08/10 AAA TV Lineup (Madero)

AAA (FRI) 08/10/2012 Centro de Convenciones, Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas
1) Fabi Apache, Lolita, Octagoncito vs Mari Apache, Mini Charly Manson, Sexy Star
2) Aerostar, Atomic Boy, Fenix vs Daga, Dark Dragon, Gran Apache
3) Drago, El Elegido, La Parka Jr. vs ?, ??, ??
4) Joe Lider, LA Park, Psycho Clown vs Octagón, Psicosis, Texano Jr.
5) Cibernético & El Mesías vs el Hijo del Perro Aguayo & Héctor Garza
6) Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Máscara Año 2000 Jr.

Lineup via KrisZ

upcoming AAA TV schedule

08/12 Queretaro (week 2)
08/19 TripleMania (week 1)
08/26 TripleMania (week 2)
09/02 Madero (week 1)
09/09 Madero (week 2)
09/16 Lucha Libre Expo (1 week only)

Madero and the Expo will be airing 3 and 4 weeks after they tape. It’s unlike AAA to have that big of a gap. They’ve used that sort of extra time to take some weeks off or to tour internationally in the past. No sign of either of those two happening yet.

The other issue is Heroes Inmortales. I’m not sure we should assume that they’ll be having another major show before Guerra de Titanes. If they are, it must fit in late September or early Octoner, which means they have most of the TV before that show scheduled already.

On to more short term issues. Mascara Ano 2000 Jr. and Dr. Wagner meet once again. The last time we got a TripleMania repeat so soon after the show, it was La Parka getting his win back over LA Park. There’s not the same need here, and it seems more sensible just to have Wagner beat Mascara back to the midcard, but maybe there are bigger plans.

Semimain is feuding partners theater.

Cuatro has teams of people who don’t really team up facing their usual rivals, which might be a way to switch up some of the feuds. Or it might just be Octagon getting stomped by his partners again.

Kris figures the mystery team is the Devil Rockers and that seems like a good guess.

Second match looks awesome.

Tiffany loses her hair, Hijo de Pirata Morgan finds treasure

(photo by CMLL)

CMLL (SUN) 08/05/2012 Arena Mexico [Kaiser Sports (1-5), Kaiser Sports (hair)]
1) Astral, Eléctrico, Último Dragoncito b Pequeño Nitro, Pequeño Olímpico, Pequeño Warrior
Tecnicos took 2/3 in a lackluster match.
2) Hijo del Fantasma, Pegasso, Rey Cometa b Niebla Roja, Puma King, Virus
tecnicos took 2/3 in a match too exciting for internet streams.
3) Kráneo, Morphosis, Psicosis b Blue Panther, Diamante, Guerrero Maya Jr.
Rudos took 1/3. Panther submitted Morphosis, rudos teamed up to beat Maya, and tripped Diamante off the top rope to pin him.
4) Mr. Niebla DQ Shocker [lightning]
Niebla tossed his mask to Shocker for the DQ in 7:15 in a match heavy on Niebla & Zacarias comedy. Shocker challenged Niebla – then proposed to his girlfriend Leslie! She accepted. Obvious scene for El Luchador.
5) La Sombra, Máximo, Super Porky DQ Averno, Black Warrior, Terrible
Tecnicos took 2/3. Averno fouled Sombra and ripped off his mask for good measure. Sombra challenged Averno to a singles match next wee. Averno said yes, and he’d win in two falls. Sombra says that if he wins, he wants a mask vs Averno’s ugly hair match.
6) Marcela b Tiffany [hair]
Seconds were Kraneo and Astral. Tiffany’s mom, the original la Diabolica, was in the crowd. Tiffany attacked Marcela with a plastic pipe before the match. Marcela fought back in a longer than average first fall, but Tiffany won with a Buca Storm. Second fall was also long, with Kraneo interfering. Tiffany escaped a Michinoku Driver into a cradle, but Marcela reversed it and grab the ropes for the pin. Tiffany and Kraneo protested, and got Tigre Hispano kicked out as referee. Maya replaced him. Tiffany and Marclea kicked out of each other’s finishes in a long third fall, and Marcela won with a super Michinoku Driver. Tiffany’s mom came in the ring to give her daughter a hug and cut off part of the hair. Tiffany shaved some of her own hair.

In the Kaiser Sports link, Tiffany explains she was not going to shave her hair until her mom came to the ring, and Tiffany thought about all the times her mother handled her wins and losses well, and how her father lost her mask in the arena and relented. Tiffany is not going away and vowed to win the title. Kraneo was mentioned as Tiffany’s husband; that’s something known but not acknowledged often.

The Terra feed was awful the first half of the show. They shut the feed down for a time during the second and third match. It was steadier late in show, but still required reloading to work every so often. The quality of the stream has gone down each week.

