Mephisto retains, Sombra/Felino

CMLL (TUE) 01/26 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [Fuego en el Ring]
1) In Memoria & Titanio b Meteoro & Nube Roja
2) Angelo & Idolo b Saturno & Virgo
3) Neutrón & Palacio Negro b Drago & Exterminador
4) Blue Panther, La Máscara, Máscara Dorada DQ Averno, Terrible, Texano
5) Mephisto b Valiente [NWA WELTER]

Ephesto was out with an injury, so they subbed in another Hijos del Averno in and another title and Valiente still lost. Mephisto took the first and third. DQ in the semimain was for Texano taking La Mascara’s mask.

CMLL 2010-01-26 Arena Mexico

CMLL (TUE) 01/26 Arena Mexico [ESTO]
1) Camaleón & Principe b Cholo & Zayco
2) Eléctrico, Fantasy, Shockercito b Pequeño Nitro, Pequeño Universo 2000, Pequeño Violencia
3) Ángel Azteca Jr., Ángel de Oro, Ángel de Plata b Cancerbero, Raciel, Virus
4) Fuego, Metro, Stuka Jr. b Sangre Azteca, Shigeo Okumura, Vangelis
5) Héctor Garza, La Sombra, Sagrado DQ Atlantis, Felino, Rey Bucanero

Rudos won the first fall, but tecnicos took the last two, including Felino yanking Sombra’s mask. Those two want a singles match next week.

AAA announced Go Shiozaki would face Mesias in a singles match on 02/01. Fifty minutes later, they found out Go had a broken arm and it’s be Takeshi Morishima instead. Unless they’re doing a lot to promote either guy, it probably won’t make a differnece. On the other hand, Mesias has been pretty good at making the people he faces in singles matches look like a star.

LuchandoLibre has an easy explanation for why Averno & Mistico worked well as a team: they’ve spent so much time together already. Ovaciones writes about past famous changes of alignments: Solitario, Perro Aguayo, Santo, Atlantis and Brazo de Plata.

In Record, Groon says Blue Demon Jr. is ducking his NWA Heavyweight Championship challenge.

The Gladiatores talks to Angelico about his title win.

Metalico says he wants to re-earn the crowd’s applause, and also face Hooligan in a mask match.

Kcidis has winners and losers at school.

Ras de Lona #82 has more interviews for the parajes tournament.

Puebla, Relevos match for Sunday, Volador

CMLL (MON) 01/25 Arena Puebla [R de Rudo]
1) Centella de Oro & Lestat b Fuerza Chicana & Policeman
2) Delta, Metálico, Starman DQ Puma King, Súper Comando, Tiger Kid
3) Pegasso, Rey Cometa, Rush b Arkangel de la Muerte, Loco Max, Skándalo
4) Máscara Dorada, Máximo, Sagrado b Averno, Mephisto, Terrible
5) Felino, Mr. Niebla, Último Guerrero b La Sombra, Shocker, Volador Jr. [super libre]

Felino & Mr. Niebla pinned Sombra & Volador clean, and will get a tag team title shot (probably next week.)

Terrible replaced Ephesto, and they still lost. DQ in the second match was for Puma fouling Starman.

CMLL’s totally changed Sunday’s card – even changed the location.

CMLL (SUN) 01/31 Arena Coliseo
1) Bengala & Trueno vs Apocalipsis & Ramstein
2) Lady Apache, Lluvia, Marcela vs Amapola, Princesa Blanca, Princesa Sujei
3) Fuego, Metro, Valiente vs Misterioso II, Sangre Azteca, Shigeo Okumura
4) Hijo del Fantasma, Máscara Dorada, Toscano vs Dragon Rojo Jr., Felino, Negro Casas
5) Atlantis, Místico, Último Guerrero vs Máximo, Mr. Niebla, Volador Jr. [Relevos Increíbles]

The story we’re going – via Ovaciones – is they needed Arena Coliseo for something on Monday, so they had to move this show to Arena Mexico, and will move the 02/01 Tuesday show since Arena Coliseo. I don’t know why needing the Coliseo on Monday means no show on Sunday, but that’s the story.

For his part, Volador told Fuego en el Ring he’d like a one on one super libre match to see who’s actually better.

Besides Mistico on the ‘rudo’ side and squaring off with Volador again, there’s the Mistico/Niebla team again.

SuperLuchas figures this is pretty obviously an attempt to hurt the Perros/Santo show on Sunday; that is how CMLL’s done it in the past.

