Valiente wins, Gallo vs Malefico, Mistico, Perro, DTU

(photo by CMLL)

CMLL (TUE) 08/07/2012 Arena Mexico [CMLL, Kaiser Sports]
1) Apocalipsis & Inquisidor b Freesbe & Robin
2) Fantasy, Niño de Acero, Shockercito DQ Mercurio, Pequeño Universo 2000, Pequeño Violencia
Shockercito’s first match in months. Tecnicos took 1/3, Violencia pulling Fantasy’s mask in the third. Mercurio was strechered out.
3) Hijo del Signo b Molotov [lightning]
Signo won in six minutes. His father was in the crowd.
4) Cancerbero, Raziel, Virus b Arkángel de la Muerte, Nitro, Skándalo
Cancerberos won in a battle of the midcard rudo units, taking falls 1/3 with Cancerbero pinning Nitro in the third.
5) Delta, Diamante, Guerrero Maya Jr. COR Namajague, Shigeo Okumura, Vangelis
Tecnicos took 2/3, winning via dives.
6) Diamante Azul, Titán, Valiente b Averno, Ephesto, Mephisto
Tecnicos took 2/3, Valiente pinning Mephisto for the win.

Crowd was not good. It may be a two week concidence, but they’re giving guys main events on Tuesday shows who they wouldn’t on the other day of the week.

CMLL (SUN) 08/05/2012 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [Fuego en el Ring]
1) El Tapatío & Indigo b Demonio Rojo & El Piraña
Indigo replaced Brillante.
2) Rey Trueno & Sádico b Halcon de Plata & Virgo
Match was said not to be good.
3) Esfinge & Metatrón DQ Acertijo & In Memoriam
In Memoriam pulled of Esfinge’s mask for the DQ.
4) Smaker DQ Mr. Trueno
Trueno domainated, Smaker made a comeback, and In Memoriam, Acertijo, and Rey Trueno ran in for the DQ. Metatron & Esfinge made the save.
5) Espectrum & Malefico b Gallo & León Blanco
Rudos won the first, then beat Gallo in the second, but Malefico lost his head and hit the referee for the DQ. In the third, Leo pinned Espectrum, Malefico cheated Leo to beat him, Gallo ‘rana-ed Malefico but Malefico reversed and pulled the mask for the win. Gallo demanded a mask vs hair match. Maleficto refused, but Apolo Dantes told the ring announcer it was on.
6) Atlantis, Mistico, Titán b Dragón Rojo Jr., Ephesto, Mephisto
Tecnicos took 2/3. Mistico was not pinned, and beat Mephisto with a Shooting Star Press for the win. He took the microphone to thanked the fans.

Not sign of any boost in crowd for Mistico’s debut, which has been the case in all three non-Arena Mexico venues so far. Amo La Lucha Libre interviewed Mistico after the show, and he said he most wants to beat Ultimo Guerrero. Ultimo Guerrero vs Mistico is the match I’m least interested in seeing in the world.

Perros del Mal sent out a press release, blowing the lid of a huge conspiracy: AAA did not want Perro Aguayo Jr. to be champion, so they convinced Hector Garza to betray him! Sure, it looked like Garza was trying to hit Mesias, but the Perros know the truth and they’re not happy about it. Perro Jr. is on bed rest but the rest of the Perros are promising revenge. Masked Republic has footage of Perro Jr. looking like a half concious bloody mess and the backstage arguements between the Perros and Garza.

Rob has highlights of 09/17/93 AAA.

Bill has highlights of 07/23/11 IWRG.

Daga, Drago, and Aerostar will represent AAA in a panamerican lucha libre tournament in Colombia this September.

TripleMania highlights videos.

New wrestlers in Cuernavaca.

Lucha Libre In Japan

08/08 NJPW: Hiroyoshi Tenzan [6] b Rush [6] – Rush is 3-3, in a five way tie for first. Everyone has 2 or 3 wins, so everyone still has a chance. (Rush still isn’t going to win.) Naito wrestled while limping and won, so I’m thinking he wasn’t actually as hurt as it seemed.

Dark Angel (via SuperLuchas) announced she’ll be leaving Mexico in a couple weeks for a two month stint with STARDOM, the group she worked for earlier this year. Two months is very sad for us, but hope she has fun.


