Puebla, IWRG, Shocker and CMLL, Titan & Triton, more

CMLL (MON) 12/05/2011 Arena Puebla [Es Imagen (4), Es Imagen (5), Porra Fresa Puebla]
1) Milenium & Stigma b Fuerza Chicana & Sauron
Tecnicos took 2/3 in a cold bout.
2) Ángel Azteca Jr., Metálico, Starman b Apocalipsis, Disturbio, Puma King
Tecnicos took 1/3. Metalico and the tecnico fan section had issues when Metalico kept appealing to them to cheer louder, and they didn’t they the tecnicos were doing enough to earn it.
3) Amapola, La Comandante, Princesa Sugheit b Lady Apache, Luna Mágica, Marcela
Rudas took 2/3 in the best match of the night to this point.
4) Olímpico, Psicosis, Volador Jr. b Ángel de Oro, Hijo del Fantasma, Valiente
Early on, Volador was running from Valiente, still angry over being cheated last week. Rudos took 1/3, the last when Tirantes slow counted Fantasma on a pin. Volador backcrackered Fantasma while he was arguing.
5) Atlantis, Jushin Lyger, Super Porky DQ Averno, Mephisto, Mr. Niebla
Straight falls for the tecnicos. They won the first clean, then Niebla (and Mr. Niebla and Zacarias) ripped up Atlantis’ mask for the DQ.

Low turnout.

(photo by Black Terry Jr.)

IWRG (THU) 12/08/2011 Arena Naucalpan [Black Terry Jr. (flickr), Estrellas del Ring, The Gladiatores]
1) Matrix Jr. & Sky Ángel b Galáctico Infernal & Súper Black
2) Carta Brava Jr. & El Imposible b Oficial Rayan & Oficial Spartan
Quick match where Rayan was injured. The fortunes of Rayan & Spartan have greatly fallen since their debut.
3) Centurión, Trauma I, Trauma II DQ Black Terry, Machín, Oficial AK47
Trauma I replaced Negro Navarro. 911 ran in for the DQ, attacking the Traumas. This seemed to set up a Trauma/Oficial issue.
4) Apolo Estrada Jr. b Bugambilia del Norte [hair]
Apolo hit Bugambilia with a bottle before the match started. Bugambilia had a big gash on his head the rest of the way. Eterno, Apolo’s second, interfered frequently. Trauma II was Bugambilia’s second. Apolo took the first, Bugambilia took advantage of some rudo screw ups to win the second. Trauma II ran Eterno off in the third fall, but then as the commissioner and referee were getting rid of Trauma, Eterno snuck back and piledrived Bugambilia. Trauma threanted Apolo, but was jumped by the Oficials before he could do anything. Bugambilia was shaved despite being strechered off.
5) Canis Lupus, Head Hunter I, Negro Navarro DQ Héctor Garza, Súper Nova, Texano Jr.
Negro Navarro moved up to this match to replace Trauma I, but swapped sides with Texano so all the Perros could be together. They might have been the tecnicos here. Canis Lupus worked with Garza in his debut. Perros took the first. Head Hunter pulled a chain out of his boot to KO Garza in the second. Garza was caught with the chain in hand in the third for the DQ.

Not a much better turnout here, judging from the pictures.

There was also a private show at Arena Mexico Thursday night. Circulo Creativo, a Mexican organization of advertising agencies, gave out awards and watched CMLL matches. Pictures show a Ultimo Guerrero, Dragon Rojo, Volador Jr. vs La Mascara, Atlantis, and Valiente main event. Not sure if there were more matches.


There may be more to the Shocker situation then we’ve previously heard. The Wrestling Observer Newsletter mentions Shocker did arrive to Arena Coliseo this Sunday, then quickly left. This corroborate another a rumor, that the reason Shocker did not wrestle on Sunday did not have have anything to do with his condition, but unhappiness with the company. The unconfirmed rumor is CMLL finally made the decision to keep Blue Panther vs Felino as a singles match this past weekend. Shocker came to the building on Sunday, found out his only role (and pay) on Sin Piedad would be as a second, and immediately walked out. CMLL waiting until the last moment (or a couple moments past) to make up their mind on a major show seems very credible.

If this is true, then Shocker’s probably suspended for the time being. It also means that while Shocker may have other issues, the problem on this occasion was more about business and pride (being left off the card for every major CMLL show this year.)  Bucanero’s probably taking over Shocker’s role in the tag feud, allowing them to continue the Felino/Bucanero issues from El Luchador.

The future of “Titan” and “Triton” seemed to be in question, but it looks like CMLL is already setting up plans to move on without Shocker there as well. CMLL sent out an interview with Olimpico, generally hyping the Invasors vs Atlantida feud. (Olimpico: “I see a remote chance of them fighting for the belts. Champions? Not a chance.”) At the end, Olimpico brings up Titan and Triton himself, noting the due have good quality and could reach the top if they had his work ethic in the gym, discipline and professionalism. Olimpico notes Titan & Triton have not had good results so far, and blames it on their (unnamed) leader’s lack of leadership, then asks for the opportunity to take over the trio and help them fight Atlantis. Since this is a CMLL promoted interview, this is probably the direction they’re headed.

