top six stories of the last two weeks

  1. Virus defated Demus in a relegation battle. Demus returns to the land of the minis.
  2. AAA continued to ask to work to CMLL. CMLL bookers told Dorian to talk to their boss, but didn’t actually set up a meeting or seem interested. AAA wrestlers praised the idea, CMLL wrestlers shot down the idea.
  3. The build to Texano/Terrible vs Porky/Maximo includes the rudos losing by excessive violence DQ in Guadalajara, and Porky showing signs of a heart attack in Mexico. This show is going to do poorly.
  4. Rey de Reyes is going to be on (Mexico) PPV. No mention was made of this on AAA’s show. That PPV is going to do poorly.
  5. Billy Boy joined the Bizarros as Billy el Malo. He had been previously revealed as a mole inside of La Sociedad.
  6. Sombra beat Mephisto for the NWA Welterweight Title.

Other stories

  • Heavy Metal was arrested for driving drunk.
  • Loco Max took Escorpion’s hair.
  • Joe Lider, Silver King, and Ultimo Gladiador won the IWRG trios titles.
  • Ultimo Guerrero criticized CMLL programming. Notable for the complaint – guys being treated as starts without having been built up that way – as just the idea of anyone willing to complain about CMLL’s booking publically.
  • Mr. Niebla returned, showed no sign of a knee problem.
  • Oro II and Fantasma de la Opera unmasked each other.
  • La Mascara retarined his title over Ultimo Guerrero.

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8 thoughts to “top six stories of the last two weeks”

  1. 7. Cubsfan, billzero & yours truly pooled our resources to deduce Bengala = Sombra De Plata. The world can now rest easy.

  2. @LLL: I still don’t see it on there, but Dorian’s tweet made it sound like they hadn’t even finished the deal until today.

  3. @thecubsfan: Yes, still no sign at the suscriptors internet site at this hour. I wonder how they will be able to sell this even in two days.

  4. @conjuarez: usually i just press the “BUY” button an hour before the show. no need to buy days in advance unless SKY is different. the real problem is that I suspect that no one knows it’s a PPV unless they are in-the-know fans.

  5. @LLL: Same here, you can order the event minutes before or even as it is in progress. As you say, the problem is few people know.

  6. @LLL: Less than half an hour ago the info about the Rey de Reyes PPV became available in the suscriptors internet site.
    Here’s what is says:

    Canal: 570 Precio $269: (Channel: 570 Price: $269 – approx. US 22.50)

    Si contratas este evento el 17 de marzo, disfrútalo a un precio especial de $219 (if you order this event 03/17 enjoy it at a special price of 219 pesos – approx. US 18.25)

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