Nuevo Mistico, Terrible wins CMLL Universal Block A, Volador/Niebla, Lucha Libre Expo day 1

photo by CMLL


CMLL (THU) 08/16/2012 Arena Afición [Hidalgo Sport]
5) La Máscara, Mistico, Titán b Ephesto, Mephisto, Misterioso Jr.
Tecnicos took 2/3. Mistico did take the pinfall loss in the first. Fans were chanting Sin Cara in teh third. Mistico submitted Mephisto for the win.

Arena Aficion looks about 60% full. Ciudad y Poder now has photos up from Mistico’s appearance in Arena Queretaro, just maybe a little more full than Aficion.

CMLL (FRI) 08/17/2012 Arena Mexico [CMLLKaiser Sports (others)Kaiser Sports (tournament)]
1) Demus 3:16 & Pequeño Olímpico b Aereo & Astral
Rudos take 1/3.
2) Fuego, Rey Cometa, Stuka Jr. b Namajague, Puma King, Shigeo Okumura
Straight falls. Rudos were DQed in the first. Rey Cometa beat Puma King with a casita center in the ring. Cometa pointed out Puma always cheats to beat him, but Cometa won clean (with the Casas family hold!) and demanded a mask match. Puma accepted – but not in front of the people. (That’s a no.)
3) Diamante Azul, Mistico, Valiente b Dragón Rojo Jr., Ephesto, Mephisto
Tecnicos took 2/3. Mistico continues to be undefeated. He was not involved in the sole tecnico fall loss, and submitting Mephisto with an armscissors.
4) Máscara Dorada vs Black Warrior [CMLL Universal, eightfinal]
5) Terrible b Mr. Águila [CMLL Universal, eightfinal]
6) Rush b Rey Bucanero [CMLL Universal, eightfinal]
7) Atlantis b Negro Casas [CMLL Universal, eightfinal]
8) Máscara Dorada b Terrible [CMLL Universal, quarterfinal]
9) Rush b Atlantis [CMLL Universal, quarterfinal]
10) Terrible b Rush [CMLL Universal, semifinal]
Terrible won clean. As he did before Rush left for Japan, Terrible challenged Rush to a hair match and Rush accepted. Bucanero ran out and tried to hit Rush with a chair. Rush avoided him, but it allowed Terrible to crack Bucanero with another chair. Again, just like before he left, Rush was strechered out.
11) Mr. Niebla DQ Volador Jr.
Mije and Zacarias were in the corners. Volador pulled off Mr. Niebla’s mask for the DQ, but Niebla had his face wrapped in bandage and fouled Volador instead of covering it up. Volador challenged Niebla to a mask match, Niebla said Volador is no match for him.

Olympic medalists Alejandra Orozco, Germán Sánchez and Iván García were honored during the show, and carried around by the rudos from the Mistico match. The Olympians were guests of Averno, who has quite a shirt in that picture.

No tournament match went more than 6 minutes, and more were closer to 3 minutes.

Lucha Libre Expo, Day 1

AULL (FRI) 08/17/2012 Centro Banamex [Estrellas del RingR de Rudo]
2) Ángel de la Noche, Angel Del Amor, Mr. Flama b Misterio, Sádico, Violento
3) Epitafio, Leviatham, Samael, Tormento b Cerebro Maligno, Herejía, Judas el Traidor, Rey Krimen
straight falls, Epitafio’s team cheating to win.
4) Negro Navarro, Robin Maravilla, Rocky Santana b Chucho el Roto, Iron Love, Yakuza [AULL TRIOS]
Navarro’s team took 2/3 to keep the titles.

No one seems to seen the opener, a cibernetico for the vacant AULL Lightweight ittle.