SuperLuchas also figures CMLL announcer Mucha Crema has left actually left CMLL and appears to be working with the Perros.

Ovaciones talks to Ultimo Guerrero, who says he’s totally unconcerned about the poor record for the Laguna in the national tournament so far. Ultimo Guerrero figures, as long as he’s alive, they still probably will win. Confidence!

Sangre Azteca says Misterioso II was on vacation last week, which is why he was missing those shows. Doesn’t explain why he was booked for those shows, but halfway there.

AAA says the 02/05 Puebla taping will include Mesias & Latin Lover teaming up, Dr. Wagner Jr. appearing, and “the reappearance of another sexy luchador who hasn’t been on TV for a while.” I suspect this means El Brazo.

DJ Spectro points out a new Frankenstein, teaming with Monsther and Chucky. This sounds like a fine idea.

Cronicas Y Leyendas looks back at Canek‘s rookie year.

Segunda Caida checks out 12/20/09 IWRG.

Ohtani’s Jacket catches up with Avisman/Bushi, Navarro/Angelico and CMLL trios.

Mas Lucha has Blue Panther & Rey Mendoza Jr. talking about how acupuncture has helped them.

Luchas 2000 #505 has rudo Mistico on the cover. Inside, Villano IV demands to be booked by CMLL. That won’t end well. There’s also a picture of a 13 year old Brazo de Plata, who was an amaeuter wrestling champion at that age.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update.

Piratas win IWRG, Colilseo, GDL, CMLL new stars

IWRG (SUN) 01/24 Arena Naucalpan [Black Terry Jr. (photos), Estrellas del Ring]
1) King Drako b Máscara Magnífica
2) Comando Negro & Epidemia b Diva Salvaje & Miss Gaviota
3) Eragon, Hijo del Pantera, Zatura b Alan Extreme, Heavy Boy, Hijo del Signo
4) El Hijo del Diablo & Gringo Loco b Black Terry & Dr. Cerebro
5) Hijo de Pirata Morgan & Pirata Morgan b Brazo de Plata & Brazo de Plata Jr. and Fuerza Guerrera & Juventud Guerrera and Máscara Año 2000 & Máscara Año 2000 Jr. [IWRG IC TAG, semifinal]

Piratas face Navarros next week. Juvi was first eliminated in a shocking turn of events. It actually came down to Pirata Morgan versus both Mascara Ano 2000s. Pirata beat the Junior, then the Senior got DQed for attacking the referee. Way to blow your title shot.

Gringos jumped the Terrible Cerebros on the way to the ring and won fall one. Looked like the Terrible Cerberos were about to win fall two, but Diablo got Dr. Cerebro with his feet on the ropes for the straight fall win.

CMLL (SUN) 01/24 Arena Coliseo
1) Astro Boy & Súper Camaleón b Cholo & Durango Kid
2) Ángel Azteca Jr., Ángel de Plata, Fabián el Gitano b Puma King, Skándalo, Tiger Kid
3) Eléctrico, Mascarita Dorada, Pequeño Olímpico DQ Pequeño Nitro, Pequeño Warrior, Pierrothito
4) Rush, Sagrado, Toscano b Dragon Rojo Jr., Misterioso II, Sangre Azteca
5) Negro Casas, Terrible, Texano Jr. b Brazo de Plata, Héctor Garza, Hijo del Fantasma

Negro Casas beat Fantasma with his feet on the ropes. Rush beat Sangre Azteca, which is just tremendously wrong. I am amused by Rush being embarrassingly far behind in the novato de ano voting, despite a much higher profile than Angel de Oro, Delta and Diamante. Minis took the segunda in straight falls, Warrior pulling off Dorada’s mask in the second fall.

CMLL (SUN) 01/24 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [Fuego en el Ring]
1) Templario b Baron de Jalisco
2) Katana b Meteoro
3) Astaroth & Saturno b Acertijo & In Memoria
4) Hierro & Palacio Negro b Mr. Trueno & Rey Trueno
5) Metro, Stuka Jr., Valiente DQ Cancerbero, Pólvora, Raciel
6) Shocker & Volador Jr. b Rey Bucanero & Último Guerrero

Rey & UG won the first fall, but it was downhill from there. Maybe they were just rusty? Let’s go with that.

DQ in the semimain was for the rudos going nuts and ripping up Metro’s mask.

