Pinta Para Corona returns, Piratas vs Tijuana, Chicano vs Golden Magic, Pequeno Estrellas party, previews

IWRG (THU) 08/09/2012 Arena Naucalpan [The Gladiatores]
1) Centvrión b Tonatiuh
Centvrion replaced Galaxy, worked twice, and got the win here.
2) Charly Madrid & Dinamic Black b Eita & The Mummy
Tecnicos take 2/3.
3) Carta Brava Jr., Imposible, Matrix Jr. b Centvrión, Chicano, Golden Magic
Alan Extreme, suffering the curse of Los Nuevo Temerarios, was replaced by Matrix Jr. Carta Brava and Chicano are still feuding. Rudos took 1/3, winning when Chicano twice accidentally hit Golden Magic. Magic was furious with Chicano after. Both suggested switching to the rudo side before Magic demanded a title match.
4) Eterno, Heddi Karaoui, Oficial 911 b Danny Casas, La Cobra, Veneno
Straight falls, with Danny Casas appearing to turn rudo after Veneno hit him twice.
5) Barba Roja, Fuerza Guerrera, Hijo de Pirata Morgan, Pirata Morgan DQ Bestia 666, Damián 666, Súper Nova, X-Fly
Pirates took 2/3 in a brawl. Morgan Sr. fouled Damian, faked a foul from Damian, and drew the DQ. There were challenges to a cage match later.

For the first time in five long days, AAA & CMLL will be running significant shows on the same days. They’re the first notable shows for each company after what will probably turned out to the best attended shows of the year. They’re not quite as interesting (so no chat!)

AAA is quickly back to taping after TripleMania. The show was originally listed as in Ciudad Madero, but LuchaWorld points out the taping was moved to Tampico. If the card hasn’t changed, it’s one more Mascara Ano 2000 Jr. vs Dr. Wagner Jr. match, which should be the end of Mascara Ano 2000 Jr. in the main event. Mesias & Cibernetico are supposed to face Hector Garza & Perro Aguayo Jr., but that match seems unlikely to happen as advertised.

CMLL’s hyping it’s show around the continued Volador vs Mr. Niebla feud in the main event. Niebla teams with Peste Negra, Felino & Negro Casas, while Volador teams with the Invasors, Mr. Aguila & Psicosis. In the undercard, Mistico gets his first shot at Ultimo Guerrero, though the storyline development there might be the current status of the Guerreros after Dragon Rojo and UG had problems last week. The Dark Angel/Lady Apache and Puma King/Rey Cometa feuds continue in the opening matches.

Llaves & Candados has a flyer for a second edition of Quien Pinta Para La Corona, the wrestling/boxing talent search that gave AAA Daga, Dinastia and (purely in theory) La Magnficia last year.  The flyer lists the kickoff press conference for August 16th, next Thursday, in Monterrey. The actual Monterrey tryout appears to be 08/25 & 08/26. AAA & Corona don’t appear to have said anything about a second round of this contest, but maybe they’re just holding a week. This may explain why AAA is so far ahead on TV tapings; sometimes they did tape along with where ever the tryout was that week, and some weeks they did not.

Edit: tracked down the full schedule. Who needs a press conference!

08/25 & 08/26 – Monterrey (Nave Lewis del Parque Fundidora)
09/22 & 09/23 – Ciudad de Campeche (Domo del Mar)
10/13 & 10/14 – Puebla (Centro de Expositores)
11/10 & 11/11 – Guadalajara (Expo Guadalajara)
12/08 – final in Mexico City (Centro Banamex)
That’s the boxing schedule. The lucha schedule may vary slightly, but AAA is probably not taping those weekends.

If the final is December 8th, Guerra de Titanes is likely the weekend of 12/15.

CMLL’s Pequeno Estrellas had their annual party yesterday. As always, this included challenges to matches, glimpses of new mini luchadors who may be debuting soon, and notable missing luchadors. (Bam Bam is long gone.) Pequeno Valiente, mentioned previously as in Hijo del Gladiatores’ class and Stukita, who’s been wrestling around La Laguna for a few years, were introduces as new members of the group. Demus’ brother Akuma 3:16 was also present. The minis talked abut how the luchadors have had a chance to main event some recent shows, and how they’d like the same chance to main event – and maybe do it for many weeks. Demus and Pequeno Violencia suggested a hair match against each other, and Demus, Pierrothito and Olimpico would still like to unify the their titles. No mention of the Pequeno Olimpico vs Pierrothito vs Ultimo Dragoncito mask match, which had been pushed heavily in Luchas 2000 the first half of the year. Pierrothito mentioned he’d be soon going Lebanon for 20 days on a wrestling tour. No opponents was mentioned, which probably means it’s Mascarita Dorada.

The Psycho Circus are organizing a tournament to find promising young wrestlers, who they will they then beat in a match. (That’s really the prize, except the winner is supposedly in doubt.) Tournament runs from 08/11 to 08/31, and all we know about it is the first show in Tenayuca. Luchadors must be licensed to participate.

Rosalio Vera, CMLL photograpther, has uploaded nice HD highlights of this past Friday’s CMLL show. They’re exactly in the style which ends each week of Fox Sports – which would now mean

FOX: Felino vs Stuka, Diamante, Fuego, Triton vs Misterioso Jr., Namajague, Shigeo Okumura and Máscara Dorada, Máximo, Shocker vs Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas, Volador Jr.
GALA: Ángel de Oro, Mistico, Valiente vs Ephesto, Euforia, Mephisto and Atlantis & Diamante Azul vs Dragón Rojo Jr. & Último Guerrero [CMLL TAG]

Rob has thoughts on this week’s C3 and highlights of 07/13/12 AAA in Toluca.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update.

Lucha Libre in Japan

08/10 NJPW: G1: Togi Makabe [6] b Rush [6]
Almost everyone in Rush’s block is tied at 6 points, and Rush has the tiebreaker over the one man who has 8 (Archer). However, almost everyone in Rush’s block has 2 matches left, and Rush finishes up on the next show. The only way he can make the final is with a huge pile up of a tie.

MaskMania has his usual piece about getting autographs from everyone after the show, and got to talk to Rush a bit. It turns out Rush is a nice guy! It also turned out that Rush wanted to be a masked wrestler, but CMLL said no. Rush does not sound that interested about turning rudo, feeling it’s only the Arena Mexico fans who boo him and Coliseo & Puebla fans cheer him. (And I think the Arena Mexico fans were actually not booing him as strong last time out.) He didn’t get to talk a lot with Volador, who was limping after his match and might have been hurt going into it.



FUSION ICHIBAN (FRI) 08/17/2012 Centro Banamex
1) Belial (Nwa) vs Belial (Neza)
2) Barbaro I, Barbaro II, Demasiado vs Argus, Stukita, Torando
3) Angel Del Misterio, Dave The Clown, Mambra vs Ares, Hantar, Íkaro

Alternate ring show. Ichiban has been promising a debut show for a while.  First sign of the NWA Mexico promotion in months – I believe Ares & Ikaro were with them