IWRG (FRI) 08/17/2012 Centro Banamex [Estrellas del RingR de RudoThe Gladiatores]
0) Team Pantera b Team FIL [Copa Higher Power]
No names are mentioned on either side. Pantera’s kids won in a controversial (but unspecified) finish.
1) Eita & El Hijo del Diablo b Chicano & Golden Magic
No Impossible, Dowki or Suicida. Diablo filled in on the rudo side. Rudos won in straight falls when the tecnicos didn’t get a long.
2) Hijo de LA Park, Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr., Niko b Barba Roja, Hijo de Máscara Año 2000, Hijo de Pirata Morgan
LA Park looked hurt on an early dive, trying to leap over the barrier and instead hitting it with his legs. He turned out to be OK.
3) Bestia 666, Súper Nova, X-Fly b Dr. Cerebro, Fuerza Guerrera, Heddi Karaoui
FdT took 1/3. X-Fly and Fuerza Guerrera made hair vs mask challenges.
4) Cien Caras Jr., Damián 666, Pirata Morgan DQ Pantera, Rayo de Jalisco Jr., Veneno
Pantera replaced Mascara Sagrada. Rudos took 1/3. Cien fouled Rayo, Rayo fouled Cien, only Rayo was caught. Rayo challenged for a title match.

R de Rudo says the X-Fly/Fuerza also made career vs career challenges.

Tinieblas and Alushe opened the expo.

Cerebro Negro won the King of Shoop Rey del Raquetazo contest.

brackets went
Cerbero Negro over Principe Halcon
Fantasma de la Opera over Arana de Plata Jr.
Comando Negro over Super Mega
Eita over Gemelo Fantastico I

Cerebro Negro over Fantasma de la opera
Comando Negro over Eita

Cerebro Negro over Comando Negro

DTU (FRI) 08/17/2012 Centro Banamex [R de Rudo]
1) Cruz Del Silenico b Poison

Both are DTU students. Cruz del Silencio is a deaf wrestler.

ElektroLucha had a dance party to promote tomorrow’s show.

The expo says they expect to draw 32,000 fans over the three days, up from 30,000 last year.

Apollo Valdes writes about the fans being the loser of whatever happened between the Expo and CMLL.

Juvi engaged in rap battles.

Perro Jr. said he’d happy about his father being in the AAA Hall of Fame, but very angry with Cibernetico and Garza.

Ludark was promoting an XMW show on 09/22.

Black Terry Jr. has a lot of photos from the first day. So does WagnerMania. So does Kaiser Sports. And so does R de Rudo, though there’s more a theme there.


Lucha Libre in Japan
08/18 NOAH: Ricky Marvin & Super Crazy [O] b Lars Von Erich [X] & Marshall Von Erich


CMLL (FRI) 08/24/2012 Arena Mexico
1) Camaleón & Starman vs Artillero & Súper Comando
2) Dark Angel, Estrellita, Luna Mágica vs La Seductora, Lady Apache, Zeuxis
3) Máscara Dorada vs Mephisto
4) Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Marco CorleoneVolador Jr.La MáscaraDiamante AzulMáximoPólvoraDragón Rojo Jr. [CMLL Universal, semifinal]
5) La Sombra, Rush, Shocker vs Rey Bucanero, Terrible, Último Guerrero

Tanahashi is in the tournament after all! CMLL never explained this, and if they’re setting up a title defense later this month, he shouldn’t be losing in five minutes in his first night. Tanahashi in means Virus is out, which is dumb because a) Virus is great, b) Polvora is not great, and c) Virus is a world champion and Polvora is a national champion so he probably should have the spot. Same thing kind of applies for La Mascara, except Mascara kind of looks to be the guy going to the final unless it is Tanahashi.

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One thought to “Nuevo Mistico, Terrible wins CMLL Universal Block A, Volador/Niebla, Lucha Libre Expo day 1”

  1. All signs are pointing to another cage match at the Anniversary. Last year’s match was set up much the same way as this year with two main feuds Panther/Negro & Bucanero/Felino but then a few weeks before the show they suddenly started feuding random guys to add them in the match. This year looks to be Shocker/Rey Bucanero (starring in El Luchador not-so-coincidentally) and Mascara Dorada/Mephisto may get their ticket in much like Maximo/Aguila did last year – a random lightning match that leads to a sudden challenge.

    The only real question now is if they offer any sort of undercard like Sombra/Devitt or if they go last year’s route where Hijo Del Signo & Fuego were in the Anniversary semi-main due to a show the same day in Guadalajara.

    With Terrible winning Block A you gotta think a heavyweight is going to the finals to oppose him so I’m guessing Tanihashi, Corleone or Diamante Azul. Leaning towards Corleone.

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