great match roundup, week of 2013-09-28

Great/Excellent Matches

Shows Watched But Nothing Made The List
CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX: 2013-09-28
CMLL on CadenaTres: 2013-09-28
CMLL on Fox Sports (Mexico): 2013-09-28
AAA on Televisa (Regional): 2013-09-29

Matches To Watch Later (Or Maybe You Can Tell Me If I Should Skip)

IWRG Zona XXI: 2013-09-30
taped 2013-09-29 @ Arena Naucalpan
Alan Extreme, Black Terry, Dragón Celestial vs Ciclon Black, Guerrero Mixtico, Tony Rivera [captains hair]

CMLL Puebla: 2013-10-02
taped 2013-09-16 @ Arena Puebla
Mistico vs Volador Jr. – any good?

DTU TV: 2013-10-03
taped 2013-08-18 @ Arena Solidaridad
Drastik Boy vs Tomahawk T.T. for the DTU Alto Impacto

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One thought to “great match roundup, week of 2013-09-28”

  1. You can skip all three. DTU match was too short. Puebla match was the usual & also way short. IWRG match was good but won’t crack any lists.

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