Lucha Underground 1×20: The Art of War

Angelico corner tope con giro

the matches

Son of Havoc b Angelico (6:39, shooting star press, good)
Alberto el Patron (c) b Texano Jr. to retain the AAA World Mega Heavyweight Championship (8:22, armscissors over the ropes, great)
Prince Puma (c) b Son of Havoc to retain the Lucha Underground Championship (12:13, 630 senton, great)

the developments

Ivelisse, in an angrier mood than usual, spent the match yelling at Havoc (and occasionally the referee.) Announcers pushed that Havoc was showing marked improvement and wondered if Ivelisse’s behavior was causing it. Son of Havoc didn’t think so, pausing to dump Ivelisse before hitting the shooting star press for the win. Ivelisse couldn’t believe it, and took out her anger with a kick to Angelico when he tried to flirt again after the match.

table explodes

The rules for the bullrope, as explained by Striker, were victory by pinfall, submission or touch all four corners. Neither man attempted to touch the corners, but they did take advantage of the lack of disqualification. Texano brought a chair and table into play, and both men used the cowbell in the center of the rope on each other. Alberto won by using his cross armbreaker while hanging backwards over the ropes, a move which would not be legal in a normal match.

In his office, Dario signed Hernandez to a deal and noted he would not be limited to a tag team in Lucha Underground. Dario also told Hernandez that Konnan convinced Dario on the merits of Hernandez. Hernandez seemed satisfied but not completely on the same page as Dario. Later, Hernandez happened on Puma and Konnan while they were warming up for the title match. Konnan greeted him warmly, bringing up their time to get as part of LAX, but Puma seemed a little wary. Hernandez watched the main event from the front row. (Striker and Vampiro were surprised to see him and not sure why he was there; it’s clear they haven’t been seeing the vignettes.) Dario presented a new Lucha Underground championship belt before the match.

crazy SSP (and great angle too)

Cage and Puma brawled and used weapons in the street fight main event. Puma impressed, but missed the 630 senton. Much like their last match, Cage powerbombed Puma into oblivion and rained punches from the mount. Konnan did not throw in the towel, but could not as Cage had knocked Konnan down prior. Cage could’ve gone for the pin, but instead beat up Puma more, and seemed to pick a fight with Hernandez. (Hernandez had not gotten involved in anyway, Cage just saw him and challenged him too.) Herandnez got on the apron, allowing Konnan to sneak in and hit Cage with the new cane as he turned around. Puma recovered, landed the 630 senton, and remained champion.

Stray Thoughts

No tribute to Perro.

I actually read the Art of War last summer. Figured I’d heard enough wrestling promos about it, might as well just read it myself. It’s not that long; it’s the background pieces and scholarly discussion about what the words actually were supposed to mean at the time that take forever to get thru. It’s all about convincing your army they have no choice but to win, and put it in the best position to win. Putting Prince Puma and Cage in a street fight didn’t figure to be the best situation for Cage to win a street fight, but maybe Konnan figured all along that he’d eventually have a shot to use that cane at a key moment. It seemed like Cage beat himself in the end; Hernandez wasn’t going to get involved until Cage prompted him.

The dynamics of the Angelico/Son of Havoc/Ivelisse triangle seemed very changed even to start. Son of Havoc was an underdog cult favorite tecnico from the start of the match, and only solidified by dumping Ivelisse and winning. Ivelisse was much more antagonistic than in past matches. Angelico was neutral, but kind had the rudo role in the match.

Puma goes a long way on the springboard 450 splash

Alberto and Texano was good and different than the other matches they’ve done in Mexico. One constant in Lucha Underground is the stipulation matches always emphasis the aspects making it different from other matches. The bull rope match had a ton of rope spots (Bruce Dickinson would be happy with the amount of cowbell) and a finish that wouldn’t happen in a normal match. Kind of the same thing in the street fight too.

Announcers pushed the finality of the matches – the two title matches were going to settle the issue. They gave the impression that Havoc and Ivelisse were done with each other too. And sure enough, next week is something slightly different…

CMLL results, Lucha Underground notes, Mexicans losing in Japan

CMLL (TUE) 03/24/2015 Arena México [CMLL]
1) El Rebelde & Espanto Jr. b Metatrón & Molotov
2) La Comandante, La Seductora, Tiffany b Goya Kong, La Vaquerita, Skadi
3) Arkángel de la Muerte, Okumura, Virus b Hombre Bala Jr., Pegasso, Súper Halcón Jr.
4) Misterioso Jr. b The Panther [lightning]  (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Blue Panther Jr. was listed as replacing his brother, but The Panther ended up in the match. Panther slipped on a springboard and was beaten by Gori Specail.
5) Blue Panther, Tritón, Valiente b Boby Zavala, Hechicero, Luciferno
Valiente replaced Super Porky on Monday.
6) Bárbaro Cavernario, Felino, Negro Casas b Dragon Lee, La Sombra, Stuka Jr.
Dragon Lee replaced Dragon Rojo (still injured). Casas cheated to win.

