CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX: 2012-07-21

recap. A lot of gifs on this one.

when you go for a dive and the guy you’re diving on shoves you from behind, you’ve done badly.

taped 2012-07-15 @ Arena Mexico


double KO

Aereo vs Pequeño Nitro, mask vs mask: exactly what you’d expect out of two inexperienced guy having their first serious singles matches who the crowd doesn’t know or care about that much. Neither man are good enough to get the crowd to care about a match they don’t otherwise see as important.


Volador is mean to Zacarias

Rey Bucanero, Terrible, Tiger vs Blue Panther, Guerrero Maya Jr., Valiente: not as interesting as it sounds. Some match construction weirdness, a lot of taking it easy this week. Not really needed to see unless you’re particularly fans of these guys and even then there are more interesting matches with these guys. Terrible’s finisher needs a name if it’s replacing the Old Terrible clash.


Darth Maul press slamming Yoda

Mr. Niebla vs Volador Jr.: You can’t do this sort of match every week, but you sure should every so often. This was as close to an early 2000s AAA match as you’re going to get in CMLL, starting Volador as a high flying Monsther and Niebla as a very weird Alebrije. Crowd was into it, guys were into it (and occasionally killing each other.) Worth going out of you way to see.

Zacarias is mean to Volador

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One thought to “CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX: 2012-07-21”

  1. Agree with you on the main event, disagree on the opener.

    The main was everything the match needed to be starting right away with Volador attacking Zacarias from behind. It was obviously heavily edited but that actually made it better for television without the laying around for 30 seconds selling in between big moves at the end. I wish they’d do that more for matches – hint hint especially Ultimo Guerrero repeats!

    Mask match far exceeded my expectations. They (or someone backstage) put a lot of thought into what they were going to do and had a bunch of unexpected stuff including that double KO. There was nothing offensive which is actually what I expected the match to be considering Aereo’s performances heading into it.

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