Tiffany defeats referee though not actual opponent, Mistico II schedule, Volador does not win

photo by CMLL

CMLL (SUN) 07/29/2012 Arena Coliseo [CMLL]
1) Niño de Acero & Pequeño Halcón COR Mercurio & Pequeño Nitro
Tecnicos took 2/3.
2) Bobby Zavala, Disturbio, Nitro b Molotov, Starman, Stigma
Stigma looked good in his Arena Coliseo appearance, landing a Brillo Dorada move in the third. Rudos took 2/3 anyway.
3) Dark Angel, Goya Kong, Marcela DQ Amapola, Princesa Blanca, Tiffany
Straight falls. Tiffany had Marcela beat, but went for more punches. Tigre Hispano tried to break it up, and Tiffany punched him twice. The first drew the DQ, the second knocked him out. Tiffany still can’t beat Marcela.
4) Sagrado b Pólvora [lightning]
Sagrado won in about 6 minutes.
5) Ángel de Oro, Hijo del Fantasma, Valiente b Black Warrior, Tiger, Vangelis
Tecnicos took 2/3.
6) Atlantis, Marco Corleone, Máximo b Kráneo, Morphosis, Psicosis
Tecnicos took 2/3.

At the CMLL press conference, Panico & Feliciano said Mistico would only be working CMLL owned arenas  in the short term. I guess CMLL must’ve bought a lot of arenas, because the kid is working everywhere

08/03: Arena Mexico
08/04: Morelia (CMLL TV) and Neza (KrisZ)
08/05: not announced yet but surely Arena Mexico
08/06: Leon (sorry? Puebla)
08/15: Queretaro

Mistico II is not going to be eased in. He’s going to be everywhere as a new attraction right away. Good luck.

SuperLuchas #473 has all TripleMania on the cover. I wonder if the magazines will hold back publishing a couple days next week, or if they’ll have new Mistico on the cover the day after TripleMania?

Rob has highlights of 11/07 & 11/21 Puebla and Carta Brava Jr. & Impossible destroy the New Oficials.

Bill has highlights of 07/11/12 IWRG.

Lucha Libre in Japan

07/29 NJPW: Prince Devitt b Volador Jr. [NWA MIDDLE] in 13:05
:( Second defense for Devitt. Volador shook his hand after the match. With Kota Ibushi winning the IWGP Junior Heavyweight match prior, NJPW is setting up Devitt vs Ibushi sometime in the near future.

07/29 REINA X WORLD: Silueta ?? Crazy Star – I don’t know, that video cuts off at the 10 minute mark. Crazy Star has lost a lot of weight from the last time I saw her, especially since she had a kid in the meantime.

Mistico II debut match still unknown, Devitt vs Voaldor

CMLL has only put up a placeholder card for next week with wrestlers scheduled to appear – Mistico, Atlantis, Shocker, Sombra, Mr. Niebla, Ultimo Guerrero, Valiente, Angel de Oro, Mephisto, Diamante Azul – but no matches. I presume the problem is last night’s show being canceled. CMLL luchadores are promised a certain amount of matches a month (varies per luchador) and they may be reworking things to make up matches for the people who didn’t get to work last night.  They could’ve just paid the guys for the show that got canceled, but CMLL is cheap.

Based on the names listed, my bet for the Mistico debut is Mistico, Angel de Oro (is this irony?), Valiente vs Mephisto and two rudos to be determined.

Volador and Prince Devitt signed contracts for their match tomorrow, which will happen sometime past 11pm CT tonight for us. You can watch the press conference on YouTube (NJPW uploads their press conferences, hint hint), starting at the  10:30 mark. Devitt was respectful, Volador was Volador: Devitt just got lucky, and he’s just been borrowing the NWA Middleweight Title for the moment. Volador noted CMLL is a 77 year promotion, while NJPW is only 40 years, so of course the title match from CMLL should be in the main event. Devitt hopes to win and challenge for the IWGP belt next.

I’m thinking Volador is wearing his Captain America outfit, and I honestly believe he’s winning this. Feel free to mock me in the comments.

52MX aired the expected matches.

IWRG has a video interview with Golden Magic and Mr. Magia, Golden Magic’s dad.

Kurt Angle says Kurt Angle is the best in the world.

DJ Spectro looks back at Verdugo vs Dorado and Medico Asesino Jr.

Arlequin Negro lost his hair.

Cronicas y Leyendas looks back at Huroki Sato applying the cruz nipona.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update.

07/27 AAA TV Results (Queretaro)

photo by Black Terry Jr.

