CMLL Guadalajara on Teleformula #37 (03/06/2011)

unbeatable finish

taped @ Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 01/25/2011

file: here
recap: here

Mr. Trueno vs Puma King for the Occidente Middleweight Championship: Fun. I believe in Puma King, and I don’t mind if he loses as long as he gets things to show off. It is odd to see CMLL take their time with him when they’re rushing other people to the top, but more matches with Mr. Trueno are fine with me.

Hijo del Fantasma, La Máscara, Máximo vs Terrible, Texano, Volador Jr.: Usual Maximo match that gets over really well with a live crowd, though feels like something we’ve seen on TV a lot prior. Texano molding himself after Hector Garza is not a surprise, Texano literally doing Hector Garza’s spots in a match is a bit weird to see. You’re supposed to wait for him to leave to do that! I have to admit that I’m not sure what an Air Predator is, but I’m not sure Volador knows either.


CMLL Tuesday results, Kami-Robo, LLUSA

CMLL (TUE) 03/15/2011 Arena Mexico [Record]
1) Inquisidor & Zayco b Principe & Robin
2) Pequeño Olímpico, Pequeño Universo 2000, Pequeño Warrior b Eléctrico, Fantasy, Mini Maximo
Electrico replaced Shockercito
3) Hijo del Signo, Puma King, Virus b Ángel Azteca, Ángel de Plata, Rey Cometa
Virus replaced Nitro, beat Cometa in the deciding fall.
4) Delta, Fuego, Sangre Azteca b Pólvora, Shigeo Okumura, Yoshihashi
5) Blue Panther, Hijo del Fantasma, La Máscara DQ Mr. Águila, Olímpico, Volador Jr.
La Mascara had Olimpico in a campana, and Volador ripped his mask off for the DQ.

CMLL (TUE) 03/15/2011 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [Fuego en el Ring]
1) Evola b Acertijo
2) Camorra & Infierno b Black Metal & Magnum
3) Goya Kong & Silueta b La Comandante & Luna Mágica
Luna Magica replaced Seductora.
4) Diamante, Gallo, Sagrado b Arkángel de la Muerte, Hooligan, Skándalo
Gallo surprised Hooligan with a cradle for the win.
5) Negro Casas & Rey Bucanero b Máximo & Rush

CMLL still doesn’t have Sunday lineups up for DF or Guadalajara, but we do know one match from each match. The Kami-Robo exhibition match, where six luchadors will wrestle as mecha-robots:

  • Bird Man (Fuego)
  • The Old (Angel de Oro)
  • Fujiyama (Diamante)
  • Majin (Felino)
  • Love Shock (Polvora)
  • The Dokuronger (Misterioso Jr.)

There are pictures of all the characters in this Record article. I hope these guys are dressed as luchadors wearing similar outfits then wrestling in big blocky outfits, but one never knows.  If the Fuego outfit looks as good as it does on the robot, he really should look into switching to it. The Japanese ambassador is scheduled to attend.

The GDL show will have a Pequeno Olimpico vs Virgo title match, and Fuego has interviewed the champion (who thinks Virgo is promising but his massive experience edge will get him a win) and challenger (who says Meteoro was supposed to challenge, but he disappeared, so Virgo just did it himself.)

At last night’s Arnea Aficion show, Canek made a surprise appearance to attack Dr. Wagner. Surely still wants the UWA Heavyweight Championship back.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update and LuchaWorld 2010 countdown 80 to 71.



MW (SAT) 03/19/2011 Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Albuquerque
1) Nikki Roxx, ODB, Rebecca Reyes vs Jackie Moore, Krissy Vaine, Tigresa Caliente
2) Oriental & Tinieblas Jr. vs Mascarita Dorada & Mini Park
3) Jon Rekon, Petey Williams, RJ Brewer vs Magno, Rocky Romero, Súper Nova
4) Rellik & Sydistiko vs Marco Corleone & Shane Helms
5) Petey Williams vs RJ Brewer, Charly Malice, Rocky Romero, Shane Helms, Marco Corleone, Sydistiko, Rellik [lucha roulette]
6) Oriental & Tinieblas Jr. vs Magno & Súper Nova

Might be Rebecca’s in-ring debut? Tracy Brooks is also listed as appearing. Jon Rekon = Jon Strongman. Lizmark Jr. is listed on the poster but doesn’t have a match. He’s not listed at Rey de Reyes the night before, but he was going to appear there.

top six stories of the last two weeks

  1. Virus defated Demus in a relegation battle. Demus returns to the land of the minis.
  2. AAA continued to ask to work to CMLL. CMLL bookers told Dorian to talk to their boss, but didn’t actually set up a meeting or seem interested. AAA wrestlers praised the idea, CMLL wrestlers shot down the idea.
  3. The build to Texano/Terrible vs Porky/Maximo includes the rudos losing by excessive violence DQ in Guadalajara, and Porky showing signs of a heart attack in Mexico. This show is going to do poorly.
  4. Rey de Reyes is going to be on (Mexico) PPV. No mention was made of this on AAA’s show. That PPV is going to do poorly.
  5. Billy Boy joined the Bizarros as Billy el Malo. He had been previously revealed as a mole inside of La Sociedad.
  6. Sombra beat Mephisto for the NWA Welterweight Title.

Other stories

  • Heavy Metal was arrested for driving drunk.
  • Loco Max took Escorpion’s hair.
  • Joe Lider, Silver King, and Ultimo Gladiador won the IWRG trios titles.
  • Ultimo Guerrero criticized CMLL programming. Notable for the complaint – guys being treated as starts without having been built up that way – as just the idea of anyone willing to complain about CMLL’s booking publically.
  • Mr. Niebla returned, showed no sign of a knee problem.
  • Oro II and Fantasma de la Opera unmasked each other.
  • La Mascara retarined his title over Ultimo Guerrero.

AAA on Televisa #979 (02/26/2011)


taped @ Arena Naucalpan, 02/04/2011

file: here
recap: here

Fabi Apache & Sugi vs Ronin & Sexy Star: Sugi’s back! It’s be nice if got more than four spots, but it’ll get better. Fabi was limping coming into this match.

Joe Lider vs Cuervo and Chessman and Extreme Tiger in a AAA’s Rey de Reyes Tournament semifinal match: This was a lot of four way cliches, but they kept it exciting and used the numbers to avoid deadspots. It was good. I do not understand AAA’s new fascination with going to the break 40 seconds before a finish. It’d tough to get back into the match when it immediately ends after the commercial break (and I’m not even watching the commercials much of the time.)

El Mesías, Espíritu, Ozz vs Decnnis, LA Park, Zorro (part 2): Park took off his belt and hit someone, and then later they got the belt back and hit him with it. You may have seen this match. Park would’ve stood a better chance if his partners didn’t all get hurt during this match. Dark Family & Mesias went nowhere from here.