Sombra defeats Atlantis (again), weekend notes

CMLL (FRI) 09/11/2015 Arena México [CMLL]
1) Magnus & Robin b Artillero & Súper Comando
Magnus replaced Flyer on Monday. Tecnicos took 1/3, with Magnus dropping SUper COmando with a Spanish Fly to the floor at the end of the match.
2) Demus 3:16, Pequeño Violencia, Pierrothito b Eléctrico, Shockercito, Último Dragoncito
Rudos – with Demus also dressing in Puerto Rico colors and still feuding with Shockercito – took falls 1/3.
3) Dragón Rojo Jr., Pólvora, Virus b Ángel de Oro, Blue Panther, Rey Cometa PRIMERA LUCHA CMLL 11/09/2015 (1) (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Rudos took 1/3, Virus submitting Panther
4) Cavernario, Hechicero, Negro Casas b La Máscara, Stuka Jr., Titán SEGUNDA LUCHA CMLL 11/09/2015 (2) (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Rudos took 2/3.
5) Marco Corleone, Máximo, Rush b Super Parka, Valiente, Volador Jr. TER ERA LUCHA CMLL 11/09/2015 (3) (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Valiente replaced LA Park on Monday, with this match moved down to the semifinal. Maximo replaced Dr. Wagner the day of the show. Super Parka’s first match here in 12 years (though he was in his son’s corner for his mask match two years ago.) He looked OK considering and feuded with Rush.
6) La Sombra, Rey Escorpión, Thunder DQ Atlantis, Euforia, Último Guerrero [Relevos Increíbles] CUARTA LUCHA CMLL 11/09/2015 (4) (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
straight falls, with Sombra tossing his mask to Atlantis (or well past him, causing Atlantis to leave the ring and get it) for the DQ. Sombra escaped Atlantida and beat Atlantis clean in the first. Atlantis challenged Sombra to settle it right then, and ended up laid out and unmasked by Rush & Sombra

Recap is one post below. I liked the first four matches, and the screwy outcomes in the last two matches at least had a point.

Sombra & Atlantis, so far
08/07: Sombra pulls the mask to beat Atlantis
08/14: Sombra sneaks in a foul to beat Atlatnis
08/21: Sombra sneaks in a foul to beat Atlantis
08/28: Sombra pulls the mask to beat Atlantis
09/04: Atlantis uses the ropes to beat Sombra (in theory)
09/11: Sombra unmasks himself to beat Atlantis

Sombra’s won almost every match. Atlantis didn’t use the Atlantida in the one match he won. Most CMLL feuds have the challenger beating the champion repeatedly and then being defeated in the big match. As RobViper pointed out, the sequence in the GIF above is exactly what one would expect for Sombra beating Atlantis in the mask match, and it’s peculiar they would break it out a week ahead of time. These are some major red flags for the outcome most people thought was happening when that match was announced. If Atlantis & Sombra were the same age and there were no outside factors, everyone following this closely would be sure Atlantis is winning the match next week. Maybe we should be thinking that anyway.

(If Sombra was going to lose his mask, Atlantis is probably not the person who should be winning it if you’re building to the future. On the other hand, If Sombra was going to lose his mask and you wanted to get the biggest gate possible, Atlantis is definitely the person who should be winning it.)

Dr. Wagner or the person running his social media accounts has retweeted any Twitter messages which mentions his handle. (This is the dirt worst way to use Twitter.) He hasn’t seemed to say anything himself about his reasons for leaving CMLL, but who could even tell? Meanwhile, LA Park is responding to anyone who talks to him and is bound to say something that’s going to get him perm-banned.

CMLL’s Sabado Retro has Mistico, La Mascara, Maximo and Shocker, Felino and Dragon Rojo as the main event. Mascara challenged Dragon Rojo to a title match last week and seems likely to get it next week (though that’s not as certainty as it’s been in the past – they’ve had Amapola/Marcela and Maximo/Gran Guerrero sequences which have appeared to be setting up a title match and nothing happens.) Semimain is Guerrero Maya & Delta versus Tiger & Puma, which has been great in the past.

Arena Mexico has Atlantis, Maximo and Mistico versus Ephesto, Mephsito and Ultimo Guerrero. There’s been no tease of a special match for the holiday Sunday show at that venue, but there’s possibilities they could throw together.

AAA tapes Sunday as part of their trip to the Hard Rock hotel, with a lineup similar to Thursday’s taping in Cacnun.

