Mascara vs Averno, unfriendly TRT, Polvora & Delta advance, Suicida shaved

CMLL (FRI) 05/13/2011 Arena Mexico [CesarCMLLRecord]
1) Artillero, Mortiz, Súper ComandoHöruz, Robin, Trueno
Rudo win, taking 2/3. Trueno took Mortiz’s spanish fly. Robin had a poor night.
2) Arkángel de la Muerte, Loco Max, SkándaloÁngel Azteca, Ángel de Plata, Pegasso
Rudos took 1/3.
3) DeltaRey Escorpion [Forjando un Idolo, quarterfinal]
Crowd got into this match. Rey Escorpion tried to cheat again, but Ultimo Guerrero stopped him and Delta eventually took the win. Ultimo Guerrero and Rey Escorpion had real problems after this one, shoving each other on (and off) the ramp.
4) PólvoraHijo del Signo [Forjando un Idolo, quarterfinal]
Hijo del Signo was the last Group Alfa (Negro Casas) member standing. He lost, and Polvora becomes the second group Delta (Blue Panther) member to get thru.
5) Metal Blanco, Palacio Negro, Stuka Jr.Euforia, Shigeo Okumura, Yoshihashi
Bonus match, added midweek (but not publicized.) Probably not airing.
6) Negro Casas, Rey Bucanero, TerribleMáximo, Super Porky, Toscano
Rudos won, but Terrible & Bucanero turned on Zacarias and Negro Casas post match. Members of Fuerza TRT do not want anything to do with other rudos.
7) Averno, Ephesto, Último Guerrero DQ Blue Panther, La Máscara, Máscara Dorada
Rudos won in straight falls, with La Mascara angrily ripping off Averno’s mask in the second fall. More mask/mask challenges.

AAA (FRI) 05/13/2011 Arena Neza [Estrellas del Ring]
1) Montana Infernal & Muercielado NocturnoÁngel Mortal Jr. & Marabunta Jr.
2) Black Lancer, Okawa, Vampiro MetailcoCarta Brava, Hermano Muerte II, Hermano Muerte III
3) Mari Apache, Octagoncito, Pimpinela EscarlataMini Chessman, Polvo de Estrellas, Sexy Star
Mari replaced Fabi.
4) Neza KidMike Segura [hair]
Mike Segura lost his hair, so the mystery of Neza Kid lives another day (though it’d be more of a mystery if he wore a shirt and covered up his shoulder tattoos.) Ultraviolent match, though the finish was Suicida suplexing Neza Kid three times, reaching to pick up Neza again, and being cradles for the three count.
5) El Mesías, Monster Clown, Murder Clown, Psycho Clown Bestia 666, Damián 666, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, X-Fly
X-Fly was over here instead of the TV taping. Monster Clown hurt his ankle and fought in one shoe for a while. Mesias gave Perro a backcracker for a clean win!

Crowd looks pretty decent, strong by Arena Neza standards. Curious to know who the ‘local’ promoter is.

The lucha news was dominated by WWE’s show in Mexico City, and their announcement of television tapings in Palacio de los Deportes this October. WWE will record Raw on October 15 (Saturday) and SmackDown on October 16 (Sunday). With tapings finally happening, the new dangling carrot was maybe running WrestleMania in Azteca Stadium (but they probably need to work on airing something live first.) CMLL tends to run a mid level show the second week of October and AAA runs the Heroes Inmortales show in early October, so this may affect both of their plans.

At the press conference, Big Show said Alberto del Rio reminded him of an actor, like Frank Sinatra (?) but he’s ugly and should go back to wearing a mask. I want to watch movies with Sin Cara.

Perros del Mal are calling their anniversary show PerroMania XIX.

Ras de Lona included an interview with Hombre Bala Junior and Senior. Good to see Senior on his feet. They actually sort of mentioned Psicosis’ poor outcomes in title matches (biased refereeing, naturally) and Psicosis talked about his upcoming international matches (including Lucha Libre USA, which I believe is the first time they’ve actually mentioned that group by name here; Marco was also spotted in the brief about Shocker’s restaurant opening.)

Looks like the CMLL TV changes from last week were not a one time thing; CMLL Fox is airing matches from last Friday, so LATV is likely getting the Mex trios title match today.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update.



CMLL (TUE) 05/17/2011 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Leo vs Black Metal
2) Metatrón & Virgo vs Acertijo & León Blanco
3) Último Dragoncito vs Pierrothito
4) Delta, Diamante, Metro vs Ephesto, Scorpion, Vangelis
5) Hijo del Fantasma, Sangre Azteca, Toscano vs Averno, Ephesto, Mephisto

Odd to see a singles non-title minis match here, but they’ve actually done this same match here twice in 2008, splitting the results. They’re 3-3 versus each other in singles matches all time.