AAA TV (FRI) 07/27/2012 Auditorio General José María Arteaga, Queretaro [AAA (DJ Spectro)Black Terry Jr. (flickr)]
1) Fabi Apache & Lolita b Jennifer Blake & Mari Apache
Fabi won via armbar.
2) Dinastía, Mascarita Dorada, Octagoncito b Mini Charly Manson, Mini Histeria, Mini Psicosis
Dorada beat Mini Charly.
3) Devil Rocker, Machine Rocker, Soul Rocker b Aerostar, Alebrije, Fenix
The new trios is now named Inferno Rockers, and the members names are now Devil Rocker, Soul Rocker, and Machine Rocker. They won in their debut, Machine Rocker defeating Aerostar with a german suplex.
4) Chessman, Octagón, Último Gladiador b El Elegido, Extreme Tiger, La Parka
Extreme Tiger replaced Sugi. Octagon snuck in a foul on Parka.
5) Argos, Texano Jr., Toscano b Monster Clown, Murder Clown, Psycho Clown
Texano won with with the Tornado Texano on Psycho.
6) Máscara Año 2000 Jr. b Dr. Wagner Jr. [super libre]
Los Mascaras came out to guarantee victory at TripleMania earlier, which led to a pull apart. This was made a no DQ match, so it was completely legal for Mascara to smack Wagner with a bottle for the win. Consejo beat Wagner bloody until the Clowns made the save.

Air Date: 08/05, 08/12

There was also one dark match, based on the pictures. Lucha Libre Queretaro posted a photo of a barely occupied arena at some point during the show, but it looked like it was maybe a little more than half full in main event pictures. The mask match aspect of Wagner/Mascara might turn out to be a draw, but the feud itself does not seem to mean anything.

The bottle angle in the main event is a playoff a similar bit with Mascara Ano 2000 Sr. and Perro Aguayo Sr. back in 1995. Dr. Wagner Jr. is not a WON subscriber.

Not a lot more going on here, just the usual bit of keeping the rudo strong until whenever. I suspect we’ll be able to identify the Inferno Rockers once we see that match (if not sooner), but I’ve got them set up as separate people for the moment.

Next stop is TripleMania.

Oficials take the gold, AAA in Queretaro, Festivial of Masks

(photo by Black Terry Jr.)

IWRG (THU) 07/26/2012 Arena Naucalpan [Black Terry Jr. (flickr), IWRG]
1) Infierno Kid b Galaxy
2) Centvrión & Charly Madrid b Imposible & Matrix Jr.
Charly Madrid returned from an elbow injury. Matrix Jr. replaced John Crazy.
3) Alan Extreme, Black Terry, Bombero Infernal b Danny Casas, Dr. Cerebro, Suicida tvluchadelpasado part 1 tvluchadelpasado part 2 tvluchadelpasado part 3
Rudos took 1/3, Bombero Infernal submitted Danny Casas.
4) Oficial 911, Oficial AK47, Oficial Fierro b Oficial Factor, Oficial Rayan, Oficial Spartan [EdM Trios]
Oficials took 1/3 from Comando Elite to win the titles back for the second time. They lost these belts 3.5 years ago. AK-47 caught Factor with a counter dropkick to get the win
5) Fuerza Guerrera, Hijo de Pirata Morgan, Pirata Morgan DQ Damián 666, Head Hunter, Pete Powers
Pete Powers replaced X-Fly, but X-Fly & Bestia 666 turned up in the crowd during the show. FdT took the first, Pirates took the second, then the Piratas attacked Bestia and X-Fly in between falls. Pirata had Damian about ready to submit in the third, but Bestia & X-Fly ran in for the DQ.

TVC Deportes wasn’t taping this week (and probably the next two) due to the olympics, so Black Terry Jr. is free to upload them.

IWRG sure seems to have a lot of set trios, and a some IWRG Trios titles that are vacant and waiting for a tournament.

The Arena Mexico show is canceled.

AAA tapes in Queretaro, and should have no such problems.  The main event is the last Mascara Ano 2000 Jr. vs Dr. Wagner Jr. match before their TripleMania match, and will air that same day. It’s probably not going to end well for Wagner. The rest of the show is more place keeping stuff not involving the major players on TripleMania. Consejo and Psycho Clowns continue their feud, and Octagon and La Park remember theirs. The newest Alebrije debuts, facing the also debuting Demon Rockers, one of who may be Semental.

Rob has highlights of 07/10/12 CMLL C3.



