QPPC winners, Shocker’s crew minus Shocker

(photo by Black Terry Jr.)

AAA (SAT) 12/03 Centro Banamex [AAA, Black Terry Jr. (flickr), QPPC]
1) ? & La Magnficia b ?? & ???
2) Aeroboy, Chica Ye Ye, Tribal b Black Mamba, Demencia, Xtreme Warrior
3) Brandon & Bryan b Bogar & Corsario de Fuego
4) Dinastía & Silver Star b Drastik Boy & Mini Espiritu
5) Alas de Plata & Turbo Kid b Guasson & Tiger King
6) Barbaro I, Barbaro II, Black Dragon b Fenix, Lucky Boy, Septimo Dragon YouTube
7) Kratos & Samurai del Sol b Exorcista Jr. & Hijo del Exorcista
8) Bogart Jr., Pimpinela Escarlata, Septimo Dragon b Bogart, Chica Ye Ye, Nicho el Millionario
9) Mini Chessman & Mini Psicosis b Dinastía & Drastik Boy
10) Fabi Apache, Kristal, Reyna Azteca b La Tarahumara, Magnifica, Sexy Star
11) Daga, Jack Evans, Samurai del Sol b El Gason, Gran Apache, Tony Rodriguez Part 1 Part 2
12) Chessman, La Parka, Silver King b Dr. Wagner Jr., Electroshock, Zorro

The first half of the show (1-7) featured matches with the finalists. My results are based on the QPPC & AAA social media accounts; neither seems to have a full list, so I would expect there’s a match or two I’m missing here. Still doesn’t seem like every finalist had a match (maybe they all didn’t come?) After the 7th match, they announced the final finalists:

Women: “all of them” (seemingly Kristal, Reyna Azteca, Tarahumara, Magnifica – no sign of Keira & Lady Puma)
Men: Concord, Lucky Boy, Barbaro I, Barbaro II, Samurai del Sol, Chica Ye Ye, Septimo Dragon, Bogart, Bogart Jr., Tony Rodriguez, El Guason, Daga
Minis: Dinastia & Drastick Boy

Daga and Drastic Boy are in different divisions than the website had listed them, but that makes sense based on their size. Matches 8-11 featured finalists teaming with AAA wrestlers. Black Terry Jr. nicely recording the semimain, which sounds pretty good. The judges – Octagon, Silver King, and Konnan – decided on the winners while the crowd watched the 12 match. The winners, getting a belt and a contract with AAA:

Men: Daga
Women: La Magnifica
Mini: Dinastia

Chica Ye Ye, Lucky Boy and Samurai del Sol were given honorable mention.

If you were fixing this contest, you would’ve fixed it to pick Daga & Dinastia. Daga’s already appeared on TV – in a new gimmick, in an appearance scheduled before the final. Dinastia, like Crazy Boy, is Super Crazy’s cousin who’s been working matches since he was 13 (and is only 17 now.) Magnficia is a bit more of a unknown, but the daughter of Gran Cochisse appeared in Arena Coliseo Guadalajara when he was still working with CMLL. All three have appeared on DTU shows. All three should be good additions to AAA, but they didn’t have to turn over many stones to find them.

(photo by CMLL)


CMLL (SUN) 12/04/2011 Arena Coliseo [CMLL, La Catedral]
1) Bengala & Molotov b Camorra & Cholo
tecnicos take 1/3
2) Bronco, Hooligan, Puma King b Höruz, Metálico, Tigre Blanco
Rudos should’ve taken all three, but were over confident in the second and Blanco caught Hooligan with a sunset flip. Rudos ended up with only 1/3.
3) Diamante, Fuego, Sangre Azteca b Shigeo Okumura, Vangelis, Yoshihashi
Tecnicos took 2/3.
4) Atlantis, Delta, Guerrero Maya Jr. b Sagrado, Titán, Triton
Sagrado, heavily feuding with Titan and Triton seven days ago, replaced a nowhere to be found Shocker in this match. Atlantis’ crew took 1/3, Atlantis pinning Sagrado in the last. Titan & Triton are now 0-2.
5) Dragón Rojo Jr., Rey Escorpion, Último Guerrero b Jushin Lyger, La Sombra, Máscara Dorada
Rudos rushed the tecnicos, took the first, lost the second, won the third. Ultimo pinned Lyger with his feet on the ropes, setting up Friday’s match.

Shocker missing the second match with just this crew is very bad. The replacement partner really needed to be Metro based on how this feud is set up. It still could’ve been workable if CMLL put anyone in that spot besides the people on Atlantis’ team, but CMLL put someone who was just on their team last week. This has derailed in record time.

MrAlexisCMLL has Tiger talking about joining TRT and turning on his father and a Sin Piedad promo.

Rob has highlights of 11/30 & 12/07 CMLL, 12/17/10 CMLL, and 11/22/11 CMLL.



