Mistico beats Psicosis, Sombra advances, Carlito

CMLL (FRI) 07/30 Arena Mexico [SuperLuchas, Fuego en el Ring, Cesar, @cmllmagazine]
1) Camorra & Súper Comando b Horus & Leono
2) Ángel Azteca Jr., Ángel de Oro, Ángel de Plata DQ Arkangel de la Muerte, Loco Max, Skándalo
3) Charly Manson, Héctor Garza, Mr. Águila b Felino, Negro Casas, Rey Bucanero
4) Máscara Dorada b Stuka Jr. [CMLL Universal, eightfinal]
5) Último Guerrero b Averno [CMLL Universal, eightfinal]
6) La Sombra b Mephisto [CMLL Universal, eightfinal]
7) Texano Jr. b Ephesto [CMLL Universal, eightfinal]
8) Último Guerrero b Máscara Dorada [CMLL Universal, quarterfinal]
9) La Sombra b Texano [CMLL Universal, quarterfinal]
10) La Sombra b Último Guerrero [CMLL Universal, semifinal]
11) Místico b Psicosis


Tirantes was the scheduled referee for the main event, but Mistico complained to the commission. Commission agreed and sent Tirantes to the back, which greatly angered Tirantes. Tigre Hispano refereed the match. Psicosis won the first fall, but Mistico won falls two and three to take the match. Mistico asked for a mask match again, but Psicosis said they must have a title match before he’d consider it. The story is, Mistico doesn’t have a title (the IWRG and WWA ones are being treated as if they don’t exist), so this is a stalling tactic and maybe Mistico needs to win a title really soon.

Alebrije and the Mini Head Hunters were seen in the crowd, watching the main event.

Ultimo Guerrero ran thru the first two rounds of  CMLL Universal Tournament Block A by dropping Averno & Mascara Dorada with Guerrero Specials. He had one more for Sombra in the semifinal, but Sombra shockingly kicked out, Ultimo Guerrero freaked out, and Sombra rolled him up to take this block. Most matches were around 4 minutes, though Texano’s matches were shorter and the semifinal went about 9. No sign of any breakup in the Ephesto/Texano match.

Rey Bucanero has a new parrot mascot. For real.

Second went straight falls when Loco Max fouled Angel de Oro.

Lucha Libre USA announced yesterday that Carlito Colon would part of their Las Vegas taping, next week.

Ras de Lona was all about interviewing the guys in yesterday’s Universal tournament, which is less useful if you already know who won. At least everyone had their belt (though Dorada only seemed to have 1.) They also had bits from the expo and from Sangre Azteca in Spain. There was also a segment with the surviving members of Peste Negra; Mr. Niebla’s name was mentioned for the first time in weeks, and I think they said Niebla is on vacation (but it was a comedy segment.) Rey was introduced as an ally of Pestea Negra, but not a member.

Cibernetico is in a new Burger King commerical.

CMLL.com has added the PWR Women’s Championship to it’s list of titles.

Cronicas Y Leyendas looks back at Solitario vs Erick Embry.

Dos de Tres has a feature on Pimpinela.


CMLL (FRI) 08/06 Arena Mexico
1) Bengala & Starman vs Artillero & Súper Comando
2) Eléctrico, Fantasy, Tzuki vs Pequeño Nitro, Pequeño Universo 2000, Pequeño Violencia
3) Blue Panther, Sagrado, Toscano vs Felino, Pólvora, Shigeo Okumura
4) Jushin Lyger vs Metro, Volador Jr., Héctor Garza, Mr. Águila, La Máscara, Negro Casas, Valiente [CMLL Universal, tournament]
5) La Sombra, Místico, Shocker vs El Alebrije, Olímpico, Psicosis

More Psicosis/Mistico. Do Alebrije & Cuije still have the AAA Mascot tag titles? Mistico/Monito vs Alebrije/Cuije!