Ovaciones has a big two page article about the Upcoming CMLL Young Stars, highlighting double champion Mascara Dorada (though the big picture on the top of the page is of Hector Garza, oddly enough.) There’s a short interview with Panico, who says CMLL keeps bringing in more new talent to push everyone else, and it’s tough to support everyone, so they must take advantage of chances they’re given.

Besides Dorada, there’s a whole long list of other promising young wrestlers: all 3 Angels, Delta, Rush, Diamante, Stuka Jr., Metro, Guerrero Maya, Pegasso, Rey Cometa, Fuego, Polvora, Raziel, Cancerbero, Euforia. Lluvia is named as best of the new woman (think that’s the consensus), and Electrico, Astral, Mini Nito and Nino de Acero are mentioned as upcoming minis, though they don’t actually say if they’re good or bad. On the other hand, Maximo is singled out as the guy who has least lived up to his potential, with the author wanting less silliness and more wrestling. Other “wrestlers who have been given the opportunity but have not developed”: Leono, Fabian el Gitano, Sagrado, Trueno, Hooligan, Metalico, Apocalipsis and Ramstein. Some arguable names there for sure. Overall, the cutoff between “Young Star” and “Star” seems iffy, not to mention the guys who are “New” but not that Young.

This turns into a plug for the Gran Alternativa, mentioning all the winners (and listing Chicago Express, Tony Rivera, Tigre Blanco, Psicodelico Jr. and Alan Stone as the non-successful winners.) It’s odd they’d go this way, since they just ran the Gran Alternativa in September and the next would would be a half a year away, but I guess it’s a natural topic when you’re talking about young stars.

In the section on the minis, Tzuki is mentioned as if he’s still on the CMLL roster. Wouldn’t read a lot into that.

A site points out some very famliar lucha libre figures as puzzles.

Coco Rojo responds to Cocolores claims of owning the character. So not interested in this whole dispute.

Box Y Lucha #2958 has Mistico rudo.

DTU (SAT) 02/20 Arena Lopez Mateos [DTU]
1) Mr. Chef vs Flama Azul
2) Masivo vs Flamita, ?, Draztick Boy
3) ? & Titan vs Hormiga & Iron Love
4) Cerebro Negro vs Sadico, Black Fire
5) Último Gladiador vs Angelico
6) Dance Boy, Epitafio, Sepulturero I vs Juan el Ranchero, Magnifico, Paranoiko
7) Crazy Boy vs Aero Boy [5000 tacks]
8) Extreme Tiger vs Joe Lider, Violento Jack, Money Pack

I guess Crazy Boy is unretired from hardcore matches. Or maybe 5000 tacks isn’t really hardcore? I can never tell about these things. First time Angelico has shown up on one of these cards; he’s a foreigner already living in Mexico, dunno how AAA hasn’t contacted him yet.

Volador/Averno?, Lasser Boy, Super Crazy

More on fallout from Friday’s Arena Mexico show
– it’s amusing CMLL stole the buzz on the night the AAA’s movie premiered. It so stole the buzz, it took me a day and a half to realize someone else was supposed to have it.
– Ovaciones mentions Mistico vs Volador may be added to Friday’s card, with conformation (or not) expected tomorrow. That’s also been the rumor elsewhere.
– Fuego en el Ring has a rare editorial, pointing out the failure of the Laguna, and GDL triumphant.
– Box Y Lucha has a nice photo of Mistico’s Averno gear, and is going with the idea that Mistico was just treated too meanly for too long.

I have no idea how this is going to go. I don’t thing anyone is 100% sure, CMLL included – everyone’s trying to get a sense of how everyone else is reacting, and we won’t really be totally sure about that until the next time he steps in the ring in Arena Mexico. He’s still going to be working as a tecnico elsewhere. Whatever they do, I hope this is part 1 of a long story and not something that’s going to be reversed next week.

AAA had a press conference/autograph signing/minis match at “Kidzania, La Ciudad de los Ninos”. Both Box Y Lucha and Luchando Libre have photos. Tropicasas is a snappy dresser, though kind of stuck in the 70s.

Ovaciones mentions Lasser Boy will debut on the 02/05 taping. Odd thing is, the match is Lasser Boy, Atomic Boy, Zumbi vs Angel Mortal, Monstre (?) and Gran Apache. Lasser Boy sure seems to be the former Atomic Boy, so they are likely debuting someone new under that name next Monday.

Also, Naito is back in Japan, but will return with Taichi (this time, said to be 02/15. Hope you didn’t make plans for the 14th.)

