new champ Rush, Virus/Demus, press conference Thursday (& Mistico), AAA/Santo

new champ (and his brother)/photo via CMLL

CMLL (TUE) 02/22/2011 Arena Mexico [CMLL]
1) Freesbe & Höruz b Apocalipsis & Mortiz
2) La Comandante, Mima Shimoda, Zeuxis b Estrella Mágica, Lluvia, Luna Mágica
Zeuxis replaced Tiffany, Luna Magica replaced Goya Kong. First Estrella Magica since October, only the third time she’s teamed with her sister in main CMLL rings.
3) Arkángel de la Muerte, Demus 3:16, Hijo del Signo b Euforia, Raziel, Virus
Demus took the first and the third, sneaking in a foul on Virus to take the match, just like the cibernetico that started this. Virus wanted a singles match, and Demus accepted, saying he wanted the chance to prove he had surpassed Virus.
4) Rush b Ephesto [CMLL LH]
New Champion! Dragon Lee seconded his brother, who won his first world championship. A big double stomp set up the final pin.
5) Averno, Mephisto, Último Guerrero b La Máscara, Super Porky, Toscano
La Mascara had Ultimo Guerrero in the campana, but Ultimo reversed it into his own and beat La Mascara with his own hold! Poor La Mascara.

New hero to old hero: in addition to CMLL’s press conference tomorrow at noon, WWE will have a press conference at 2:30 pm in Mexico City. I expect Mistico to appear at the WWE press conference, officially announcing his WWE contract. No idea if he’ll have his new name ready, but at least a brief appearance under the CMLL name. CMLL doesn’t seem to have much high ground to stand on about people taking gimmicks one company developed and using them somewhere else. (Also, RJ says they’ll announce a TV taping in Mexico – their May tour is Wednesday thru Saturday, not their taping days, so maybe sometime in the future?) If I was CMLL, I would pretend I didn’t announce this press conference too, because WWE will steal a lot of the spotlight. All of the spotlight, if they announce Los Renegados vs Maximo & Porky as an actual main event of a major show.

Mistico was advertised for next Tuesday in Arena Queretaro, but they’ve canceled his appearance. So much for working all his scheduled dates.

Box Y Lucha has been running parts of a long interview with Maricela Pena in each weekly’s edition. AAA reposted the most recent part on their website, because it deals with El Hijo del Santo‘s appearance at TripleMania. According to Maricela, Santo’s wife (/agent) came to AAA’s offices to ask for her husband to be added to TripleMania. TripleMania was totally booked at that point, but the Santos wanted to get him in a wrestling match on TV. Maricela says she agreed to include Santo, though she now regrets it, but wanted to know how much Santo wanted to be paid. Santo and his wife said they didn’t care as long as he was on television. Neither Santo or his wife visited AAA’s offices after the show to get paid, but much later came by demanding an astronomical amount. Maricela refused to pay because it was not what they agreed on. And they’ve been arguing since.

If that was all true, it still doesn’t explain why Santo was given the big win on the show. If it was truly already planned out, they would’ve had someone else in that spot (Parka) and if they knew Santo was so desperate to be on TV, they probably didn’t need to give him the win to get him to stick around.

Tickets went on sale for Rey de Reyes today.

Black Terry Jr. posted video of Golden Magica, Hijo del Pantera, Eragon vs Carta Brava, Impossible, Pollo Asesino: fall 1, fall 2, fall 3

Hijo de Rey Misterio will be wrestling in my city on Sunday. It looks like a new one, so I really should finally go to a show. A couple weekends later, Mascarita Dorada and Pierrothito are coming back to the area, along with Low Rider and others. Should go to that one too. We’ll see!

LuchaWorld had a KrisZ’s news update.


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6 thoughts to “new champ Rush, Virus/Demus, press conference Thursday (& Mistico), AAA/Santo”

  1. I posted the following comment in César’s blog ( ), but on two occasions, he has erased it, so I decided to post it here:

    Have you noticed that now you define yourself as a fan and you’re not trying to pretend to be the insider who many (like CubsFan and Robert) think you are?
    You make judgments about journalism, and I will not defend others, but because you’re generalizing, I can feel that you’re referring to me.
    Do you think it is always required to cite sources? If so, you do not understand what journalism is.
    In my article about Místico’s contract with WWE, I never wrote about “rumors” or “they said it to me” or “some guy thinks that”. I affirm the fact as such. I published that he signed with WWE because he has signed with WWE.
    You want sources? Not even a court can force a journalist to reveal them, and this is one of the most important prerogatives of this work.
    Why I did not cite sources? There are reasons for that that could compromise the situation… Not for me, not for the magazine, but for the people involved (when a journalist does not reveal its source, is – usually – at the request of the source, right?).
    If other magazines decided to create fake interviews because they have no first-hand information, is not my problem, but –boy–learn a little about journalism before talking about it.

  2. Spanish:

    ¿Te has dado cuenta que ahora sí te defines como aficionado y no tratas de aparentar ser el insider que muchos (como CubsFan y Robert) creen que eres?
    Emites juicios sobre periodismo, y no voy a defender a otros, pero como estás generalizando, no puedo evitar sentirme aludido.
    ¿Quieres que se citen fuentes forzosamente? Si eso quieres, es que no entiendes qué es el periodismo.
    En el artículo publicado sobre el contrato de Místico con WWE, en ningún momento se habla de “rumores” o “me dijeron”. Se AFIRMA el hecho como tal. Publicamos que Místico firmó con WWE porque Místico firmó con WWE.
    ¿Las fuentes? Ni siquiera un tribunal puede obligar a un periodista a revelarlas, y esa es una de las prerrogativas más importantes que tiene este oficio.
    ¿Por qué no cito fuentes? Hay razones para ello que podrían comprometer la situación, no conmigo, no con la revista, sino con los involucrados. (Cuando un periodista no revela su fuente, es –por lo regular–a petición de dicha fuente, ¿entiendes?)
    Si otras revistas decidieron inventar declaraciones por no tener la información de primera mano, no es mi problema, pero –muchachito– aprende un poco sobre periodismo antes de hablar sobre él. Te invito a que lo hagas.

  3. ¿Ocampo, aquí? No me la esperaba. Ese tal César es un vil palero del Consejo la mayor parte del tiempo, y a veces critica sin fundamento creyendo que lo sabe todo.

  4. Ocampo, here? I didn’t expect it. That so-called César is such an annoying supporter of CMLL most of the time and sometimes criticizes without foundations thinking he knows everything.

  5. My guess, is that WWE would want to do RAW on tape delay if they decide to do RAW from Mexico.

    It will be interesting to see what happens when the new 20,000 seat arena in Mexico City is ready. It is owned by TV Azteca.

  6. Would be smart to debut Mistico high profile in a televised RAW or Smackdown episode. Imagine the reception he will get. Would look great for the gringos up north.

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