CMLL (TUE) 08/14/2012 Arena Mexico
1) Freesbe & Oro II vs Apocalipsis & Camorra
2) Fantasy, Niño de Acero, Shockercito vs Mercurio, Pequeño Universo 2000, Pequeño Violencia
3) Robin vs Artillero [lightning]
4) Hombre Bala Jr., Pegasso, Super Halcon Jr. vs Hijo del Signo, Raziel, Virus
5) Ángel de Oro, Delta, Guerrero Maya Jr. vs Sangre Azteca, Tiger, Vangelis
6) Diamante, La Sombra, Titán vs Niebla Roja, Pólvora, Último Guerrero

Polvora in the main event! You thought all the Busca guys were battling for the main event, when it turns out the rudos eliminated in the first round would get there in a few months. If CMLL is paying by seniority, this is one of the cheapest shows they’ve ever run.

The last Oro II in CMLL lost his mask in Guadalajara last March, and announced he was handing off the Oro II name to the nephew of the original Oro. He seemed to young then to be in CMLL now, so I’m not exactly sure who this. The bad thing about CMLL banning so much of the press, no longer having Ras de Lona, and not really replacing it is only the readers of Luchas 2000 get answers to these questions. (Also, but with Herodes Jr. and others who’ve turned up later – does CMLL really need more young guys? Even for the opening matches?)

I don’t want to alarm anyone, but it’s about six weeks since CMLL’s last tournament finished.

CMLL (TUE) 08/14/2012 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) El Divino & Virgo vs El Hippie & Èvola
2) Leo & Sky Kid vs Disturbio & Inquisidor
3) Triton vs Starman, Smaker, Black Metal, Skándalo, Arkángel de la Muerte, Magnum, Demonio Maya [cibernetico, OCCIDENTE MIDDLE, #1 Contenders]
winner faces future winner
4) Hijo del Fantasma & Sagrado vs Psicosis & Rey Escórpion
5) Máximo vs Mr. Niebla

ALARM! Stick with me here, because this is confusing: this is for Palacio Negro’s title, which means he’s being stripped of the title even though they’ve long given up on pretending Palacio Negro & Titan are different people. Triton is in this tournament, but is also stripped of the Occidente Welterweight title for the same reasons.

AULL (FRI) 08/17/2012 Centro Banamex
1) Tortuguillo Ninja vs Spider Boy, Rey Krystal, Guru, Mascara Universal, Celeste, Latigo, Rey Inmortal [AULL Light]
vacant title, last held by Flamita
2) Ángel de la Noche, Angel Del Amor, Mr. Flama vs Misterio, Sádico, Violento
3) Cerebro Maligno, Herejía, Judas el Traidor, Rey Krimen vs Epitafio, Leviatham, Samael, Tormento
4) Negro Navarro, Robin Maravilla, Rocky Santana vs Chucho el Roto, Iron Love, Yakuza [AULL TRIOS]
Navarro’s team are the champs.

This leaves the Perros del Mal show as the only major show at the Expo without an announced lineup, though they have said LA Park, Halloween, Psicosis, Hector, Teddy and the Traumas will be on the show.

DTU (TUE) 08/21/2012 Arena Aficion
1) Lucky Boy & Nino De Ebano vs Kaleth & Lanceloth and Nino Hamburguesa & Rocky Lobo and Hacker & Slayer Pack [AAACADEMIA TAG, torneo]
2) Keira vs La Vaquerita, Lily Fighter, Palomo Rouse
3) Araña de Plata Jr., Fantasma de la Ópera, Pequeno Cobra, Terremoto Negro vs Hormiga, Juventud 2000, Principe Halcon, Rey Capricornio
4) Paranoiko vs Tony Rodriguez, Rebelde Punk, Cerebro Negro [DTU, #1 Contenders]
5) Ciclope vs Drastik Boy, Aero Boy
6) Ricochet vs Eita, Flamita, Black Fire, Súper Nova, Eterno
7) Black Terry, Villano III, Villano IV vs Bestia 666, Damián 666, X-Fly and Joe Lider, Pesadilla, Violento Jack

There’s also a newly announced DTU card for Queretaro, but this is the wackier one. Main event is three falls (???), with each teams rules getting a fall.