in a foul on Volador.
5) Atlantis b Rey Escorpión
Escorpion tried rushing Atlantis, but still got beat in the second and third fall for the loss.

I wrote this post in the Mexico City airpot and couldn’t post it, so it’s going up now. We only got to see about half the card, but the matches were fine and the arena looked great. (Thanks to those who helped us get there and didn’t go insane dealing with the traffic.)


CMLL (MON) 09/28/2015 Arena Puebla
1) Asturiano, Black Tiger, Rey Samuray vs Espíritu Maligno, Fuerza Chicana, King Jaguar
2) Lestat, Soberano Jr., Tigre Rojo Jr. vs Molotov, Nitro, Policeman
3) Blue Panther Jr., Stigma, The Panther vs Puma, Sangre Azteca, Tiger
4) Blue Panther, Dragon Lee, Máximo vs Cavernario, Kamaitachi, Negro Casas
5) Marco Corleone, Valiente, Volador Jr. vs Ephesto, Luciferno, Mephisto

Seems like they’re building towards Volador/Mephisto in a couple weeks. Semimain could be fun.

new video releases for September 19th

  • CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX did not air this weekend. It still should be Puebla, so it probably doesn’t matter. The usual reruns are listed as airing tomorrow, and I’ll post them like normal next week if they air.
  • The power went out at home four minutes into C3, leaving my computers off all weekend. Others are working on getting a copy of the show to me, but it may be a while before I have Cavernario/Triton.
  • the 09-14 IWRG matches are joined in progress due to feed issues
  • my rule against posting pay content applies to the CMLL Anniversary show, but it’s not terribly hard to find. (We saw it outside Arena Puebla and think it might have been 80 pesos.)

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