DF vs Puebla, Psicosis vs Dorada, Escorpion vs Warrior on 06/01, REINA

CMLL (MON) 05/14/2012 Arena Puebla [Porra Fresa]
1) Akron & Siki Osama b Black Tiger & Dinámiko
Rudos took 1/3.
2) Artillero, Disturbio, Súper Comando b Molotov, Robin, Super Halcon Jr.
Rudos took 2/3. Said to be a bad match.
3) Espiritu Maligno, Karisma, Lestat DQ Dragon Lee, Hombre Bala Jr., Pegasso
The DF tecnicos told Lestat that he should be on their side, but he was conflicted. Rudo Poblanos did not get along with him, and attacked him by the end of the first fall, getting themselves DQed. Puebla guys got it together in the second fall to tie it up. Lestat had Dragon Lee beat in the third, but Super Comando ran in for the DQ. Stigma rushed in for the save. Karissma and Espiritu were going to stay out of it, but then Bala and Lee helped Comando, they pitched it for the Puebla team. Super Comando got the microphone to declare the DF guys were the best. Stigma disagreed, and challenged the non-present Skandalo with the rest of the DF team. Pegasso notably did not get involved in the fight on either side…
4) Ephesto, Euforia, Mephisto b Ángel de Oro, Delta, Guerrero Maya Jr.
Rudos took 1/3.
5) Atlantis, Diamante Azul, Shocker DQ Kráneo, Psicosis, Volador Jr.
Volador attacked Atlantis early, but the tecnicso still got it together took take fall one. They also took fall three, when Volador broke up an Atlantis pin on Psicosis and fouled him for a DQ. Atlantis demanded a singles match next week with no Tirantes.

The joy of CMLL is sometimes you get storylines about which side the 19th most important tecnico is on.

(photo by Black Terry Jr.)

CMLL (TUE) 05/15/2012 Arena Mexico [CMLL, Kaiser Sports, RB]
1) Camaleón & Höruz b Camorra & Ramstein
Tecnicos took 2/3.
2) Aereo, Pequeño Halcón, Último Dragoncito DQ Pequeño Nitro, Pequeño Olímpico, Pequeño Universo 2000
Straight falls for the tecnicos. Nitro fouled Aereo.
3) Dragon Lee, Rey Cometa, Sagrado b Namajague, Shigeo Okumura, Virus
Sagrado pinning Okumura for the win. Kaiser-Sports thinks they’re setting up Dragon Lee vs Virus.
4) Titán b Pólvora [En Busca de Un Idolo] thecubsfan
Titan won in ~4:00. Titan scored 27 (8/6/7/6) and Polvora scored 25 (8/5/7/5).
5) Diamante b Puma King [En Busca de Un Idolo] thecubsfan
Diamante won in 5:20. Diamante scored 25 (8/7/9/1 from Tirantes). Puma scored 30 (9/7/8/6).
6) Blue Panther, Máximo, Valiente b Averno, Felino, Niebla Roja
Tecnicos took 1/3.
7) Psicosis, Rey Bucanero, Terrible b Marco Corleone, Máscara Dorada, Rush
Rudos took 2/3, Psicosis cleanly beating Dorada in the third. The two agreed to a title match, though Dorada also wanted a mask match.

CMLL (TUE) 05/15/2012 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [Fuego en el Ring]
1) El Divino & Sky Kid b Demonio Maya & Thunder Boy
2) Sensei & Soberano Jr. b Mr. Trueno & Rey Trueno
3) Smaker, Stuka Jr., Triton b Arkángel de la Muerte, Hooligan, Malefico
Stuka replaced Titan, who was double booked in Mexico City.
4) Estrellita b Amapola
Estrellita asked for the hair vs hair match.
5) Mr. Niebla & Volador Jr. b Atlantis & La Máscara
Niebla slipped in a foul in the third, setting up a singles match for next week.

Rey Escorpion and Black Warrior signed the hair match contract, and will face off on June 1st.

Lluvia, who did not lo0k like her old self last Tuesday, says her injury is to her left knee, suffered two weeks before she return from Japan. Lluvia is not sure if she’ll end up needing surgery or if she’ll just be able to fix it thru therapy, but right now it hurts every time she moves. Lluvia says she plans to go back to Japan again, but keep reading on that.

Averno, via CMLL press release, wants you to know he’s not had discussions with the WWE. I guess he just happened to be in LA one day, peeked into a sound stage, saw his old friend Mistico doing tricks in the ring and demanded to be filmed taking headscissors with ever knowing what promotion it was for. A miracle!

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news recap, and Halloween and Electrico on the top 100.

Rob has highlights of 05/27/11 CMLL.

Bill has highlights of IWRG from 05/19/11, 06/02/11, and 06/07/11.


Lucha Libre In Japan

On second thought, REINA says Hotta was right and they are dissolving. Though they also mention that Hotta and the native joshi girls are all being dismissed and there’s a press conference (TBD) to announce the future of REINA, things that seem unnecessary to mention if you don’t plan to really exist any more. So, more likely, this is just a name change restart. People who follow these groups closer than I (and also read Hotta’s blog) say this is at over stylistic differences and the rich owner just likes bringing in foreigners and Mexicans.

Previously, the company apologized for Comandante not actually getting her head all the way shaved. It’s not quite a Fabi Apache situation, but they’re saying they were considered about the cut on her head and didn’t feel safe completely buzzing it all the way off when the wound was open. They’ve got a picture of her on the website with her hair buzzed very tight, though she’s not actually bald (but may be by that next mysterious press conference?)


CMLL (TUE) 05/22/2012 Arena Mexico
1) Bengala & Freesbe vs Apocalipsis & Zayco
2) Metálico, Sensei, Super Halcon Jr. vs Artillero, Disturbio, Súper Comando
3) Fuego, Rey Cometa, Titán vs Hooligan, Loco Max, Skándalo
4) Triton vs Euforia [En Busca de un Idolo]
5) Dragon Lee vs Niebla Roja [En Busca de un Idolo]
6) Diamante Azul, Máximo, Rush vs Rey Bucanero, Terrible, Yujiro
7) Máscara Dorada vs Psicosis [CMLL WELTER]

As noted last night, Psicosis is the lowest guy on the CMLL totem pole. Not because he doesn’t get chances, but because he loses every singles match he’s in. Psicosis would need to beat Dorada for the title twice for people to see them on the same level, and then it’d be a bit of Dorada sinking to Psicosis’ level. At the same time, CMLL must have some thought of doing a Psicosis mask match at some point (or he’d be Morphosis/Kraneo), and he’s got to actually win something at some point if that’s going to be meaningful. Psicosis has been entertaining since coming to CMLL, but he’s also apparently someone the CMLL fans feel they can easily miss. The last two Tuesdays have had horrible turnouts, looking as bad as the shows last Fall that had everyone freaking out.

CMLL (TUE) 05/22/2012 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Virgo vs Thunder Boy
2) Hombre Bala Jr., Metatrón, Starman vs Demonio Maya, Magnum, Rey Trueno
3) Gallo, Sagrado, Stuka Jr. vs Espectrum, Misterioso Jr., Rey Escorpion
4) La Máscara & La Sombra vs Dragón Rojo Jr. & Volador Jr.
5) Atlantis vs Mr. Niebla

Back to back singles matches for Atlantis. This should probably be a little easier than the Volador one, but Niebla can be difficult in other ways.