DTU says their next show is 02/20 in Arena Lopez Mateos.

SuperLuchas notes Spain’s Cuatro is not renewing WWE programming for 2010, and wonders if the same boom/bust cycle might repeat in Mexico.

Cesar looks at this week’s lineups, figuring out the chances of each team.

Cronicas Y Leyendas has a photo of Fantasticos vs Misioneros.

Over at Segunda Caida, SLL adds the Mexican trios title match and the 01/11 Puebla opener to his list of top matches in 2010.

SuperLuchas #348 has rudo Mistico and the AAA movie on the cover. There’s also a good interview with Super Crazy, who said he was asked by Dragon Gate who’d he’d recommend in his place if he was unavailable to the company. Crazy said Hijo de Rey Misterio from the indies and work pick Volador Jr. or Valiente from CMLL or Ozz from AAA if they were available. Hijo de Rey is a surprise. Crazy and his brother Taz el Feroz’s LLJL school is going so well, they’re moving into another building. Konami and Dinastia are headed back to Japan for a rematch on 04/15; hopefully someone gets Rene Dupree a ticket.

SuperLuchas also confirms CMLL changed La Nazi’s name to La Comadante to prevent/remove issues when marketing the promotion (and TV shows) outside of Mexico.

Lucha World has KrisZ’s news update. Also, Slamin’ Stan #24 has best moments of 2009, and what Johnny Legend did with a Hijo del Santo mask.


IWRG (THU) 01/28 Arena Naucalpan
1) Volaris vs Halcon 2000
2) Eragon & Guizmo vs Epidemia & Keshin Black
3) Brazo Metalico, Daga, Dinamic Black vs Avisman, Gringo Loco, Hijo del Signo
4) Solar I, Suicida, Zatura vs Black Terry, Dr. Cerebro, Negro Navarro
5) Angelico, Fishman Jr., Villano III vs Oficial 911, Oficial AK47, Oficial Fierro

This should be the new Fishman Jr., making his debut here. They were doing a Solar I/Bombero Infernal feud last week in the semimian, but it seems to be dropped here.

CMLL (SUN) 01/31 Arena Coliseo
1) Bengala & Trueno vs Apocalipsis & Ramstein
2) Astro Boy, Horus, Molotov vs Dr. X, Hooligan, Inquisidor
3) Estrella Mágica, Lady Apache, Lluvia vs Amapola, Princesa Blanca, Princesa Sujei
4) Máximo, Metro, Toscano vs Ephesto, Misterioso II, Terrible
5) Blue Panther, Hijo del Fantasma, Místico vs Atlantis, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas

Mistico as a tecnico, though we’ll see what the crowd thinks about that. Toscano in the semimain,/52MX slot of course. This is Blanca’s first match since a cameo at the end of November; she hasn’t been full time since October due to injury. Horus is also back for the first time since November, though we never heard if it was injury or general unhappiness with his performance.

CMLL (SUN) 01/31 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Relampago vs In Memoria
2) Idolo & Saturno vs Acertijo & Exterminador
3) Gallo & Metal Blanco vs Neutrón & Palacio Negro
4) Ángel de Oro, Ángel de Plata, Sagrado vs Euforia, Pólvora, Virus
5) La Sombra & Volador Jr. vs Averno & Mephisto

Main event is tag champs vs usual contenders.

AFLL (SUN) 01/31 Arena Lopez Mateos
1) Star Fire & Zareth vs La Zorra & Zeuxis
2) Keira & Lilith vs Kamilion & La Rebelde
3) Angélica & Perla Negra vs La Chola & Lady Metal
4) Flor Metalica, Josseline, La Seductora vs La Diabólica, La Nazi, Lady Warrior

This is the debut of an all women’s promotion. Sort of amusing to see the CMLL novatas in the opener, but probably a good thing they’re there at all. If I was CMLL, I’d be encouraging to get as much work as possible. They need to get thru a lot more not-good matches before they can start having good ones.

