CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX #284 (04/30/2011)

on target

taped @ Arena Coliseo, 04/24/2011

file: here
recap: here

Enrique Vera Jr. & Hombre Bala Jr. vs Rayo Tapatío I & Rayo Tapatío II: not the smoothest match, and felt short, but continued to the get story over well. Production completely missed the switch the first time thru (which makes me think they’re not told) but the announcers tried their best to cover.

Black Warrior, Metro, Palacio Negro vs Felino, Mr. Niebla, Rey Bucanero: easy comedy match, spotlight totally on the rudos. I’m happy Warrior is getting paid, but he’s making no impact here. Excellent technology use on the spit.

Valiente & Lyger keep their titles, Cindo de Mayo shows

CMLL (MON) 05/02/2011 Arena Puebla [Cindo Radio]
4) Valiente b Virus [MEX WELTER]
Valiente kept the title. He’d like a world title match with Averno, Mephisto or Ultimo Guerrero. (Mephisto doesn’t actually have the world title.) Virus gave Valiente credit for the win, called him a good wrestler, and said the wrestling connoisseur would appreciate their bout.
5) Rush, Strong Man, Toscano b Averno, Ephesto, Mephisto
Strong Man replaced Black Warrior.

No results from the early matches as of yet.

05/03: Jushin Liger beat Mascara Dorada [CMLL WELTER]; 10:04, brainbuster for the win.

Liger’s turned back Dorada and Sombra twice. Liger spoke positively about Dorada, who appeared to have a good tournament, but pointed out he’s beatable on the ground. Liger’s post match comments seem to point to another Sombra match. Dorada will get another singles match with Liger in Best of Super Juniors tournament, which starts up on May 26. Dorada has one more day on the tour, then flies home for Friday’s show.

Cinco de Mayo

Dragon Rojo vs “Angel Azteca” is billed for a NY tequila show on 05/05.

Lucha Va Voom’s shows are main evented by Sicodelico in LA and Casandro in Chicago. That seems unfair to my friends in LA, but they’re certain to get a Lil Chicken who might be Mascarita Dorada on other days. Tickets are $45 at the Mayan in LA (no seats, same prices for everyone) and $25 GA to $150 for booths in Chicago. If anyone’s going, let me know.

Forjando un Idolo

I liked both of them. CMLL’s press release on the tournament says Guerrero Maya Jr. and Metal Blanco will fight tonight as a tie breaker. Winner is second place in Group Charly and meets Angel de Oro on Friday. Press release doesn’t mention it, but the website lists Rey Escorpion with 7 points, having won the final voting point.

Other Stuff

On this past week’s TV, Chessman did join Los Maniacos, but they’re now calling themselves La Maniarquia. Also, Dorian brought up Jeff Jarrett by name, so he’s for sure in. Sting? I’m guessing no, though that’d be a big deal.

Rey Escorpion says his son’s illness is “Legg-Calve-Perthes“, a disease attacking the hip which only happens to young boys. The boy has already had two operations, but Rey Escorpion needs to raise funds for a third. All the guys working the 05/21 show volunteered to work on the show (and Shocker will be signing autographs), and Rey Escorpion is grateful for their support.

Princesa Sujei will appear on the next DTU show. DTU’s only used AAA wrestlers prior, I thought they had announced Chessman vs Joe Lider for the next show, and CMLL’s not letting their people work on the same show as AAA people. Whatever the situation, DTU girls working with someone like Sujei is only good news for them.

Bestia 666 will be on the Urban Wrestling Federation show. For his level of experience, Bestia 666 has been perfectly fine (though he hasn’t been in much of a place to show in AAA.)

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update.



CMLL (MON) 05/09/2011 Arena Puebla
1) Black Tiger & Centella de Oro vs Espiritu Maligno & King Jaguar
2) Lestat, Metálico, Starman vs Apocalipsis, Arissma, Inquisidor
3) Dark Angel, Goya Kong, Lluvia vs La Comandante, Princesa Blanca, Princesa Sujei
4) La Máscara, Máscara Dorada, Máximo vs Rey Bucanero, Terrible, Texano
5) La Sombra, Rush, Toscano vs Atlantis, Dragón Rojo Jr., Último Guerrero

They got all the rudos on the right teams, hooray.

CMLL Forjando un Idolo, Part 1


My plan was to recap all the TV shows, since I’d effectively done half of all of them by watching these matches. But then then the TV shows never turned up and I’ve watched three dozen other matches since thinking about these ones. Alas.

#porraReyCometa (and the other guy)

Hijo del Signo vs Hombre Bala Jr., Arena Puebla, 04/11/2011: this was the match where Hijo del Signo really impressed me; maybe he’s a better singles wrestler, maybe he’s just better when he gets to b a good rudo, but this was a solid smart focused match that CMLL youngsters don’t normally do.

Diamante vs Puma King, Arena Puebla, 04/11/2011: That other match felt more IWRG style, this one was CMLL.

Palacio Negro vs Rey Cometa, Arena Mexico, 04/12/2011: This has spots that went well and some that didn’t go quite so.

Angel de Oro vs Escorpion, Arena Mexico, 04/12/2011: Not sure if they even know where they’re going with this idea (or if they are), but the UG/Rey Scorpion stuff is at least catching people’s attraction.

Fuego vs Pólvora, Arena Coliseo, 04/17/2011: Polvora really doesn’t interest me, but Fuego had a really strong tournament.

Magnus vs Angel de Plata, Arena Coliseo, 04/17/2011: Not a disaster! Hooray.

04/30-05/01 lucha videos


  • 04/30 WWC and 05/01 WWC
  • 04/30 CMLL 52MX:
    Rayo Tapatío I & Rayo Tapatío II vs Enrique Vera Jr. & Hombre Bala Jr.
    Felino, Mr. Niebla, Rey Bucanero vs Black Warrior, Metro, Palacio Negro
  • 04/30 AAA – a good show!
    Angelico, Argenis, Fenix vs Dark Dragon, Polvo de Estrellas, Tito Santana
    Extreme Tiger & Jack Evans vs Silver King & Último Gladiador [AAA TAG]
    Dr. Wagner Jr. & El Mesías b Damián 666 & LA Park
  • 05/01 ACM:
    Caifan 69, Máscara Púrpura, Silencio vs Antifaz del Norte, Hator, Veneno. I believe Veneno is still karate chopping someone right this moment
  • 05/01 CMLL Gala:
    Escorpion vs Rey Cometa [Forjando Un Idolo]
    Ángel de Oro vs Palacio Negro [Forjando Un Idolo]
    Héctor Garza, Hirooki Goto, Volador Jr. vs Atlantis, Dragón Rojo Jr., Último Guerrero
    Blue Panther, La Máscara, La Sombra vs Averno, Ephesto, Mephisto

LATV was a rerun.

Teleformula: CMLL GDL
Ángel de Oro, Ángel de Plata, Valiente b Dragón Rojo Jr., Shigeo Okumura, Virus
Felino & Mr. Niebla b Hijo del Fantasma & Máscara Dorada