IWRG (SUN) 08/05/2012 Arena Naucalpan [The Gladiatores]
1) Electro Boy & Matrix Jr. b Dragón Celestial & Fly Star
Fly Star’s first match here in a couple years. Electro Boy is a DTU trainee making his debut on the regular IWRG shows.
2) Infierno Kid & The Mummy b Galaxy & Serpiente de Oro
Rudos took 1/3. The Mummy’s strength was key to victory.
3) Carta Brava Jr. & Violencia Jr. b Freelance & Golden Magic
Rudos took 2/3.
4) Hijo de Pirata Morgan b Hijo de LA Park, Heddi Karaoui, Damián 666, X-Fly, Bestia 666, Niko, Súper Nova, Pantera, Veneno, La Cobra, Dinamic Black, Fuerza Guerrera, Chicano, Eterno, Alemán, Eita, Oficial Fierro, Oficial AK47, Oficial 911, Oficial Rayan, Oficial Spartan, Danny Casas, Centvrión, Relampago, Bombero Infernal, Alan Extreme, Black Terry, Multifacético, Suicida [Gran Cruzada]
30 man battle royal, eliminations by over the top, everyone starts in the ring. Listed in reverse order of elimination. Dinamic Black & Bestia 666 replaced Hijo de Dr. Wagner Jr. (TripleMania) & Imposible (?). Relampago hurt a leg on a elimination. Chicano eliminated himself by diving on Eterno. Final three were Karoui, Park and Morgan. The juniors worked together to eliminate the man from France, then they both went over at the same time but Pirata was able to hang on and stay in the ring. Hijo del Pirata Morgan earns a shot at the Rey del Ring title, held by Oficial Factor.

There’s a good handheld of the Mascara Ano 2000 Jr. vs Dr. Wagner mask match on YouTube already.

Billy did not win in Arena Xalapa, but did beat up everyone else.

SuperLuchas #474 has TripleMania on the cover.

Luchas 2000 #632 has new Mistico on the cover.

Rob has highlights of AAA 06/30/12 and late April 1993 AAA.

Lucha Libre in Japan

08/06 WNC: Hajime Ohara b Hijo de Pantera. I’m noticing a pattern.

Bill has highlights of REINA 01/29/12 (for some reason)


IWRG (THU) 08/09/2012 Arena Naucalpan
1) Galaxy vs Tonatiuh
2) Charly Madrid & Dinamic Black vs Eita & The Mummy
3) Centvrión, Chicano, Golden Magic vs Alan Extreme, Carta Brava Jr., Imposible
4) Danny Casas, La Cobra, Veneno vs Eterno, Heddi Karaoui, Oficial 911
5) Bestia 666, Damián 666, Súper Nova, X-Fly vs Barba Roja, Fuerza Guerrera, Hijo de Pirata Morgan, Pirata Morgan

First appearances in a while for Barba Roja & Tonatiuh. Karaoui and Veneno are feuding.

IWRG (SUN) 08/12/2012 Arena Naucalpan
1) Eterno vs Golden Magic [WWS WELTER]
Eterno is the champ.
2) Hijo de Máscara Año 2000 vs Hijo de LA Park [IWRG JUNIORS]
Hijo de Mascara Ano 2000 is the Champ
3) Oficial 911, Oficial AK47, Oficial Fierro vs Bestia 666, Damián 666, Súper Nova [EdM Trios]
Oficials are the champs
4) Cien Caras Jr. vs X-Fly [IWRG IC HEAVY]
Cien is the champ
5) Factor vs Hijo de Pirata Morgan [Rey del Ring]
Factor is the champ

An all title match show.

LyC (SUN) 09/02/2012 Arena Coliseo Monterrey
***ColiseoMania I***
3) Simbolo (Monterrey) vs Rico Rodriguez [super libre]
4) Axxel, Laredo Kid, Super Parka vs Difunto I, Pirata Morgan, Villano V
5) Dr. Wagner Jr. & Héctor Garza vs Hijo del Ninja & Silver King

The event of the summer!

08/05 AAA TV Results (TripleMania)

photo by Black Terry Jr.

