CMLL on LATV (02/05/2011)

Mascarita Dorada

taped at Arena Mexico, 01/14/2011

recap: here

Rayo Tapatío I & Rayo Tapatío II vs Escorpion & Hijo del Signo: Rayos are surely not going to win the CMLL bodybuilding contest any time soon, but they’re perfect for their role, and this is about where Signo belongs for the moment. Escorpion really should be doing something more, but CMLL’s being it’s slow self at pushing new people.

Bam Bam, Eléctrico, Mascarita Dorada vs Pequeño Universo 2000, Pequeño Warrior, Pierrothito: This was going fine until everyone started accidentally killing each other on the dives. Dorada’s impact was never clearly shown, but obviously very bad.

Maximo wins & jumps to AAA (?), Rush/Epehsto, Mascara/Sangre

CMLL (TUE) 02/15/2011 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [Fuego en el Ring]
1) Titanio b Templario
2) Rayo Tapatío I & Rayo Tapatío II b Mr. Trueno & Rey Trueno
I think this means the Rayos could take the Cats in a fight, but we need to see that match.
3) Mima Shimoda, Princesa Blanca, Tiffany b Lluvia, Luna Mágica, Marcela
Luna and Lluvia had a goofup, which allowed the rudos to take advantage and the win.
4) Hijo del Fantasma & Toscano b Mr. Águila & Olímpico
5) Rey Bucanero b Máximo
Before the match, the two agreed to a bet: Maximo would lose his hair if he lost, but Rey would be forced to go out on a date with Maximo if he lost. Perico distracted Maximo in the first fall to set up Bucanero taking it. Perico stayed involved, but Maximo pulled out the second fall. Bucanero tried faking a foul in the third fall, but it didn’t work. Perico snuck in to foul Maximo, which worked last week, but Maximo moved and Bucanero was fouled by his own parrot. Maximo got the big win. Bucanero was very sad.

A few hours later, Maximo went on his facebook page* and said he was leaving CMLL and joining AAA. That must’ve been a pretty poor date! Maximo had earlier mentioned he’d received an offer from a “strong” promotion and was undecided on what to do.

Maximo is presumably getting a better deal and/or a bigger push in AAA, though his current style doesn’t seem a good fit for AAA. Pimpinela, who Maximo will inevitably team or feud with, has been consistently placed in the early matches. Maximo’s father, Brazo de Plata, did well early in his most recent AAA stint but ended up having a bad falling out by the end, claiming the promotion was starving him out. Psycho Clown, Maximo’s brother, had the long winning streak and has been frequently used near the top of AAA shows, but appears less frequently than Maximo appeared in CMLL. This looks like a risky move from the outside, but there’s always more going on we don’t see.

No word when he might debut in AAA. There is a mystery spot in the main event of AAA’s TV taping, but my understanding was AAA already had planned out someone else to debut in that spot (a person who’d been teaming with the Perros on the indies.) Maximo as a Perro would be weird, but plans can change. Maximo is booked almost every day for the rest of this week in CMLL, including tonight.

* Assuming this is really Maximo’s facebook page. What is real, what is fake, and what is friends/family/fans/promotions doing it their name is confusing, and the promotions could probably help themselves out by separating the real from the fake. Though not so much in this case!

CMLL (TUE) 02/15/2011 Arena Mexico [CMLL]
1) Robin & Trueno b Cholo & Ramstein
2) Pequeño Olímpico, Pequeño Warrior, Pierrothito b Astral, Bam Bam, Eléctrico
Things are going right for the minis rudos: Olimpico won the title, they got another win here, and Astral and Electrico had issues with each other thru the match.
3) Euforia, Pólvora, Virus b Arkángel de la Muerte, Demus 3:16, Hijo del Signo
Straight falls for the Cancerberos, which Virus emphasized to Demus after the match. Demus demanded a rematch for next week.
4) Ángel de Oro, Delta, Metro b Shigeo Okumura, Vangelis, Yoshihashi
5) La Sombra, Máscara Dorada, Rush b Averno, Dragón Rojo Jr., Ephesto
Rush and Ephesto feuded thru the match. Rush beat Ephesto with a casita, then challenged for a shot at Ephesto’s CMLL Light Heavyweight Championship. Ephesto did not like that idea.

