Lucha Mutante, CHIKARA & ROH win in ChilangaMask, Acero/Pequeno Violencia

CMLL (SAT) 07/18/2015 Arena Coliseo [CMLL]
1) Aéreo b Pequeño Universo 2000
2) Magnus b El Rebelde
3) Soberano Jr. b Inquisidor
CMLL recap says Soberano fast counted Inquisidor.
4) Nitro b Starman
Nitro won with La Roca.
5) Tritón b Okumura
450 splash.
6) Delta & Guerrero Maya Jr. b Hechicero & Luciferno
Tecnicos took 2/3.
7) Rey Bucanero, Terrible, Vangellys b Blue Panther, La Máscara, Máximo

CMLL (SUN) 07/19/2015 Arena México [CMLL]
1) Metatrón & Robin b Espanto Jr. & Espiritu Negro
2) Acero Aereo DQ Pequeño Violencia [lightning]
Pequeno Violencia fouled Acero Aereo.
3) Hombre Bala Jr., Stuka Jr., Súper Halcón Jr. b Artillero, Hijo del Signo, Súper Comando
Stuka replaced Starman.
4) Cancerbero, Raziel, Virus b Fuego, The Panther, Tritón
5) Ephesto, Luciferno, Mephisto b Atlantis, Blue Panther, Titán
Rudos took 2/3, Mephisto beating Atlantis.
6) Euforia, Gran Guerrero, Niebla Roja b Dragon Lee, La Máscara, Volador Jr.

No mention of any Volador/Mascara issues. They’re really doing Violencia vs Acero as the random summer minis feud. I dunno.

photo by Black Terry Jr.

Lucha Mutante (SAT) 07/18/2015 Deportivo 18 de Marzo, Gustavo a Madero, Distrito Federal [@TKD_117, +LuchaTV, Black Terry Jr. (flickr), Imparables del Ring, Kronosport, Masno a Mano]
1) Ekuz DCOR Payaso Loco
Lots of mask ripping and bleeding (especially for an opener.) Reports differ if Ekuz won or if it was a double countout after a Spanish Fly.
2) Pólvora b Jinzo
Jinzo replaced Hijo del Pantera. Polvora Driver for the win. Good match.
3) Titán & Tritón (CMLL) b Aeroboy & Violento Jack
very good match. Compadre Extremos wanted a rematch
4) Metaleón & Mr. Leo b Dragosth & Juana La Loca and Mike Segura & Toxin Boy and Leo & Rafy
Segura replaced Fly Star. Mike & Teelo were listed on the poster, but the Ninja Turtles appeared to be Rafy & Leo. Leo took the loss. Rain soaked the mat, but did not seem to stop the luchadors from diving.
5) Wotam b Core
Ludark appeared but could not wrestle due to a knee injury. Core replaced her, was stretchered out after a hard hitting match.
6) Último Guerrero b Black Terry
They were able to dry the ring before the main event. very good match, money thrown in.

Main event sounds like it went very well, with the tag match being the other standout. This wasn’t taped by the usual source.

Chilanga Mask (SUN) 07/19/2015 Coliseo Coacalco, Coacalco, Estado de México [+LuchaTV, TKD_117]
1) Dragonfly b Ironía and Hijo Del Angel
Dragon Fly was added to the match and won.
2) As Charro & Toxin Boy b Dragón Celestial & Electro Boy
As Charro replaced Toxin Boy, Dragon Celestial replaced Saru.
3) Dorada Jr., Reggae Boy, Sangre Jr. b Fulgor I, Fulgor II, Iron Kid
Dorado Jr. gave Fulgor I three german suplexes for the win
4) Caifan & Dr. Cerebro b Trauma I & Trauma II
very good match
5) Pantera I b Aero Boy
6) Impulso & Juana La Loca b Freelance & Suicida and Alas de Acero & Aramis [semifinal]
tournament was split into 3 team semifinals. Good match. Juana beat Freelance with a Destroyer. Best match of the tournament.
7) Ophidian & Silver Ant b Saru & Teelo and Emperador Azteca & Psico Kid [semifinal]
Saru replaced Rafy. Psico Kid replaced Dragon Celestial and betrayed Emperador Azteca.
8) Ophidan & Silver Ant b Impulso & Juana La Loca [final]
Team CHIKARA won the tournament, to boos.
9) Ray Rowe b Bárbaro Cavernario [submission]
good match. Rowe wanted a bigger opponent (somewhat literally), throwing out challenges to Rush and Masada.

Foreigners won both big matches. I’d guess that means it’s Masada who’s coming in to face Ray Rowe, becuase he’d be the stranger name to pick if there wasn’t already a plan. Sounds like Traumas vs Cerbero/Caifan was the best match, but there were many good matches.

Ultimo Guerrero says his win over Rey Escorpion is revenge for losing his mask and the start of a new story for him. He’s not going anywhere for a long time.

SuperLuchas looks back to Bronco and Mikro being unmasked (on separate shows.)

Imposible, Centvrion and Emperador Azteca will be representing Naucalpain in Guadalajara on 08/09.

A four way title match in Veracruz, with four different titles on the line, ended with everyone counted out. They did mask match challenges after. It seems so dumb to me; if they’ve shown you how willing they are to get out of one stipulation, why would you buy in on a bigger one?

The Crew are booked in New York on September 12th, so Lucha Underground isn’t back that weekend. Really, Wrestling Observer Newsletter said some guys were told they were free to take bookings in September, so this isn’t a big surprise. I believe they’ve said it takes 3 weeks to turn around an episode. Assuming that doesn’t change for season 2, the latest they could start taping and still air an October debut is October 4th. In reality, we’ll know a lot sooner than that (people will start taking bookings for October, no announcement of positive deals), but that’d be the deadline for a start even close to what was originally planned.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update

This is one annoying column.

Payaso Pretextos, who has only existed for about a month, puts his mask on the line in Arena Aficion. Can’t imagine what’ll happen.

Lucha Libre In Japan

07/19 NOAH: Super Crazy defeated Hajime Ohara [GJHL]
Crazy also gets off to a winning start. Ohara appeared to have a knee injury after the match; if he had to forfeit, that would hope Bengala & Crazy’s chances (as they’re both in the same block.) Their next match is the match against each other, on the 22nd.

NJPW also said some vague things about unifying wrestling around the world, which may include CMLL.