DGUSA: Fearless, January 23, 2010


(pre show)
1) Kyle O’Reilly won a six way over Arik Cannon, Johnny Gargano, Lince Dorado, BA (?), and Jon Moxley
2) Silas Young defeated Hallowicked to retain the AAW World Heavyweight Championship
3) Jon Moxley defeated Darin Corbin
(intermission 1)
* Moxley and Kendrick come out to discuss Tommy Dreamer; Moxley would like to beat him up, because Dreamer is not good. Kendrick says he shouldn’t bother to beat him up, because Dreamer is not good.
4) TJ Perkins beat Gran Akuma
(PPV starts here?)
5) Mike Quackenbush & Jigsaw b CIMA & Super Crazy
6) Brian Kendrick (w/Moxley) b Jimmy Jacobs
– Kendrick brought out Lacey to get in Jimmy’s head. Lacey distracted Jacobs by making out with him for the finish. Jacobs threatened to steal Brian’s wife (Taylor from TE, mentioned as such). Kendrick responded by laying out Lacey with a clothesline and beating up Jimmy more. Dreamer made the save, beat up Moxley for a while.
7) Davey Richards (w/Kyle O’Reilly) b Masaaki Mochizuki to win the FIP World Heavyweight Championship
(intermission 2)
8) Naruki Doi & Masato Yoshino defeated both Shingo & Yamato and the Young Bucks in a three way elimination match
9) BxB Hulk b Dragon Kid (w/CIMA) to retain the Open the Freedom Gate Title
– Yamato, Akuma and Richards attacked both men after the match. Shingo acted as if he was going to make the save, but joined with his partner to beat down Hulk. Security, BA (?), and Arik Cannon were unsuccessful in making the save. Team CHIKARA (Quack, Jigsaw, Hallowicked, Lince) turned the battle, and CIMA cleaned house with a broom.


This was a strong show, despite not having any epic matches like the 2 on the last show. Almost everything was good-great stuff. I went into this show barely knowing the lineup and was able to follow everything well.

Hulk/Kid probably will get MOTN when this airs on PPV, but I liked the QuackSaw/Crazy/CIMA match a little more. Those two, the triangle tag (which was pretty good and may be even better on TV), and Richards/Mochizuki were all north of ***. Richards/Mochizuki might also be better with different audiences – it didn’t seem like the crowd was familiar with Mochizuki, or at least were not as into him at all.

Kendrick/Jacobs felt like it belonged in a different promotion than this one, and we’re now 0-2 for interesting Kendrick matches on these Chicago shows. In a vacuum, I’d definitely put the TJP/Akuma or the six way on the PPV ahead of that match, but they’re clearly going some place with it. And there were a good section of fans really excited to see Dreamer and chant ECW.

Enjoyed the show and it should be good on PPV. Next show here is 09/25; they’ve got shows in Phoenix for WM weekend before then.

Mistico rudo? Dorada, Atlantis, UG big winners, lineups

Maybe Coco was right, and we (and by we I mean “I”) need to be less cynical; the first week of the National Parajes Increidble tournament seem to have been a success on many levels: attendance was up, matches were given time and there was one very interesting incident. Shortest match on the show was 3:50, with most tournament matches in the 7 minute range and the title match in about 11 minutes. I would guess this means the 2 quarterfinals, the semifinal, and the title match make TV this afternoon.

CMLL (FRI) 01/22 Arena Mexico [SuperLuchas, Record, Ovaciones (PDF), Cesar, ESTO]
1) Apocalipsis & Inquisidor b Sensei & Trueno
2) Diamante, Metálico, Pegasso b Bronco, Dr. X, Hooligan
3) Ángel de Oro, Fuego, Metro DQ Cancerbero, Raciel, Virus
4) Atlantis & Máscara Dorada b Dragon Rojo Jr. & La Sombra [natl pi, eightfinal]
5) Máximo & Mr. Niebla b Blue Panther & Misterioso II [natl pi, eightfinal]
6) Averno & Místico b Ephesto & Euforia [natl pi, eightfinal]
7) Terrible & Volador Jr. b Hijo del Fantasma & Mephisto [natl pi, eightfinal]
8) Atlantis & Máscara Dorada b Máximo & Mr. Niebla [natl pi, quarterfinal]
9) Averno & Místico b Terrible & Volador Jr. [natl pi, quarterfinal]
10) Atlantis & Máscara Dorada b Averno & Místico [natl pi, semifinal]
11) Último Guerrero b Héctor Garza [CMLL HEAVY]

Metalico beat Hooligan to win their match, and Hooligan beat him up after the match.

Virus pulled Metro’s mask for the DQ in the second fall of their match, giving the tecnicos a 2-0 win.

Averno/Mephisto and Sombra/Dragon had mixed outfits. Atlantis was wearing his white tecnico mask.

No report of any team having internal issues. The Niebla/Maximo team was popular with the crowd. Their first fall win was after a Maximo kiss of Blue Panther, but they lost the second round after Maximo tried to kiss Atlantis and got his stinky partner instead. 3 of the 4 Laguna teams lost in the first round, with only Ultimo Guerrero/Stuka left for next week.