IWRG (THU) 12/08/2011 Arena Naucalpan
1) ? vs ??
2) Oficial Rayan & Oficial Spartan vs Carta Brava Jr. & El Imposible
3) Centurión, Negro Navarro, Trauma II vs Black Terry, Machín, Oficial AK47
4) Bugambilia del Norte vs Apolo Estrada Jr. [hair]
5) Héctor Garza, Súper Nova, Trauma I vs Canis Lupus, Head Hunter I, Texano Jr.

Canis Lupus, debuting here and Sunday, is the winner of the IWRG create a wrestler contest (and is a big weightlifting guy.) I guess Garza is going to be a tecnico here?

I’d be surprised if Bugambilia went two for two in hair matches, but odd things happen near the holidays.

IWRG (SUN) 12/11/2011 Arena Naucalpan
1) Kaving & Rolling Boy vs Pacto Negro & Rambo Jr.
2) Astro de Plata, Astro Rey Jr., Tritón vs Gemelo Fantastico I, Gemelo Fantastico II, Imposible
3) Chico Che, Golden Magic, Multifacético vs Apolo Estrada Jr., Avisman, El Hijo del Diablo
4) Negro Navarro, Trauma I, Trauma II vs Oficial 911, Oficial AK47, Oficial Fierro
5) Solar I, Súper Nova, Taboo vs Canis Lupus, El Brazo, Head Hunter I

Super Nova winning Perros del Mal Light Heavyweight Championship -> IWRG regular main eventer?

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19 thoughts to “QPPC winners, Shocker’s crew minus Shocker”

  1. The comparable situation here is when AAA subbed in Drago to work the opener of their 6/30 taping. Makes no sense at all from a decision making standpoint.

    If you consider this trolling and think it’ll lead to the usual annonymous posters calling me names instead of trying to defend CMLL feel free to delete this response but I want to call out the pro-CMLL faction around these parts and ask them exactly what was preventing CMLL from just doing a straight up tag match between Titan/Triton against Delta/Guerrero Maya? The one thing missing from your recap is Sagrado didn’t even have his gear except for his mask so it was obviously a last second sub for a missing Shocker or an in no condition to perform Shocker. What was the purpose in sending Sagrado out there? I’d love to hear this one jusitifed by the Dragon Rojo Jr. is the future star of Lucha Libre group.

  2. I would hope they wouldn’t waste the first time running that tag match on a useless Sunday show. They should have sent out Sangre Azteca out there instead of Sagrado.

  3. 3) Chico Che, Golden Magic, Multifacético vs Apolo Estrada Jr., Avisman, El Hijo del Diablo
    4) Negro Navarro, Trauma I, Trauma II vs Oficial 911, Oficial AK47, Oficial Fierro

    These could be awesome, this is me begging BTJR. to tape them. Dinastia v. Oficials isn’t a match I remember seeing before and I want to see all Chico Che.

  4. Saturday’s AAA TV said Mesias will be facing AJ Styles at Guerra de Titanes so no Title shot for Mesias it seems.

    Also, it was announced that The Pope from TNA will be one of Psycho Circus’ opponents at GdT.

  5. If you already think that it is stupid that CMLL did not substitute Shocker with Metro: the next match for Metro is on Saturday in Arena Lopez Mateos where he will team with……Delta.

  6. To have a civil discussion of the matter…

    The real bewilderment should be why CMLL continues to put guys like Niebla & Shocker in prominent positions, when they clearly have attendance issues. This is the type of stuff CMLL needs to stop doing if they are going to right the ship.

    Now, why not just run the tag match? Rightly or not, CMLL probably does not have confidence in those guys to do that match without a veteran to act as a ring general. I think that is clearly CMLL’s game plan since post-Idolo.

    From a booking standpoint, when you are there at the arena and Shocker just doesn’t show up, you have two decisions – sub someone in, or cut a guy out. Put the union aspect aside – they aren’t going to pay Atlantis to be there and not have him work. So, you either rearrange the whole card to do a different match and get Atlantis on the card, or you just sub someone in who is already there (or can make it in time).

    I agree that it looks stupid from the point of repackaging those two, but if you do not want to do that tag match yet and you are short a guy, what else would you do? Shocker should be the one being shit on for putting the company in that position. We all know CMLL is going to keep that trio together though, and if Shocker is going to start being Bad Shocker, then the finger *must* point at the programmer who had the idea to begin with, and didn’t end it at the first sign of trouble. THAT is where CMLL’s shitty choices bite them in the ass and they have to change.

  7. That depends. Shocker was booked for the Dr. X memorial show in Arena San Juan Pantitlan and for Arena Coliseo. If that booking was the reason he did not make it to Arena Coliseo, he is not the one to blame. If there was enough time to work both shows, he is the one to blame.

  8. @Ringo: Delta was listed in the same match and he made it over, so it does not look good for Shocker.

    I am amused by Shocker’s “shocker-ates” Twitter messages as well as the dog pictures, but last night was the time to use that service to let people you weren’t going to be able to make the show, if that was the problem. Could save yourself some trouble.