IWRG (THU) 08/02/2012 Arena Naucalpan
***Festival de Mascaras***
1) Centvrión, Chicano, Panterita vs Comando Negro, Eita, Imposible
2) Dr. Cerebro, Orito, Trauma II vs El Hijo del Diablo, Eterno, Oficial AK47
3) La Cobra, Pantera, Veneno vs Alan Extreme, Black Terry, Temerario Infernal
La Cobra is debuting.
4) Villano III, Villano IV, Villano V vs Cuchillo, Kahoz, Rambo
5) Canek, Octagón, Solar I vs Cien Caras Jr., Fuerza Guerrera, Negro Navarro

The annual “everyone wears their old masks” show, though it seems like less unmasked people than normal. I wonder if Black Terry has an old mask he might wear. It’s also a Villano III tribute show, one of many.

08/19 AAA TV Lineup (DF – Lucha Libre Expo) & the other cards from the weekend

AAA TV (SUN) 08/19/2012 Centro Banamex
1) Dinastía, Fabi Apache, Pimpinela Escarlata vs Mini Histeria, Sexy Star, Yuriko
2) ?, Joe Lider, Juventud Guerrera vs Daga, Dark Dragon, Psicosis
3) Monster Clown, Murder Clown, Psycho Clown vs Máscara Año 2000 Jr., Texano Jr., Toscano [AAA TRIOS]
4) Electroshock & Vampiro vs Chessman & Último Gladiador
5) Cibernético & Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Halloween & Silver King

From the expo site.

Air Date: uh, if TripleMania airs, 09/09 or 09/16. There’s still a taping in Merida between this and TripleMania.

Perhaps some spoilers here for TripleMania; Silver King is back on the rudo side. We haven’t seen him outside of teaming with Wagner, so he could still be meant to be a rudo, or he could be turning on Wagner, or (most likely) it’s typical inconsistent booking. (This is actually a great sneaky way to build up the tension for TripleMania.)

Matches 2 and 4 are listed as “revenge matches”. That may mean something for TripleMania, or it may just be usual random naming. The mystery guy is most likely Ricochet, since he’s working the DTU show earlier in the day.

The program for the show mentions a “Luchas nuevos valores AAA” show at noon on this day. No word who’s involved on any of the smaller shows.

While I’m at it, the rest of the lineups:

IWRG (FRI) 08/17/2012 Centro Banamex
1) Chicano, Golden Magic, Suicida vs Dowki, Eita, Imposible
2) Hijo de LA Park, Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr., Niko vs Barba Roja, Hijo de Máscara Año 2000, Hijo de Pirata Morgan
3) Dr. Cerebro, Fuerza Guerrera, Heddi Karaoui vs Bestia 666, Súper Nova, X-Fly
4) Máscara Sagrada, Rayo de Jalisco Jr., Veneno vs Cien Caras Jr., Damián 666, Pirata Morgan

Second match is billed as a second generation match, which may or may not mean something about Niko. Cien  Caras Jr. vs Rayo de Jalisco Jr. figures to be the emphasis of the main event.

It’s not listed on the card, but the schedule of events says there’s a FILL Copa Higher Power before the main IWRG show. That may be more interesting than most of the matches actually on the show.

The Perros del Mal lineup for Saturday have not been released. The schedule also lists a previously unmentioned Black Terror Jr. promotion show early Saturday in the main ring.

FULL (SAT) 08/18/2012 Centro Banamex
1) El Angel Del Amor & Randu vs Elemento & Kid Medrano
2) Charly Madrid, Comando, Mini Oriental vs Meiden, Mini Cibernetico, Raider
3) El Hijo de Aníbal, Oriental, Super Calo Jr. vs Bizarro, Canek Jr., Hijo de Pirata Morgan
4) Axel, Huracan Ramirez Jr., Tinieblas Jr. vs Lizmark Jr., Pirata Morgan, Scorpio Jr.

Tinieblas, Alushe and Carlos Hernandez will appear. Your card has some depth problems when Bizarro (who supposedly changed his name) is in the semimain.

Elektrolucha (SAT) 08/18/2012 Centro Banamex
1) Mini Cibernetico vs Taxita [bull terrier]
2) Nortux & Rhnox vs Adve & Roth Gargal
3) Estrellita, Ferdinando Valencia, Intocable, Laredo Kid vs Heddi Karaoui, Marian Cantu, Oriental, Zumbi

The Intocable led card is a weird mish-mash, but includes the only CMLL wreslter working the show. 3 match show is listed as 45 minutes long. Laredo Kid should spend his weekend shaking hands and making better contacts.