It’s probably Lyger or Volador, though Garza, Aguila, or Negro Casas would not be unthinkable.

Ras de Lona announced 08/08’s main event as Mistico, Rayo, Texano, Terrible vs Volador, Atlantis, Rey Bucanero, Super Porky in a Relevos Increíbles match for Arena Mexico.

Lucha Libre USA: Masked Warriors #2 (07/23/2010)

taped 06/06/10 in Palm Springs.

Not as many words this time, I promise.

The last episode ended with two big questions

1) who was this mysterious guy helping Lizmark Jr.?
2) was there some sort of alliance between Tinieblas, Neutronic, Lizmark Jr., and Hombre Sin Nombre?

The answers given

heck of a dive

1) Sydistiko, which was mentioned in the first moments of the show as if it was not a mystery to be solved, and barely as if it was a mystery – they knew plenty about him later
2) who knows, it was never brought up.

The big question for next week: uh – people in the title tournament? Maybe? Definitely not named people in the matches. Maybe who attacked Super Nova, but the announcers were certain it was Rellik for reasons not clear to me.

Is RJ Brewer a joke because he lost his first match (after getting quite a bit more promo time than Magno) or he totally proven correct about the wrongness of lucha libre after loses in a finish that isn’t fair and wouldn’t work in US wrestler? Maybe both? I think I need to mention his mom here because I don’t think you’re allowed to go 30 seconds without referencing her.

I liked the Lizmark/Syd vs Nova/Manson tag match and thought Sydistiko was really good as his character. And Lujo’s dive in the other tag match was impressive.

obscure trivia answer which only exposes my complete geekiness: 181 pounds, Seattle, Washington was Brian Kendrick’s weight/hometown in WWE. Probably elsewhere too. I have no idea why I remember that.

07/29 AAA TV Results (Toluca)

AAA TV (THU) 07/29 Gimnasio De La Unidad Deportiva, Toluca, Estado De Mexico [Black Terry Jr. (flickr), AAA]
1) Atomic Boy, Gato Eveready, Relampago b Pasion Kristal, Polvo de Estrellas, Yuriko
2) Aerostar, Laredo Kid, Súper Fly b Billy Boy, Decnnis, Tigre Cota
3) Christina Von Eerie & Jennifer Blake b Fabi Apache & Mari Apache [lumberjack]
4) Electroshock & Silver King b Dr. Wagner Jr. & La Parka Jr.
5) Extreme Tiger, Joe Lider, Nicho el Millionario ?? Alex Koslov, Damián 666, Halloween

2010 AAA TV Chart
Projected Air Date (#949)
Mexico: 08/08
US: 08/21

always good to recruit after a loss

These results are not complete. If you flip thru Black Terry’s flickr, the first photo you see are Heddi Karou (from the Perros show) putting a headlock on noted blue man Hilario. Argenis is on the apron for a dive, so I guess it’s a dark match that won’t be acknowledged. The other opening match foreigner from the Perros show, Naruto, turns up as a lumberjack, and might have been in this match too.

Results seem to have the wrong order. Air Force vs rudo appears to be the second match. After the match, Konnan, Dorian, Halloween, and Damian hit the ring, helped beat up the tecnicos. Dorian declared everyone must be with the Legion or AAA, and Decnnis apparently had brokered a deal to start a new lesser faction in association with the Legion, called La Milicia. Billy, Tiger Cota and Chris Stone (not pictured) all signed up, and it’s unclear if Tiger or Decnnis’ partners will also be involved. That interview has Decnnis explaining that he’s forming this group to move up the card, and I do believe some of them will move up the card (so they can take the pinfall loss in matches where no one else will.)

From when Konnan “won control of AAA” thru about TripleMania 2009, the rudos were all budding up to Konnan or turned up as his random henchmen – the Abismo-less Vipers and the Sect were used in this way. It seems we’re just going back to that, so I’d guess the Sect get new t-shirts again. Wonder if this means the Psycho Circus finally turns tecnico, or just joins a new Cibernetico group.