(vaguely related: The SuperLuchas commenter who nicknamed the new kids “Titantron” is my new favorite SuperLuchas commenter)

Other News

Terrible says he’s going to be Terrible in CMLL for generations to come. Terrible vows to be meaner and more cruel, and to bring back moves from his early days. Terrible also says Tiger has to prove himself to keep his spot in TRT, because he doesn’t want people to benefit just because of who they’re related to.

IWRG says Toscano will be on their 12/18 card. IWRG is the airlock between CMLL and AAA.

Tonight, CMLL’s got the last card before Sin Piedad. CMLL’s still not actually announced the full Sin Piedad card, probably because they’re waiting the trios title match to be set up tonight to advance that. I sort of figure they’ll do a women’s match and minis match, but nothing else of importance. The main event will keep building to Felino vs Panther (maybe setting up Bucanero as Panther’s second.) Down in the fourth match, Lyger goes for revenge versus UG after Guerrero cost him the middleweight title Ultimo Guerrero says Jushin Lyger will leave on a stretcher and makes mask vs mask challenges.

MrAlexisCMLL has a good promo of Puma King challenging his wayward brother. Felino is much more mellow, saying Tiger will have to pay the price for his decisions.

(photo by Black Terry Jr.)

The picture over there are from a Box Y Lucha award ceremony on Tuesday. No full results posted anywhere – perhaps saved for an upcoming year end issue? – but EAW revealed they won a Improved Promotion award. I don’t recall them giving out that award prior. I do recall EAW having an article in every edition of Box Y Lucha I’ve seen this year. Vaquerita also won an award.

Some other quick but useful notes from this week’s Wrestling Observer Newsletter: AAA is bringing in AJ Styles next weekend because Jeff Jarrett is unavailable (he’s got to be in India.) That may explain why they announced and then unannounced the title match. Also, Samurai del Sol is singled out as another guy likely to be signed by AAA off of his QPPC performance. AAA are high on Dinastia, like Daga, and Magnifica was just the best of a not great bunch of women.

Eterno doesn’t have any hair left to bet vs Demoledor for their hair/hair match on this weekends DTU show, a slight problem. Eterno gave Demoledor from a few alternate options: he could take over Los Masizos, or he could take the masks of the other Masizos (Ciclope & Arana de Plata Jr.) Demoledor doesn’t have to decide until Sunday, but appears to be leaning towards taking over the group and humiliating them.

Perros del Mal say a show promoted last weekend by Mini Andy Barrow with their wrestlers was a fraud, a show they never actually agreed to be on.

Ultimo Guerrero & Blue Panther are leading a campaign for donations (both money and items) for drought ravaged Durango.

Luchadors in Cancun are going to run a five hour marathon show, trying to raise money for the annual year end banquet.

Earlier this week, the Chicago Tribune had a big article on GALLI luchador Apocalypto. He turns out to be 57 year old lawyer who is supporting the promotion. When I was going regularly to their shows, they always seemed like a group more reliant on sponsors than tickets sold, and those sponsors have evidently dried up this year. Apocalypto is kind of keeping afloat.

Rob has highlights of 07/17/92 AAA, 07/24/92 AAA, 08/18/95 AAA and early 98 AAA.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update from Wednesday.

I wish there was some time to write about El Luchador this week. I was not at all fan of the last episode, both just a show (if Tiger turning on his father was such a big deal, he probably shouldn’t have been living with him and having a peaceful conversations with him the next episode) and as a ‘reality’ (the Guadalajara show these guys were all on took place BEFORE last week’s Dragon Lee/Magnus vs Tiger/Puma, which is why Mangus’ arm injury disappeared and wasn’t played up much in the first place.) Magnus appears to have more masks than actual matches he’s had.



CMLL (TUE) 12/13/2011 Arena Mexico
1) Freesbe & Robin vs Cholo & Zayco
2) Molotov, Sensei, Starman vs Bronco, Camorra, Ramstein
3) Ángel Azteca Jr., Dragon Lee, Fuego vs Cancerbero, Raziel, Virus
4) Hijo del Fantasma, Metro, Stuka Jr. vs Misterioso Jr., Pólvora, Tiger
5) Ángel de Oro, La Máscara, La Sombra vs Dragón Rojo Jr., Terrible, Último Guerrero

A show! Tiger is all the way up to the semimain, too bad his partner is in the main event.

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5 thoughts to “Puebla, IWRG, Shocker and CMLL, Titan & Triton, more”

  1. Will Garza, Texano Jr, or Toscano earn a penny more in 2012 working for AAA/PdM? Probably not. But on principle, they left CMLL out of frustration.

  2. Depends if they get indy dates in America? I guess they could work Santo shows too right? Maybe Garza goes back to Lucha Va Voom?

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