Virus demotes Demus, AAA looking for women, Rey Misterio

CMLL (FRI) 03/11/2011 Arena Mexico [Record (4)CesarSuperLuchasEstrellas del Ring]
1) Bengala & MolotovDisturbio & Semental
Semental accidentally dropkicking Disturbio led to the loss.
2) Bronco, Escorpion, HooliganFabián el Gitano, Metálico, Sensei
Escorpion powerbombed Sensei for the deciding pin.
3) Ángel de Oro, Delta, Sangre Azteca vs Ephesto, Misterioso Jr., Pólvora
4) VirusDemus 3:16 [hair]
Virus withstands everything Demus has to beat him. Good match, though the Friday crowd wasn’t as much into it because it had been built on Tuesdays.
5) Atlantis, Dragón Rojo Jr., Volador Jr.Rush, Toscano, Valiente
Atlantis ‘rana on Toscano.
6) La Sombra, Máscara Dorada, Super PorkyAverno, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas
Straight falls. Averno DQed in the first for unmasking Dorada, Dorada cradles Averno for the second.

Ras de Lona had clips of Angel de Plata’s shooting star press injury. It was frightening – the rudos were standing in a reasonable spot, but Plata just out-leaped them and there was no way they could catch him. There was also an interview with Hiroka at her pet shop, picking Demus to win the hair match and saying she’d return soon. Both sides for Sunday’s veterans vs Gen2011 cibernetico were interviewed. There was talk about Angel Blanco, but no interviews with anyone in the top two matches at Dos Leyendas.

AAA says they’ll soon be starting a drive to bring more woman into their promotion. The impression I get is they’d like to have more Sexi Star’s, and would easily settle for more CMLL edecanes types. Related: Impacto interviews Lolita about starting in AAA.

Rey Misterio had an autograph signing and did some press. Most of it was Misterio saying Sin Cara is not coming to WWE to replace him, and he’s hoping this is the start of another wave of Mexican luchadors to come to the United States.

Black Terry Jr. has video of Sadico & los Traumas vs Puma King, Tiger Kid, and Halcon 78 Jr.: part 1, part 2, part 3.

LuchaWorld has last week’s Ras de Lona.


  • Tirantes says Rey de Reyes could be the last match of Apache’s life.
  • Extreme Tiger talks about his Rey de Reyes opponent.
  • Rush says he’s always been underrated and has no respect for the hierarchy.
  • Dr. X talks about his career, is much more careful to not blame programming for not giving him a chance this time.
  • Atomic Boy started wrestling at the age of 12.
  • Oriental talks about the state of Mexican wrestling.
  • Daga is no longer IWL internet champion; he found out by reading about a new tournament for the title on Facebook.
  • Lizmark Sr. is training luchadors in Acapulco.
  • Dark Angel is signing autographs Friday.

03/21 AAA TV Lineup (Leon)

AAA TV (MON) 03/21/2011 Domo de la Feria, Leon
1) Angelico, Argenis, Dralion vs Dark Dragon, Polvo de Estrellas, Tito Santana
2) Cuervo, El Elegido, Ozz vs Alan Stone, Decnnis, Tigre Cota
3) Aerostar & Laredo Kid vs Chris Stone & Súper Fly
4) Silver King & Último Gladiador vs Extreme Tiger & Jack Evans [AAA TAG]
5) Espíritu, Joe Lider, La Parka vs Charly Manson, Cibernético, Escoria
6) Dr. Wagner Jr. & El Mesías vs Damián 666 & LA Park

2011 AAA TV Chart

Not sure! This will definitely air, the first taping after TripleMania and it stands a good chance of airing over two weeks. (They could easily cut that opener and make it one week too.) AAA officially announced Rey de Reyes would be on PPV (via Sky). They haven’t said if Rey de Reyes will also be on TV.  The last time they ran a show as a PPV, TripleMania 2010, it aired on the regular show. The year prior, TripleMania did not air on TV until December. Taping another show only a few days later allows them to continue airing new footage without having to air Rey de Reyes right away, and that’s my best guess at what’ll happen.

Projected Air Date (#982, #983)
Mexico: 03/27, 04/03
US: 04/09, 04/16

No real spoilers for Rey de Reyes. Leon lineups usually get out well ahead of time (, and I’d bet they figured on happening. Main event is a continuation of Mesias/Park, so they won’t be getting resolved at Rey de Reyes, though I wasn’t really expecting that.

The last taping teased something with Escoria and his former friends, and the semimain looks to follow up on it.

Tiger & Jack defeated Los Manaicos a few weeks ago in a non-title match, and are actually getting a title shot out of it. Planning!

Aerostar & Laredo finally get Super Fly, and they’ll probably continue to be getting him for at least 3 more months. Aerostar’s neck should be fine by now.

They’ve got Chris Stone, Alan Stone, Tito Santana (yes that one), Tigre Cota, and Denciss over three matches, which is basically the same guys as a recent groups. Seems like there’s one solider MIA.

Opener, which may turn out to be a Dark Match, has some surprising names. Angelico is the South Africian who was in IWRG and a student of Ultimo Dragon before that. There’s a Dralion who wrestles in Arena Neza recently and one who wrestles hardcore matches in northern Mexico; not sure which one (if either!) this person would be. Polvo continues to wrestle under both personas depending on where he’s booked (no Bizarro is wrestling openers.)