Panther/Peste, Estrellia injured, Ayumi champion, Triton

CMLL (FRI) 11/25/2011 Arena Mexico [CMLLKaiser Sports, RadioCMLL]
1) Shockercito & Último Dragoncito b Pequeño Olímpico & Pequeño Warrior
Shocker took out Olimpico with a tope and Dragoncito beat Warrior for the win.
2) Estrellita DCOR Tiffany [lightning]
Only the second lightning match draw this year, after Cometa/Signo went 10 minutes. This draw was probably not the planned finish. Estrellita went for a top rope tornillo plancha to the floor. The move itself was not so bad. The aim was off, and Tiffany didn’t come close to catching Estrellita. Both women were counted out (Tiffany finding a way not to get back in for 20 seconds) and Estrellita was taken to the hospital.
3) Dragon Lee, Fuego, Metro b Euforia, Pólvora, Virus
Looks like the rudos took 1, and the tecnicos took the 2/3 for the win, Metro getting the big pin on Polvora.
4) Mr. Águila, Olímpico, Psicosis b Ángel de Oro, Máscara Dorada, Valiente
Mean ol’ rudos beat up Kemonito and send him to the infirmary in the first fall. They took falls 1/3 to win, Psicosis & Olimpico beating Dorada & Valiente.
5) Dragón Rojo Jr., Rey Escorpion, Último Guerrero b Atlantis, Delta, Jushin Lyger
Rudos took 1/3. UG pulled Lyger’s mask for the win. Lyger appears to be a balding Japanese man!
6) Blue Panther, La Sombra, Shocker DQ Felino, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas
Niebla & Zacarias were dressed like Hell Boy today. Tecnicos took 2/3, the last when the rudos were charged with excessive violence by Tirantes. Felino said this was what would happen on 12/16. Not exactly this, I’d hope. Felino also made it clear he wants a singles match with Panther, not Shocker and Negro getting involved.

Your fan attendance photo of the night.

Ayumi beat Marcela for the CMLL Women’s Championship earlier today in Japan. Usual quick/quick/long three falls for a CMLL big match, with Ayumi taking falls two and three. Ayumu’s the 14th champion, and fourth Japanese woman to win the title. Marcela’s one month title reign goes down as the shortest in the history of the championship. Marcela is mentioned as defending the title against Mima on 12/04 in Oaxaca, which probably won’t be happening now.

SuperLuchas, clearly bored, wonders if Triton vs Triton will be settled like Mr. Niebla vs Mr. Niebla – in a match! (It was actually settled in court and they decided to just do the match to give CMLL Mr. Niebla a win.)

On Ras de Lona, Triton explained he grew up on the sea and now he’s teaming with Atlantis, so the name just makes a lot of sense.

This whole situation is the best thing ever for the indy Triton, who goes from mostly-anonymous indy luchador ikely to disappear right back into the ether like so many a IWRG midcarder to a celebrity cause. It’s tough for an independent luchador to communicate to the fans who they are and why people should care about them, but IWRG Triton got both taken care of (at least at the indy level) without lifting a finger. Hope he takes advantage of it.

I’m also not sure why the IWRG Triton people are mad at CMLL – shouldn’t they be angry at Fantasma, Rambo and the rest of the Mexico City lucha commission for not enforcing the name rights (if, in fact, the IWRG Triton actually has them?) It’s not CMLL’s job to regulate this these things.

If I worked for CMLL PR, I would absolutely tell advise them to do something to make the IWRG Trion people happy – it’s a really easy way to get some positive feelings from people who are mostly disenchanted with your promotion – but that doesn’t seem to be the way they’re going with this.

By the way – Triton is Metal Blanco, not Palacio Negro. They should’ve held up signs when they were introduced, so people would’ve not be confused about which was supposed to be which. (Or maybe just put up video of the press conference, where it was pretty clear who was what.)

In other Ras de Lona news, they showed a clip of Zeuxis’ tope on Tuesday, and she nearly landed on her head. Welcome back! A fair bit of focus on Shocker’s group vs Atlantis’ group. Lots on the bodybuilding contest. Panico and Guerrero del Futuro were handing out the first place trophies. They showed Astral being very upset about being ruled second place.

Sean Waltman told PWTorch that WWE should hire Fabi Apache. They should, expect for the part where they’d have actually no idea how to use her. Anyway, WWE said no.

LuchaWorld has Alfredo’s Weekly Ramblings.

Rob has highlights of 05/08/11 AAA.



CMLL (MON) 11/28/2011 Arena Puebla
1) Asturiano, Black Tiger, Tigre Rojo vs Ares, King Jaguar, Policeman
2) Astral, Eléctrico, Shockercito vs Pequeño Nitro, Pequeño Olímpico, Pequeño Violencia
3) Virus vs Dragon Lee [CMLL SL]
4) Ángel de Oro, Hijo del Fantasma, Valiente vs Olímpico, Psicosis, Volador Jr.
5) Atlantis, Blue Panther, La Máscara vs Felino, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas

Dragon Lee gets his shot. Semimain has the national trios champs together. Main event is Panther/Peste Negra with no Shocker.

CMLL (FRI) 12/02/2011 Arena Mexico
1) Rayo Tapatío I & Rayo Tapatío II vs Hombre Bala & Super Halcon Jr.
2) Pegasso vs Loco Max [lightning]
3) Diamante, Fuego, Stuka Jr. vs Cancerbero, Raziel, Tiger
4) Atlantis, Delta, Guerrero Maya Jr. vs Olímpico, Psicosis, Volador Jr.
5) Jushin Lyger, Máscara Dorada, Rush vs Averno, Ephesto, Último Guerrero
6) Felino, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas vs Blue Panther, La Sombra, Shocker

Despite Felino not wanting Negro & Shocker involved, they keep showing up.

That’s the Invasors champions again, this time setting up against a very logical trio to contest the title.

Though, if we’re setting up random title matches, I wish they’d go with the one in the tercera first.

Ras de Lona had Fantasma in Dorada’s spot.

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4 thoughts to “Panther/Peste, Estrellia injured, Ayumi champion, Triton”

  1. 52MX did about 6 minutes straight of press conference highlights before starting with the semimain. I bet that means we’re getting an edited down cibernetico as the main event.

  2. I would personally love to see Atlantis’s group win that non-title match, then win the title, then have a prolonged feud with Shocker’s group over those titles. That would give the newer guys the rub, and increase the importance of these titles by having a veteran in Shocker and a legend in Atlantis feuding over them.

  3. Since it is CMLL, it is more likely that Triton and Titan will team up with Guerrero Maya or Delta in two or three months without any explanation.

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