Three different feuds is a lot for one CMLL Tuesday show.

Even though Sangre Azteca is teaming with the tecnicos right now, that doesn’t mean the tecnicos all like him. La Mascara told Fuego en el Ring that he disliked Sangre Azteca from the first day Mascara joined the CMLL gym and is still angry about Sangre beating him for the national welterweight championship four years ago. La Mascara declared he will not form a team or trio with Sangre at all.

IWRG has announced stips for tomorrow’s three way nine man cage match (Perros vs Psychos vs Oficials.) The first team out wins, the last team left has to face Joe Lider & Nicho the next week in a cage match. That’s a harsh punishment.

Mi Lucha Libre continues visiting lucha libre trainers with El Gran Apache.

The Perros makeup card for this Sunday has changed, largely with indy guys out and AAA guys in.

NJPW announced a pair of “Road to the Super Jr. 2 Days Tournament” shows for April 7 and 8. That sounds like CMLL involvement.



CMLL (MON) 02/21/2011 Arena Puebla
1) Blue Center & Silver vs Ares & Centauro de Fuego
2) Asturiano, Fabián el Gitano, Metálico vs Demus 3:16, Durango Kid, Espiritu Maligno
3) Hooligan, Loco Max, Nitro vs Escorpion, Puma King, Raziel
4) Ángel de Oro, Diamante, Rush vs Euforia, Pólvora, Virus
5) Blue Panther, La Máscara, Máscara Dorada vs Atlantis, Averno, Último Guerrero

Odd rudo vs rudo tercera. Kind of a mirror of the Tuesday shows, with 3 Tuareg vs 1 Cancerbero. They’re getting closer.

Probably one week away from a title match.

top six stories of the last two weeks

  1. CMLL told the press there would be a press conference about Mistico. Later, CMLL disavowed all knowledge of any press conference. Meanwhile, he’s listed as working CMLL shows in northern Mexico next week. Mistico’s photo is no longer taken down from their websites and promotional info, but they’re going out of their way not to mention his name.
  2. Magnus debuted for CMLL. Most of the Generacion 2011 guys have looked unrefined, and Magnus would’ve probably been as good as any of them in a vacuum. This debut caught a more attention than the other debuts because Magnus was dressed in a Mistico like silver and white and a similar mask while doing similar moves. (The color switch seemed to be a last minute change – he had his own t-shirt, but with his white/red colors.) The “new Mistico”, who’s related to the original one, was the talk of the week. CMLL ignored that talk too.
  3. Extreme Tiger advanced in the Rey de Reyes tournament. The other 3 blocks were announced are Aerostar/Electroshock/Mesias/Super Fly, Wagner/Park/Nicho/Halloween, and Jack/Decnnis/Cuervo/Carlito (debuting)
  4. Pequeno Olimpico won the CMLL Minis title, ending Bam Bam’s 2 plus year reign.
  5. Heavy Metal and Electroshock challenged each other (and us) to a five match series. Electroshock used a distraction and a guitar to win the first match.
  6. Blue Panther & Dragon Rojo, representing La Laguna, advanced to the national tournament final

Other stuff

  • Mascara Dorada defeated Averno, and the two continue to talk about a mask match
  • Demus cheated Virus to beat him in a cibernetico, and talked up a hair match
  • Dorada/Sombra/Mascara retained theit trios titles
  • IWRG actually beat AAA in a match on an AAA show
  • Hijo del Pirata Morgan won IWRG’s Junior de Juniors tournament.
  • I made a line graph