DTU (SUN) 08/19/2012 Centro Banamex
1) Kaleth vs Lucky Boy, Lanzeloth, Nino Hamburguesa, Rocky Lobo, ? [DTU AAACADEMICO]
match for vacant title
2) Keira vs Paloma Rouse, La Vaquerita, Lily Fighter
3) Araña de Plata Jr., Ciclope, Pequeno Cobra, Terremoto Negro vs Hormiga, Poison, Principe Halcon, Tacubo
4) Super Mega vs Shiryu Dragon, Paranoiko, Rebelde Punk, Rey Latino [DTU]
5) Flamita vs Ricochet, Drastik Boy, Eita, Eterno

Ricochet a high flying US independent/Dragon Gate wrestler worth YouTube-ing if you haven’t seen him. He’s the only foriegn guy brought in on a show that usually sees a few.

The cards themselves seem less interesting than previous year. No CMLL really hurts the depth.

Shows taking place the alternate ring:
Friday: Diosa Felina, ALNEM, DTU (“King of the Shoop” – they mean chop), Black Terror Jr., Ichiban
Saturday: Diosa Felina, Ichiban, DTU Academy, AULL (not a main ring show after all, just a 45 minute show)
Sunday: Ichiban, Diosa Felina, Black Terror Jr., AULL

Sunday will also have Fabi & the Psycho Circus teaching a lucha clinic for kids, and Elegido & Reyna del Rings doing dance shows. Friday night will end with a concert.

tonight’s Arena Mexico show is canceled

Various lucha reporters on twitter – Apolo Valdes, Enrique Yniesta, the Tercera Caida account – are stating tonight’s CMLL show at Arena Mexico has been canceled. The lineup would’ve been:

CMLL (FRI) 07/27/2012 Arena Mexico
1) Bengala & Leono vs Apocalipsis & Inquisidor
2) Hombre Bala Jr., Sensei, Super Halcon Jr. vs Cancerbero, Raziel, Skándalo
3) Eléctrico vs Demus 3:16 [lightning]
4) Diamante, Fuego, Triton vs Hijo del Signo, Misterioso Jr., Vangelis
5) La Sombra, Máscara Dorada, Shocker vs Mr. Niebla, Rey Bucanero, Terrible
6) Atlantis, Diamante Azul, Titán vs Dragón Rojo Jr., Negro Casas, Último Guerrero

The cancellation has no direct relationship to CMLL. There’s a 24 hour protest (Yo Soy 132) blockade taking place in front of the nearby headquarters of the Televisa network. In the recent election, Televisa was accused of using it’s overwhelming domination of Mexican TV to promote the eventually presidential winner thru it’s news coverage while  downplaying opposition or ignoring criticism. Televisa denies all of this. The evidence seems to point in the protesters favor (and Televisa is apparently not covering the protest in front of it’s offices.) You can read more about the protest here.

Arena Mexico is located two blocks away from Televisa’s offices. It’s close enough that Televisa uses Arena Mexico for parking (so much so that there have been occasional rumors over the years of Televisa buying Arena Mexico just for that parking lot.) It sounds like the arena is still accessible, but the police have closed off streets in the area to control the crowd. A lot of CMLL’s fans are literally walk up fans who wouldn’t be driving, but it’s possible someone decided they just didn’t want to add another 5 to 8,000 people to the scene.

This particular show has a lineup which could’ve produced some really fun matches, but does not seem like a critical show to the stories CMLL has been telling. Missing last week’s show would’ve been bad, because they wouldn’t be able to do the Terrible/Rush angle in front of their largest audience for another month. Missing next week’s show would’ve been tragic, screwing up a month worth’s of build to the new Mistico debut. The biggest thing that looked in the cards for tonight’s show is maybe Atlantis & Titan beating the Guerreros again and setting up a tag team title match in the near future.

It’s exceptionally rare for CMLL to cancel shows. CMLL hasn’t actually said anything put out anything themselves, but they have let the press know the show’s canceled. The last CMLL canceled shows were during the H1N1 epidemic in late April and early May 2009, and you have to go very far back to find ones before those.

This  is a 24 hour protest, so it should not affect any other show. CMLL’s not back in Arena Mexico until Tuesday. It will have no effect on CMLL’s television coverage this weekend, but it leaves the CMLL shows on Televisa and Fox Sports without new matches for next weekend. They could eliminate the one week delay between taping and airing, they could air matches from Puebla (pre-empted on TVC Deportes due to the Olympics) or they could just air old material. It’ll probably be the last option.