    Cutting the trios down to a tag would’ve been unfair to those involved in the match, but, for the sake of the storyline, CMLL would’ve better served just sending anyone else from the undercard to take his spot. (Sangre Azteca gets to work rudo again!) If they’ve realized something’s wrong far in enough advance, maybe have Sagrado replace them instead of having whomever worked twice. The bit that made it really easy is it could’ve been a tecnico or even a rudo, since they’re working this feud as rudos. Maybe it could’ve even been Sagrado if they just still acknowledged the week prior and had his partners turn on him (and then you can come back with the atomicos with Shocker & Metro!) It still COULD work if they tape a vignette somehow explaining all of this with Titan, Triton & Shocker talking Sagrado into betraying his friends of a week.

    But that won’t happen, because CMLL is a company that actually still has some decent ideas at times*, but just totally lacks the ability or the wherewithal to follow them to a satisfying conclusion.

    * – actually not sure this Titan/Triton thing is one of those decent ideas.

    Anyway, the actual things we are learning here, and I probably should write about them later are:
    – Shocker’s heavily unlikely to be added to 12/16 Sin Piedad now (and maybe has no-showed his way out of two straight CMLL major cards)
    – Shocker’s slightly more likely to be the Perros del Mal surprise wrestler.

    (I am totally okay with a trio of just Metro, Titan, and Triton killing folks. In the CMLL bizarro world where I personally get to write 20 vignettes a week, it turns out the three youngsters are only partnering with Shocker to get to the main event quicker and can get by on their own.)

    “the next match for Metro is on Saturday in Arena Lopez Mateos where he will team with……Delta. ”

    This is dumb, but it was also a match put together before they ramped up this feud. Or maybe they’ll actually turn on each other?

  9. Shocker no-showing is now a lucha libre tradition. The fact CMLL still comes up with ideas for him is the funniest thing to me. Shocker strikes me as the kind of guy who now would be ok just being part of the show with zero responsibility as far as being the featured guy. Then if he no-shows, you wouldn’t really have any problem with another guy replacing him.

  10. @Alfredo: I’ve always believed, and this may be totally delusional on my part, that it’s usually Shocker coming up with the Shocker ideas. CMLL let him try to do it, because Shocker’s just important to get to do it.

  11. On a AAA note… Is Jack evans still the cruiserweight champ because I haven´t heard anything about that belt in awhile.
    Also luchaworld is reporting that the match between mesias and jarrett is already announced.

  12. Nikita’s right about the fact CMLL brings this on themselves by constantly doing stuff built around Shocker. The guy has personal issues and cannot be counted on. It’s weird that he keeps getting chance after chance and yet Black Warrior is still being punished for his unreliability.

    I don’t know if I agree with the CMLL not trusting those guys to work a tag match theory. I can pick from dozens of examples where they’ve been on their own at Arena Mexico with no veteran presence whether it be trios or singles matches. As for not having anything for Atlantis: The guy has been an employee for nearly 30 years. I’m sure he’d have gotten paid to not wrestle.

    What this boils down to is quality control. It’s non-existent in CMLL. We see it weekly when 3 Tuereg members are booked and end up in different matches or when Peq Warrior/Demus have a hair match and are teaming w/o problems 3 days later or when Black Warrior walks out on his partners every other match. Problems like this will never be fixed as long as the same idiots are in charge of the company b/c they don’t know any better. Getting guys like Guerrero and Panther involved helps nothing b/c they have the same mentality.

    It’s very frustrating to be a fan of the promotion and Titan/Triton in particular and have to watch this nonsense ruining what could be their big break.

    I’m not even sure CMLL will be able to make it through the year w/o booking Maya or Delta teaming with Titan or Triton at some point.:/

  13. Shocker vanished from Friday’s Arena Mexico card, he was replaced by Rey Bucanero. So maybe he is injured and we all judged too fast. Or he is really the guy who jumps to the Perros del Mal.

  14. @Rob: That is actually a very good way to phrase it: Quality Control. The fact of the matter is that no one is really 100% sure of who is in charge of what in CMLL, we just know who the programming staff is for the most part. Folks have said on here before that it is almost like one guy is in charge of Fridays, a different guy Sundays, and another guy Tuesdays, and they each have their own agenda. This explains a lot of stuff like concurrent tournaments, or guys teaming with guys they just turned on, etc. Plus, you seem to have someone else making out the schedules, or at the very least in charge of sending out the lineups, which is how guys like Dr. X get booked weeks after leaving. CMLL totally needs an “editor in chief” or something to look at shit find a way to have it all make sense. They have no continuity.

  15. Just to wrap up this entire discussion about quality control…

    CMLL.com just put up the lineup for next Tuesday’s show. Terrible/Tiger – 2/3rd of the new TRT who just got introduced last week are both working on the show. Terrible in the main event, Tiger in the semi-main event. Naturally.


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