QPPC winners, Shocker’s crew minus Shocker

(photo by Black Terry Jr.)

AAA (SAT) 12/03 Centro Banamex [AAA, Black Terry Jr. (flickr), QPPC]
1) ? & La Magnficia b ?? & ???
2) Aeroboy, Chica Ye Ye, Tribal b Black Mamba, Demencia, Xtreme Warrior
3) Brandon & Bryan b Bogar & Corsario de Fuego
4) Dinastía & Silver Star b Drastik Boy & Mini Espiritu
5) Alas de Plata & Turbo Kid b Guasson & Tiger King
6) Barbaro I, Barbaro II, Black Dragon b Fenix, Lucky Boy, Septimo Dragon YouTube
7) Kratos & Samurai del Sol b Exorcista Jr. & Hijo del Exorcista
8) Bogart Jr., Pimpinela Escarlata, Septimo Dragon b Bogart, Chica Ye Ye, Nicho el Millionario
9) Mini Chessman & Mini Psicosis b Dinastía & Drastik Boy
10) Fabi Apache, Kristal, Reyna Azteca b La Tarahumara, Magnifica, Sexy Star
11) Daga, Jack Evans, Samurai del Sol b El Gason, Gran Apache, Tony Rodriguez Part 1 Part 2
12) Chessman, La Parka, Silver King b Dr. Wagner Jr., Electroshock, Zorro

The first half of the show (1-7) featured matches with the finalists. My results are based on the QPPC & AAA social media accounts; neither seems to have a full list, so I would expect there’s a match or two I’m missing here. Still doesn’t seem like every finalist had a match (maybe they all didn’t come?) After the 7th match, they announced the final finalists:

Women: “all of them” (seemingly Kristal, Reyna Azteca, Tarahumara, Magnifica – no sign of Keira & Lady Puma)
Men: Concord, Lucky Boy, Barbaro I, Barbaro II, Samurai del Sol, Chica Ye Ye, Septimo Dragon, Bogart, Bogart Jr., Tony Rodriguez, El Guason, Daga
Minis: Dinastia & Drastick Boy

Daga and Drastic Boy are in different divisions than the website had listed them, but that makes sense based on their size. Matches 8-11 featured finalists teaming with AAA wrestlers. Black Terry Jr. nicely recording the semimain, which sounds pretty good. The judges – Octagon, Silver King, and Konnan – decided on the winners while the crowd watched the 12 match. The winners, getting a belt and a contract with AAA:

Men: Daga
Women: La Magnifica
Mini: Dinastia

Chica Ye Ye, Lucky Boy and Samurai del Sol were given honorable mention.

If you were fixing this contest, you would’ve fixed it to pick Daga & Dinastia. Daga’s already appeared on TV – in a new gimmick, in an appearance scheduled before the final. Dinastia, like Crazy Boy, is Super Crazy’s cousin who’s been working matches since he was 13 (and is only 17 now.) Magnficia is a bit more of a unknown, but the daughter of Gran Cochisse appeared in Arena Coliseo Guadalajara when he was still working with CMLL. All three have appeared on DTU shows. All three should be good additions to AAA, but they didn’t have to turn over many stones to find them.

(photo by CMLL)


CMLL (SUN) 12/04/2011 Arena Coliseo [CMLL, La Catedral]
1) Bengala & Molotov b Camorra & Cholo
tecnicos take 1/3
2) Bronco, Hooligan, Puma King b Höruz, Metálico, Tigre Blanco
Rudos should’ve taken all three, but were over confident in the second and Blanco caught Hooligan with a sunset flip. Rudos ended up with only 1/3.
3) Diamante, Fuego, Sangre Azteca b Shigeo Okumura, Vangelis, Yoshihashi
Tecnicos took 2/3.
4) Atlantis, Delta, Guerrero Maya Jr. b Sagrado, Titán, Triton
Sagrado, heavily feuding with Titan and Triton seven days ago, replaced a nowhere to be found Shocker in this match. Atlantis’ crew took 1/3, Atlantis pinning Sagrado in the last. Titan & Triton are now 0-2.
5) Dragón Rojo Jr., Rey Escorpion, Último Guerrero b Jushin Lyger, La Sombra, Máscara Dorada
Rudos rushed the tecnicos, took the first, lost the second, won the third. Ultimo pinned Lyger with his feet on the ropes, setting up Friday’s match.

Shocker missing the second match with just this crew is very bad. The replacement partner really needed to be Metro based on how this feud is set up. It still could’ve been workable if CMLL put anyone in that spot besides the people on Atlantis’ team, but CMLL put someone who was just on their team last week. This has derailed in record time.

MrAlexisCMLL has Tiger talking about joining TRT and turning on his father and a Sin Piedad promo.

Rob has highlights of 11/30 & 12/07 CMLL, 12/17/10 CMLL, and 11/22/11 CMLL.



IWRG (THU) 12/08/2011 Arena Naucalpan
1) ? vs ??
2) Oficial Rayan & Oficial Spartan vs Carta Brava Jr. & El Imposible
3) Centurión, Negro Navarro, Trauma II vs Black Terry, Machín, Oficial AK47
4) Bugambilia del Norte vs Apolo Estrada Jr. [hair]
5) Héctor Garza, Súper Nova, Trauma I vs Canis Lupus, Head Hunter I, Texano Jr.

Canis Lupus, debuting here and Sunday, is the winner of the IWRG create a wrestler contest (and is a big weightlifting guy.) I guess Garza is going to be a tecnico here?

I’d be surprised if Bugambilia went two for two in hair matches, but odd things happen near the holidays.

IWRG (SUN) 12/11/2011 Arena Naucalpan
1) Kaving & Rolling Boy vs Pacto Negro & Rambo Jr.
2) Astro de Plata, Astro Rey Jr., Tritón vs Gemelo Fantastico I, Gemelo Fantastico II, Imposible
3) Chico Che, Golden Magic, Multifacético vs Apolo Estrada Jr., Avisman, El Hijo del Diablo
4) Negro Navarro, Trauma I, Trauma II vs Oficial 911, Oficial AK47, Oficial Fierro
5) Solar I, Súper Nova, Taboo vs Canis Lupus, El Brazo, Head Hunter I

Super Nova winning Perros del Mal Light Heavyweight Championship -> IWRG regular main eventer?