Arena Queretaro is now advertising an AAA show for 10/15. Promotion picked up for that show the day after the column about the building possibly being shut down. The Lucha Sonora show from Queretaro will air on the local Televisa/Galavision tomorrow morning at 8:30 AM. (I don’t know of any working stream for that channel.)

Kofi Kingston was in Monterrey to promote the October WWE tour (Merida on the 16th, DF on the 17th, Monterrey on the 18th.) The Undertaker is making rare house show appearances and Ric Flair and Chris Jericho are on the card, though John Cena is not. Dave Meltzer’s mentioned the extra names is because WWE’s concerned they’ll get a chilly response after everything which went down with Alberto el Patron’s firing. I’m a little surprised none of them are going to be WWE Network specials – Kingston said they were strictly house shows – because a rare Undertaker wrestling appearance would seem to be the same sort of draw as the Brock Lesner ones. From a lucha perspective, it’s likely WWE will quietly be holding tryouts and contacting people they’d be interested in using, as they did the same on their most recent Japan trip.

SuperLuchas looks back at the life of La Fiera, with some great pictures.

Mistico talks about his recovery from last year’s motorcycle (he’s just now feeling close to 100%, 16 months later) and his relationship with edecan Carolina.

Atlantis is the special guest of honor at a Notimex anniversary celebration today.

Masked Republic has signed a deal with Rey Mysterio to produce Mysterio merchandise.

Pantera talks about lucha libre as Mexican heritage.

An art exhibit fusing lucha libre and pop art opens today in Morelia.

There’s a Lourdes Grobet lucha libre photo exhibit in Barcelona.

The Dallas Morning News is teasing a big feature on lucha libre in the area.


IWRG (WED) 09/16/2015 Arena Naucalpan
1) Alas de Acero & Aramis vs Magnum 44 & Vampiro Metálico
2) Dragón De Oro & Felinito vs Bracito De Plata & Bracito De Platino
3) Aeroman, Eternus, Mike, Rafy vs Atomic Star, Diablo Jr. 1, El Golpeador, Eterno
4) Imposible © vs Metaleón [IWRG IC Light]
Imposible’s 9th defense
5) Apolo Estrada Jr. & El Hijo del Diablo vs Trauma I & Trauma II and Hijo del Pantera & Pantera II [cage, hair, mask, IWRG IC TAG]
Gringos put up their hair, Traumas put up their masks, and Panteras put up the tag titles.

Traumas winning the tag team titles? Gringos can always lose their hair.

One of many shows running at 5:30 that day.

CMLL (FRI) 09/18/2015 Arena México
82nd Anniversary
1) Esfinge, Fuego, The Panther vs Disturbio, Puma, Virus
2) Guerrero Maya Jr., Máximo, Stuka Jr. vs Dragón Rojo Jr., Pólvora, Rey Escorpión
3) Dark Angel vs Princesa Sugehit
announced as mano a mano, not a lightning (10 minute time limit). Dark Angel’s farewell match.
4) Felino, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas vs Dragon Lee, Mistico, Valiente
5) Shocker, Último Guerrero, Volador Jr. vs Marco Corleone, Rush, Thunder [Relevos Increíbles]
Shocker replaced LA Park on 09/07, Marco Corleone replaced Dr. Wagner on 09/11.
6) Atlantis vs La Sombra [mask]

Nothing’s changed today, but maybe check back tomorrow.

CMLL on 2015-09-11 

best moment of La Mascara’s life

Recapped: 09/11/201

What happened? Sombra cheated to beat Atlantis, leaving him humiliated and unmasked to end the night. Thunder & Ultimo Guerrero continued their feud. Super Parka returned to the Arena Mexico ring, teaming with his son. Rush spoiled their night by sneaking in a foul on Volador. Maximo ultimately replaced Dr. Wagner Jr. (I didn’t catch a single mention of Wagner or LA Park on commentary, though Maximo mocked the Parka strut a couple of times.)

What was good? Pretty much everything. This was the strongest show in a while, with the first fall matches all good and a great match mixed in. (I seemed to disagree on which one was the great one though.) The top two matches were more angle driven matches and lacked the dynamism they had with LA Park & Dr. Wagner the previous two weeks, though some indy could get some mileage out of a singles Rush/Super Parka match. The undercard generally felt like guys who aren’t on the Anniversary show having those matches tonight instead.

Where can I watch this? The main event is now up on ClaroSports’ website. Some of the matches will air on Lucha Azteca on 09/26. I’ll probably have these matches up on one of my channels tomorrow. 

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