AAA TV (SUN) 08/05/2012 Arena Ciudad de Mexico [AAA, Black Terry Jr. (flickr)]
1) Fabi Apache, Fenix, Octagoncito, Pimpinela Escarlata b Dark Dragon, Mini Charly Manson, Sexy Star, Yuriko
Fabi pinned Yuriko.
2) Joe Lider & Psicosis L Chessman & Juventud Guerrera and Extreme Tiger & Halloween and Jack Evans & Teddy Hart [relevos suicidas, cage]
cage match, with the final person left and their partner having a hair match later. Moved down to the second match. Teams fought among themselves. Halloween and Juvi were the first two out, followed by Tiger (who dove onto the first two), Nicho, Jack and Teddy, with Jack doing a big spot. The final two were Chessman and Lider. Vampiro appeared, and threw Chessman off the top of the cage and thru a table. Chessman was taken to the hospital, but this mean Lider and Psicosis would meet later.
3) La Parka, Monster Clown, Murder Clown, Psycho Clown b Octagón, Semental, Texano, Toscano
Octagon tried fouling Parka, fouled Semental instead, and Parka got the pin. Consejo turned on Octagon. Parka thought about making the save and finally did. Octagon was surprised and the two did not make up (yet.)
4) Psicosis b Joe Lider [hair]
all the hardcore spots you’d expect, including the staple gun. Lider stripped Psicosis of his mask during the match (the match was mistakenly announced as mask vs hair and this emphasized the mask wasn’t on the line.) Tirantes got involved, and Lider went thru a table for the loss. Lider said the feud was not over.
5) Electroshock & LA Park b Jeff Jarrett & Kurt Angle [seconds hair]
Park & Electro represent Joaquin. Jarrett and partner represent Dorian. Karen was with Dorian and team TNA, but was kicked out of ringside for interference. Abyss replaced her. Electroshock pinned Angle. Konnan protested, but Dorian relented and apologized to his family. Joaquin forgave him and wanted to wave the hair match stip. LA Park was angry and argued, and the TNA team took advantage to attack the tecnicos. Dorian revealed his apology was a ruse and had the rudos shave Joaquin, never losing his own hair.
6) El Mesías b el Hijo del Perro Aguayo [AAA HEAVY]
Garza and Tara were with Perro, Cibernetico was with Mesias. Mesias retained the title. Perro tried a martinete late in the match, but Garza broke it up and argued with Perro. Garza would end up hitting Perro with a chair (by mistake, aiming for Perro) and Perro bled a large amount. Piero and the doctor considered stopping the match, but they kept going. Perro Sr. came out to check on his son, who lost after Mesias speared him thru a table to win. Cibernetico attacked Perro Sr. after the loss and argued with Mesias when he put a stop to it. The rest of the Perros yelled at Garza, and Hector quit Perros del Mal (again.)
7) Dr. Wagner Jr. b Máscara Año 2000 Jr. [mask]
Mascara Ano 2000 was with his son, and Hijo de Dr. Wagner Jr. & Silver King were Wagner’s seconds, but Silver King turned on his brother during this match and the ref slow counted Wagner at times. Hijo de Wagner fought off Mascara Sr. & Silver King, Wagner hit Mascara with a bottle and pinned him for the win. Mascara Ano 2000 Jr. is Ángel Reyes, 8 years of a wrestler, of Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco.

Air  Date: 08/12 & 08/19, by anyone’s best guess.

Antonio Pena was honored after the first match. Perro Aguayo Sr. was inducted into the AAA Hall of Fame after the second match, but also challenged to a hair vs hair match by Mascara Ano 2000 Sr. (with Argus in tow.)

The bottle broke.

No attendance figure yet. AAA did not announce a sell out, but it looked 80-95% full (excluding what was cut off for the stage). The looks of the show is really strong in pictures. It’s a little thing that bugs me a lot, but this is the first time the entrances have looked better than I’d expect. A lot of people had great new gear or look for the show. Dark Dragon‘s gold outfit is great. I hope Sexi Star isn’t actually as thin as she looks in the pictures. Anyway, the larger point is it sure looks has the look of the biggest show of the year, and as big as any WWE show in Mexico City.

Arturo Rivera continued his streak of announcing TripleMania. Leo Riano was also part of the announce crew, though he must’ve been multi-tasking pretty hard to be on Twitter at the same time. AAA hasn’t been doing live commentary at all this year – Jesus and Andres are doing it later in AAA’s studio – and there was no way to actually hear them live, but maybe they thought it’d come across stronger on TV to do it that way for this show.

There were so many people on Twitter looking for the show on PPV (or a free stream). Only AAA knows how much money they passed up by not putting Triplemania out there in anyway, but they did a poor job of pushing that you had to be at Arena Ciudad de Mexico to see the show.  AAA mentioned it not being on PPV, but only if you were paying attention and looking for it, as if they were trying to hide it.

Lider and Psicosis fought after their match. I can’t figure out what’s left for them, unless they’re doing an exploding ring or something like that. I guess there’s only a limited amount of people they can work their kind of match and it’s the one they (and AAA) want to work.

Octagon is not yet a tecnico, but obviously will be soon. Garza does appear to be out of Perros del Mal right away and will be back to feuding with Perro Jr. again. Wagner is back against Silver King, and Mascara 2000 has the Psycho Circus, which leaves the next title match as – Cibernetico vs Mesias? Gosh.

Semental was not written out. He may be working multiple roles as needed.

They’re back at it Friday in Ciudad Madero. Lineup should be out any moment.


Mascara Ano 2000 Jr. unmasked.