Guadalajara results, notes

CMLL (SUN) 03/13/2011 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [Fuego en el Ring]
1) Javier Cruz Jr. b Metalik
2) Dragon & León Blanco b Astaroth & Hierro
3) Meteoro & Virgo b Pequeño Olímpico & Pequeño Violencia
upset win by the locals! Virgo pinned Olimpico, challenged him to a title match. It’ll happen next Sunday.
4) Ángel de Oro, Ángel de Plata, Stuka Jr. b Escorpion, Euforia, Vangelis
Clean win for the tecnicos, a Stuka dive and Angels with their submissions.
5) Atlantis, Dragón Rojo Jr., Último Guerrero b La Máscara, Rush, Valiente
rudos took 1 and 3, Atlantidas all around for the win.

Couple notes for the week: I’ll be on Figure Four Daily this Wednesday to preview this week’s shows. I’ll also be running a chat here Friday night to talk about both shows. DST means things will be one hour later than usual, and running even later than usual (which is actually good if you’re watching NCAA basketball at the same time.) May want to take a nap.

AAA’s gone from a Box Y Lucha weekly serialized interview Maricela Pena to apparently banning them. Apparently it has something to do with Mesias? AAA is a moody bunch. This week’s Box Y Lucha 3017 has Demus shaved on the corner.

Black Terry Jr. has photos from Sunday’s Coliseo Coaalco show and from Arena Azteca in Pachuca.

Kcidis has Demus, suffering from a Virus.

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One thought to “Guadalajara results, notes”

  1. Some alert Dr. Lucha, Rush invades ACM this Sunday. I kinda like the CMLL involvement in FULL/ACM. The match that aired this past weekend was pretty good.

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