CMLL would have a better case about how great they are about taking care of their wrestlers if they weren’t knowingly advertising injured Dragon Rojo in matches all week. (Also, the commissions would have better cases about how serious they are about things if they weren’t letting it go.)

Arena Coliseo Guadalajara had a moment of applause for Perro Aguayo Jr.

Rey Bucanero said Perro Aguayo Jr.’s death was an accident, but better ring conditions and medical help is needed.

El Hijo del Santo, who got himself into a dumb controversy when he posted a photo of himself and Perro Sr. from the wake and then was offended people were critical of him for taking the photo for the purely altruistic reason of “I needed a photo for my column” (that’s actually his defense), has also been on news shows complaining about promoters (CMLL) forcing wrestlers to work thru injuries and not protecting luchadors himself. I can only assume this means Santo is never wrestling again, by his own reasoning.

Apolo Valdes writes a column about changes that should be made: referees should be trained in first aid, there should always be a doctor at ringside (no matter how many other people are injured) and there should be better regulation.

Lucha Underground

Tonight’s the 20th show, the midpoint of the first season. The matches scheduled

  • Alberto el Patron (c) vs Texano Jr. for the AAA Heavyweight Championship in a bull rope match
  • Angélico vs Son of Havoc
  • Cage vs Prince Puma © for the Lucha Underground Championship in a Boyle Heights Street Fight

They’ve posted a commercial for the show, as well as Dario making a new signing: Hernandez. Tonight’s the debut of the new Lucha Underground Championship; it’s a decided improvement.

Other News

IWRG has no Wednesday show this week, and this IWRG article says they only Sunday ones these two weeks.

Black Terry Jr. has highlights of Hechicero & Belial vs Okumura & Centviron vs Skyade & Fly Star vs Valiente & Fly Warrior, which he said was one of the best matches he’s seen this year.

RobViper has a music video of 11/28 & 12/05 CMLL.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update.

+LuchaTV has a lot of ChilangaMask highlights: the Aerial AssaultImpulso vs Jason Gory and Violento Jack vs Herodes Jr., plus interviews from Draego, Jason Gory, Impluso and Herodes and this week’s Leyendas Inmortales and this week’s +LuchaTV TV show.

Segunda Caida stumbles upon Sangre Chicana vs Satanico.

Rudy Valentino was remembered in San Luis Potosi.

The Xalapa show included a mixed trios match where a woman (Karina Duval) teamed with her son (Vengadorcito Radiactivo). Can’t think of that happening much if it at all.

SuperLuchas looks back at past March 24th shows.

Kamaitachi still wants to be the best Japanese luchador ever in Mexico.

Terra has an bio of Marcela.

Lucha Libre in Japan

03/24 Dragon Gate: Akira Towaza b Flamita [BRAVE GATE]
Flamita loses in challenging for the title he never lost.

03/25 REINA:
Narumiya b Amapola (c) [CMLL REINA INTL] – title change
Syuri (c) b Silueta [CMLL WOMEN]

With Zeuxis out hurt, that title change means CMLL’s roster has zero active champions. (Correction: Silueta is still REINA Junior Champion.) Syuri’s coming to Mexico soon to fix that. Amapola and Silueta are still in Japan thru the 04/05 REINA show (and Silueta is working an 04/04 Ice Ribbon show.)


CMLL (TUE) 03/31/2015 Arena México
1) Aéreo & Angelito vs Pequeño Nitro & Pequeño Universo 2000
2) Goya Kong, Marcela, Syuri vs La Comandante, La Seductora, Tiffany
3) Pegasso, Soberano Jr., Starman vs Boby Zavala, Okumura, Sangre Azteca
4) Titán vs Misterioso Jr. [lightning]
5) Delta, Dragon Lee, Tritón vs Kamaitachi, Puma, Tiger
6) Ángel de Oro, Atlantis, Dragón Rojo Jr. vs Hechicero, Negro Casas, Vangellys

Dragon Rojo is going to be healthy one of these days.

Semimain could be very good.

CMLL (TUE) 03/31/2015 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Bengala & Robin vs Furia Roja & Mr. Trueno
2) Esfinge, Gallo, Omar Brunetti vs Cancerbero, Raziel, Virus
3) The Panther vs Sagrado [lightning]
4) Blue Panther, Marco Corleone, Máximo vs Rey Bucanero, Shocker, Terrible
5) Mistico, Valiente, Volador Jr. vs Ephesto, Luciferno, Mephisto

Sky Team versus Hijos del Infierno.

Lightning match might mean four matches make TV.