Jennifer Blake replaced Sexi Star. Sexi’s off in Tampa, taking photos of highway signs , which every reads as a tease of going to WWE (FCW) or TNA. Sometimes a photo is just a photo. Match was randomly a lumberjack strap match, with Tiger Cota, Billy Boy, Atomic Boy and Decnnis on the outside. Photos show more guys. Tiger Cota got in a shot on Fabi which led to the rudas winning.

Electroshock replaced Hernandez for reasons unclear. After a match with fouls, Silver King got a “clean” pin on Dr. Wagner to build to his title shot.

Konnan helped out the rudos in the main event, and might have caused the DQ. It’s not especially clear. Mesias, hiding his face under a ski mask for no particular reason, ran out for the save, unmasked himself, and challenged (the not-present) Perro Aguayo for Verano de Escandalo. Probably going to be a trios!

Next taping is a week from today in Puebla.

IWRG goes back to losing to AAA, Arena Mexico notes

IWRG (THU) 07/29 Arena Naucalpan [Estrellas del Ring]
1) Dinamic Black b Carta Brava Jr.
2) Gemelo Fantastico I & Gemelo Fantastico II b Comando Negro & Magia Negra
3) Maldito Jr. & Samot b Diva Salvaje & Miss Gaviota
4) Oficial AK47, Oficial Fierro, Oficial Marshal b Black Terry, Cerebro Negro, Dr. Cerebro
5) Último Gladiador b Crazy Boy, Psicosis III, Chris Stone, Espíritu, Escoria, Oficial 911, el Ángel, Trauma I, Freelance, Suicida, Chico Che [IWRG IC HEAVY, #1 Contenders]

Poster said this was for a title shot, but there’s no mention of that in the recap and Ultimo Gladiador vs Silver King doesn’t make a lot of sense. Gladiador beat Trauma I to win, thought there was some miscellaneous cheating. Mike Segura was taken to the hospital after taking a move from Psicosis.

Oficial Marshall won in his debut, using a foul on Black Terry.

Previews of tonight’s Arena Mexico: Psicosis thinks the hospital should reserve a bed for Mistico after tonight’s match. SuperLuchas picks Ultimo Guerrero to win (and also says Ultimo Guerrero has his best year the last year – he has?)

I’m still leaning towards Sombra, but the Psicosis/Mistico is the bigger match. If it’s good, we’re seeing it again in about six weeks. If it’s not, no one has any idea what they’re doing in six weeks.

CMLL put up a list of current champions, which seems like something you might have wanted to even before you announced your tournament of champions. (It does seem like UG would be eligible for the tournament even if he didn’t have the heavyweight title.) They have also updated their champions page. It may be a typo, but Mascara Dorada is less super and now just the Lightweight champion. They have no picture of Metal Blanco. They acknowledge the existence of the Arena Coliseo Tag Team Titles, but have no picture of Stuka & Fuego. All the NWA titles are still listed as NWA titles.

Lucha Libre USA lists a show on 08/28 in the Bojangles Coliseum, but the arena website and Ticketmaster does not list it anywhere. Next week’s Las Vegas show has a 2 for 1 deal if you buy the $38 tickets. That’s cheaper than buying 2 $20 tickets. For fun, I just checked, and front row seats are still available (section 4, row 1, seat 11)

Dos de Tres spends a day with Joe Lider at the amusement park, and shows Parka getting ready for TripleMania.

Marisela Pena says the Perros will have to behave or leave AAA. I’ve heard that! Though she’s talking about the storyline.

DJ Spectro has more photos from the Expo. R de Rudo has video of Blue Demon with the PWR title, doesn’t appear to realize it’s the PWR title. Also, Pirata Morgan challenges Canek to a retirement match, and we need a draw finish there.