Remember how Mistico was talking about trying to calm down Averno and focus him in this tournament? Seems like it was actually Averno who was influencing Mistico. In the quarterfinal match with Volador & Terrible, Mistico went after his Super Sky Team partner. Mistico ripped up Volador’s mask, and Volador fought back with his own mask ripping. With the referee distracted, Mistico fouled Volador for the win. After the match, Mistico got hte microphone and proclaimed all is fair in war to defend Mexico City. Press reports say the crowd booed, but Cesar notes they cheered the Mexico City part. Volador responded, but Mistico threw a beer in his face and pummeled him.

In an interview in the back, Mistico said he’d face Volador in a title match or a mask match, if Volador wanted it. I have no idea where this is going, but it’s already the most interesting thing in Mexico, and jumps to the lead as The Next Big Match In CMLL.

Mistico continued these tactics in the semifinal, ripping up Dorada’s mask. Atlantis worked this match as a total tecnico. Dorada ended up taking out Mistico with a tope, and Atlantis got Averno with the Atlantida for the win. The Guadalajara duo will move on to face the winner of next week’s tournament. Dorada and Mistico had words after the match.

Main event was short-short-long, with Ultimo Guerrero winning cleanly using the Guerrero Special. Please, no more chances for Hector Garza. Show ended at 11:40 local.

On a radio show, Arturo Rivera said the Silver King vs La Parka Jr. mask match will happen very soon. Well, I guess anything is possible.

Mascarita Dorada faces Pierrothito in New Rochelle, NY on March 20th. It’s a show with Jimmy Snuka and Trevor Murdoch on top, and a benefit for the high school’s girl’s basketball team.

El Espector has an interview with Tigre Colombiana, billed as the most famous wrestler in the history of the country. He’s being honored today in Bogota.

DJ Spectro counts all the Hermano Muerte in existence and wonders where Dr. Wagner Jr. will end up this year.

Cronicas y Leyendas writes about Ninja Sasuke in AAA and Histeria I losing his mask in ‘1997. Last night, ol’ Histeria I had a fun 9 minute match out in Berwyn, and had many convinced Davey Richards broke one of his fingers. I guess I’ll find out later.

CMLL (TUE) 01/26 Arena Mexico
1) Camaleón & Principe vs Cholo & Zayco
2) Eléctrico, Fantasy, Shockercito vs Pequeño Nitro, Pequeño Universo 2000, Pequeño Violencia
3) Ángel Azteca Jr., Ángel de Oro, Ángel de Plata vs Cancerbero, Raciel, Virus
4) Fuego, Metro, Stuka Jr. vs Sangre Azteca, Shigeo Okumura, Vangelis
5) Héctor Garza, La Sombra, Sagrado vs Atlantis, Felino, Rey Bucanero

Still in Arena Mexico. Sombra/Bucanero had issues last week. In the semimain, they nearly managed to team up the new trios champs, but managed to avoid it. Super Camaleon has been downgraded to Camaleon over the last week – someone get that man a magic mushroom.

CMLL (FRI) 01/29 Arena Mexico
1) Artillero & Durango Kid vs Diamante & Sensei
2) Pequeño Damian 666, Pequeño Warrior, Pierrothito vs Bracito de Oro, Mascarita Dorada, Último Dragoncito
3) Arkangel de la Muerte, Loco Max, Skándalo vs Ángel Azteca Jr., Pegasso, Rey Cometa
4) Stuka Jr. & Último Guerrero vs a replacement for Ray Mendoza JR. & Brazo de Plata and Sagrado & Shocker and Felino & Sangre Azteca and Héctor Garza & Toscano and Rush & Texano Jr. and La Máscara & Negro Casas and Rey Bucanero & Valiente [NATL PI]

Only four matches this week. Ray Mendoza Jr. made an appearance on last night’s radio broadcast, saying he did not think he would be healthy enough wrestle by next Friday. Villano IV is the most likely replacement, but Ray Mendoza Jr. is still on the poster at the moment.

It’s be a shock for no DF team to make it to the final, and it’d be a shock for Porky to wrestle three times in one night. That leaves Felino/Sangre, Mascara/Negro, and Bucanero/Valiente.

I’m going to stick around long enough to find out if IWRG actually aired a new episode, but I’ll see you at the Dragon Gate show if I see you.