CMLL (FRI) 05/20/2011 Arena Mexico
1) Bengala & Robin vs Bronco & Inquisidor
2) Dark Angel, Lluvia, Marcela vs Amapola, Estrellita, Tiffany
3) Delta vs Pólvora [Forjando un Idolo, semifinal]
4) Ángel de Oro vs Fuego [Forjando un Idolo, semifinal]
5) Rey Bucanero, Terrible, Texano vs Metro, Super Porky, Valiente
6) La Máscara vs Averno
7) Felino, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas vs La Sombra, Máscara Dorada, Rush

Not too big of a surprise that match is not a title match; it hasn’t been about the title. Wish they’d put their big singles matches in the main event spot.

Back when Rey Bucanero was added to Peste Negra, it was because they needed another man. Mr. Niebla was not around. Mr. Niebla is back now, but history indicates we should not expect him to stay around forever. Yet, CMLL doesn’t seem to be concerned at all now, making sure we know Bucanero is split from the group. I hope that’s a positive sign about Niebla, but I wonder if it means they’re much less concerned about keeping Peste Negra going or they’ve got a new member planned.

Interestingly, Ras de Lona had Shocker in Mascara Dorada’s place. Must’ve been some hope he’d been back this week. Should be soon.

05/13 AAA TV Results (Cuautitlan)

AAA TV (FRI) 05/13/2011 Gimnasio Mario Colin, Cuautitlan, EdM [Mi Lucha Libre (2)Mi Lucha Libre (3, 5)Mi Lucha Libre (4)Record]
1) Argenis, Atomic Boy, FenixDark Dragon, Tigre Cota, Tito Santana
Fenix spanish fly on Tito Santana.
2) Alan Stone & Jennifer BlakeEl Elegido & Lolita [AAA MIXED TAG]
Alan used a Hijo de Tirantes distraction to hit Elegido with a chair, setting up the title defense. Guaptio was at ringside, taking notes. Not sure why. Maybe another attempt at recruiting Elegido?
3) Joe Lider & Nicho el MillionarioLizmark Jr. & Súper Fly
X-Fly was listed in this match, Super Fly is listed in the results. He took the loss when Masked Zorro ran in and caned him. Konnan appeared, demanding the Masked Zorro unmask by the end of the show.
4) Drago, La Parka, OzzCharly Manson, Cibernético, Escoria
Switched to the semimain, with Parka pinning Ciberenetico actually. Bizarros immediately beat up the tecnicos after the match and tried to burn Parka, but Drago put out the flame with green mist. Parka challenged Cibernetico to a group vs group match at TripleMania. Cibernetico accepted.
5) Chessman, Silver King, Último GladiadorExtreme Tiger, Heavy Metal, Jack Evans
Silver King gave Heavy Metal a DVD for the win. Show concluded with Dorian & Konnan having an in-ring discussion: they were happy Metal was beat for turning them down, they announced TNA wrestlers would challenge Tiger & Jack for the tag titles, and announced the women’s match. Dorian told Konnan that he must resolve his issues with Jeff Jarrett on the next taping. The masked Zorro reappeared, playing the (non-masked) Zorro quote that a dictator will fall, saying it’ll happen in SLP. Konnan is convinced that it’s the real Zorro who’s under the mask (now) and told Dorian that no one tells him what to do; he’ll see Jarrett in SLP, but not to talk.

2011 AAA TV Chart
Projected Air date (#990)
Mexico: 05/22
US: 06/05

I hope the Zorro storyline makes sense in the end. They’ve very much set up SLP as a turning point in both Konnan & Zorro’s storylines.

What we have for TripleMania so far

  • Zorro vs ? [AAA HEAVY] – maybe LA Park, maybe Mesias, maybe Jarrett? Maybe all of them?
  • La Parka’s Underground (Parka, Drago, Ozz, Cuervo, Espiritu) vs Bizarros (Cibernetico, Charly, Escoria, Billy, one of Taboo, Nygma and Amadeus)
  • Jack Evans & Extreme Tiger vs a TNA Tag Team [AAA TAG] – one of the Machine Guns is hurt, so maybe Generation Me?
  • Fabi Apache, Mari Apache, Lolita, Cinthia Moreno vs Mickie James, Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, Sexi Star
  • probably something involving the Clowns/Wagner and the Perros
  • possibly the Trios Tournament (though they really need to start that at SLP if it’s happening, and it might end up just being the previous match as Alan pointed out)
  • slight chance of something like Octagon/Laredo/Aero/Elegido vs Super Fly/Decnnis/Stones
  • slight chance of something like Metal/Electroshock/187 vs Silver/Gladiador/Chessman/whoever’s left or Fresero Jr.

Next taping is Wednesday in SLP.