The Gladiatores has video interviews with Annie Social, Ruben Zamora from Masked Republic, and more footage from the Expo.

Cesar writes about friends and hanger ons of promotions using message boards to influence others feelings towards their promotions, or to stay quiet about problems with the promotion. There seems to be no hint of his own perceived glass house problem on this one.

SuperLuchas has a profile of Oaxaca wrestler Lalo el Loco.

Ohtani’s Jacket starts reviewing classic AAA with a bad Psicosis/Hijo del Santo match from 1994.

Lucha Libre USA: Masked Warriors #1 (07/16/2010)

taped 06/06/10 in Palm Springs. Second episode coming later today; it’s almost like I planned them to show up Fridays.

This didn’t hold up as well when I watched it for the recap. The stuff I didn’t like (the announcing, for one) didn’t get any better than second time and there was choices that didn’t seem to make sense the second time.

around and around and around...

It makes sense to have a fast paced trios to open the show, and it was good along those lines, but it was also six guys who were thrown out there with little introduction and disappeared back into the mist. Neutronic turned up in the main event but was not seen the following week, and Mascara Purpura was just seen in passing in a vignette. I know these people. If you’re reading this blog, you probably know these people, but anyone watching lucha for the first time needs it hammered home who these people are and while they should care, and probably shouldn’t be expected to remember them when they disappear for a couple weeks. You’ve got to make people appear to be stars, and stars don’t show up only every other week.

Same vein: there was also the odd choices of who got put over in the first couple of matches. Of the six guys in the opener, Mascara Purpura was treated as a big singles star, Neutronic had a role later in the show, PR Flyer & San Juan Kid are a set team and likely will either hold or challenge for the tag team titles, and yet it was Oriental & Limon who got the wins. Maybe the PR Powers get that win back down the road in the tag team tournament, but you can’t take the long road when kicking something like this off. 52 week contract with the network or not, you don’t have a 52 week contract with the fans, you can’t plan with the idea they’ll be around for a payoff six weeks down the road.

And then the mixed tag ended with Tigresa Caliente going over. Chi Chi got the win, but the vignette the next week set up Tigresa as the star of the duo. I dunno

Main event showcased the different between wrestling for the live crowd and for the TV audience. I don’t know if the rudo gesturing to the crowd for cheers works under any circumstance, but it definitely doesn’t if the crowd is being dubbed over anyway.

I think I’m missing my point here. (Maybe, like the announcers, I’m explaining something until I got distracted halfway thru.) None of this is big stuff. It’s all tweaking stuff, thinks that can be fixed and probably will be fixed with time. The larger point is I don’t think promotions like this have that sort of time. This would’ve been fine as week #13, but you’ve got to have a blowaway premiere, or the momentum built up to it is lost and very hard to get back. This show came off as something I wouldn’t mind watching again, but not something I needed to watch again. It wasn’t a failure, but I wasn’t surprised when half the people didn’t come back the next week.

CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX #244 (07/24/2010)

near death, but Blanca's strength is impressive

Arena Mexico, 07/18/2010

Dalys la Caribeña, Luna Mágica, Marcela vs La Seductora, Princesa Blanca, Princesa Sujei – both of the women’s matches from this weekend had nothing too embarrassing, a victory in itself. I can remember the other one a lot better, which is not much for this one. Why does Seductora have FBI on her outfit? That might actually be something interesting.

Máximo, Místico, Shocker vs Atlantis, Jushin Lyger, Último Guerrero – Yea, so this was definitely better than the Guadalajara one, though the being the right match for the right crowd helped. This was just a trios to get everyone on the card that they needed to get on the card, doing the spot show match, and the crowd was actually pretty excited for Infierno en el Ring.

SuperLuchas actually caught up with the Dr. X fans. My theory was they were Dr. X family members, and they were under the belief he was losing his mask in this match, but the interview said they were just super Dr. X fans from Zacatecas or some place.