Psycho Circus beat Perros (sorta), Rush/Diamante/Angel de Oro new champs

AAA PdM (FRI) 01/07 Plaza de Toros El Relicario, Puebla, Puebla [Estrellas del Ring]
1) Barbaro I & Barbaro IIGuerrero de Plata I & Guerrero de Plata II
2) Fobia, Guerrero Mantis, Jinete de la Muerte DQ Guerrero de la Noche, Motocross, Mr. Celeste
3) Fabi Apache & Mari ApacheCinthia Moreno & Sexy Star
4) Bestia 666, Super Crazy, X-FlyExtreme Tiger, Jack Evans, Súper Fly
5) Monster Clown, Murder Clown, Psycho Clown DQ Damián 666, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Halloween

Murder Clown had Perro Jr., so all the Perros ran in for the DQ. All sorts of pointless challenges after the match.

X-Fly beat Jack with a foul. I don’t even care anymore.

The Glaidiatores has video highlights of the show.

CMLL (SUN) 01/09 Arena Mexico [CMLL, Cesar]
1) Artillero & Súper ComandoBengala & Robin
2) Rayo Tapatío I, Rayo Tapatío II, SenseiBronco, Mortiz, Tiger Kid
3) Máximo, Toscano, ValienteEuforia, Vangelis, Virus
4) Ángel de Oro, Diamante, RushDelta, Metro, Stuka Jr. [MEX TRIOS]
5) Atlantis, Dragón Rojo Jr., Último GuerreroBlue Panther, La Sombra, Místico

Stuka’s team did not come out with the belts. It appears the championships were vacant coming into this match after all, and Delta did get a title win by internet poll. He didn’t get a title win by this match either. Match sounds good if iffy at the end. After the first two falls were split (Stuka in the 1st, Rush in the 2nd), Delta & Angel de Oro did dives. Oro’s Asai moonsault came way short, and he took out Metro’s knee on impact. Metro was strechered out as Rush and Stuka were finishing up. Rush got Stuka in the amarre for the submission. This is all three luchadors first championship.

Rush seemed to be rudo-ish again in this match, which is not a good sign for the success of this champions reign. It’s better than the other team if Metro is as hurt as he’s seemed.

Mistico had La Mistica on UG, but Guerrero slipped free, fouled him, and covered for the win. The two agreed to a singles match next week. That means Mistico has two big singles matches this week (in Puebla on Monday) and every Arena Mexico show has a singles main event (Mascara/Psicosis on Tuesday, Fantamsa/Mephisto on Friday.)

On Friday, some of the Perros were back in Tijuana for a Rey Misterio Sr. benefit show. That recap doesn’t mention anything strange about it, but DJ Spectro says the show drew 300 people and was poorly advertised. Definitely a much changed lineup from what had been announced. Rey Misterio Sr. is still wheel chair bound.

AAA was in Neza on Saturday. Solar and Negro Navarro had a draw for the Americas LH title (which was held by Trauma I last time we saw it), and Dralion and Neza Kid were oddly missing from the undercard. Suicida and Oficial AK47 worked in their place. Tecnicos beat rudos clean in the main event.

The first Lucha Las Vegas show was this weekend. The report on the Observer says they drew 300-400 and were turning people away. There’s some photos here.

Lots of articles on the history of Arena Coliseo this weekend, due to the boxing event on Saturday. It was the first boxing event in the building in 4 years and first televised boxing event in 10 years. I only saw the last 10 seconds of it, but it looked like a pretty full crowd. Surely helped that all kids were getting in free.

That might be the last event at Arena Coliseo of any kind for the time being. Not just because the crowd, but because no CMLL shows are scheduled there in the near future. Cesar says, starting with this week, Sunday shows have been moved to Arena Mexico. Tuesday shows were moved back in 2007. Cesar says it’s a security issue, but I wonder where this leaves the future of Arena Coliseo. If it has one.

SuperLuchas #396 is the Best of 2010 edition. It includes an interview with the luchador of the decade. I won’t give it away, but he’s about 7 out of 10 in his usual bit of crabbiness and message sending (“people know that if I’m not in the arenas, it hurts the arenas.”) An entertaining performance!
