Mistico/Rey, Electroshock, Rock, Laredo Kid

CMLL (MON) 01/11 Arena Puebla [Fuego en el Ring]
1) Alarido, Ares el Guerrero, Crazy Black b Blue Center, Centella de Oro, King Jaguar
2) Disturbio, Espiritu Maligno, Hooligan b Milenium, Sensei, Tigre Blanco
3) Fuego, Metro, Stuka Jr. b Dr. X, Pólvora, Virus
4) La Sombra, Strong Man, Super Porky DQ Atlantis, Negro Casas, Último Guerrero
5) Místico b Rey Bucanero

Rey tried to apply La Mistica, failed, got beat by La Mistica. :-(

UG yanked Sombra’s mask in the semimain. Crazy Black joined the rudos in the opener, which will surely change the balance of power in Puebla.

Both ESTO and Ovaciones and ESTO hype Naito on today’s Arena Mexico show. It is in Arena Mexico after all.

Electroshock getting into a car accident got picked up in a lot of places yesterday, though there’s not much there that wasn’t in the first article. AAA interviews Electro, and he says he’s doing OK.

The other random story popping up everywhere is The Rock’s trip to Mexico to promote his (awful looking) Tooth Fairy movie. He told ESTO his lucha libre idols are Mil Mascaras, El Santo and Eddie Guerrero.

AAA reprints a Laredo Kid interview from Box Y Lucha. Laredo wants to get more experience fighting the top guys. He thinks the Air Force is done – Super Fly is fine on regular shows, but acts all jealous on TV. (They seemed to drop that months ago.) Laredo says he has no problems with injuries right now.

WagnerMania has a two part video interview with Silver King

Estrella del Ring has an interview with Hijo de Lizmark, who’s out with an injury to his right leg.

Luchando Libre posted their 2009 awards. They went a lot of ways I wouldn’t have considered.

La Voz has the Mexicali Box y Lucha awards. Can’t say I have strong opinions on those, sorry, though I will note that there’s a point in SuperLuchas favor inside.

El Pancracio has an interview with Rambo, who says he wanted to use Sargento Furia or Capitán Sangre when getting a new persona, but Francisco Flores insisted on a shorter name. Capitan Sangre was a pretty good idea. He says kids need to learn wrestling from A-Z, and they’re only learning it from X-Z. There’s also an interview with Super Muneco, who says he’s won 98 masks. Hope they build something for #100.

Pancracio also mentions the third season of Idolos del Ring (reality show?) starts filming on 02/21/10 and includes Claudio Castagnolli in the cast. So confused. This is all I know.

Somos Distribution is mentioned as marketing CMLL lucha libre at the NATPE (TV) convention in a couple weeks. Another article says Somos signed a content deal with CadenaTres, so it’s the Tuesday Arena Mexico show.

New Viper Amnesia has a Twitter account.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update.

IWRG (THU) 01/14 Arena Naucalpan
1) Volaris vs Flama Eterna
2) Dinamic Black & Imperial vs Comando Negro & Hijo del Signo
3) Brazo de Plata Jr., Brazo Jr., Brazo Metalico vs Avisman, El Hijo del Diablo, Gringo Loco
4) Suicida & Zatura vs Trauma I & Trauma II
5) Angelico, Pantera, Solar I vs Bombero Infernal, Hijo de Pirata Morgan, Negro Navarro

This card has some promise and is supposed to be taped for TVC Deportes. Bombero Infernal makes a return (after he lost his mask as Capitan Muerte.) Tercera is a rematch, which worries me slightly.

CMLL (SAT) 01/30 Mission Valley Ballroom, El Paso, TX
1) Drako & RBD vs Pagano & Rey Infernal
2) Samuray & Samuray Jr. vs Ghost Rider & Scorpio (El Paso)
3) Sexy Flowers & Trinigistro vs Freddy Kruger & Rey Scorpio
4) Crazy 33, Magnum, Marquez Jr. vs Black Fish, Crazy 32, El Migra
5) Hijo del Fantasma & Místico vs Texano Jr. & Último Guerrero

Rare appearance north of the border. Hilariously, this Mistico is listed as El Unico & Original on the poster in Incognito’s hometown. That’s quite the message.

AAA #916 (12/12)

taped Plaza de Toros la Concordia de Orizaba, 11/20/2009

Mascarita Divina, Mini Charly Manson, Octagoncito vs Mini Abismo Negro, Mini Histeria, Mini Psicosis – not quite as great as the previous, but still pretty well up there.

Cinthia Moreno, Fabi Apache, Mari Apache vs Jennifer Blake, Rain, Sexy Star – not a long match, but definitely the best they’ve had since bringing in Rain & Blade. I’m still not sold on Blade, but Rain should stay here as long as she wants (assuming the Apaches don’t kill her.)

El Elegido & Rocky Romero vs Alex Koslov & Ozz – much better than the previous week, because of the amusing cross feud matchups (Alex/Elegido most of all.)

Dr. Wagner Jr., Electroshock, Silver King vs Chessman, Teddy Hart, Zorro (and part 2) – another long WagnerManiacos squash. They’ve been booked very dominant in this feud, so it seems odd it never went anywhere.

Legion beats up Cibernetico – too long, but they got the point across. If only they kept it to doing it once. Next time was excessive.

If you work backwards, this should’ve been “Legion and Cibernetico attempt to murder each other, AAA security steps in, but get taken out by both sides”. That would’ve better built the reasoning for the GdT match to be unsanctioned (it’s a war zone, AAA doesn’t want to get involved) and they’re not doing the same beatdown twice.

El Mesías, Latin Lover, Marco Corleone vs Joe Lider, Konnan, Nicho el Millionario – exactly as you’d expect, but at least Latin finally got his win back from TripleMania.

CMLL on 52MX #211 (12/06)

taped Arena Coliseo, 11/29/09

Leono, Tigre Blanco, Tony Rivera vs Inquisidor, Puma King, Tiger Kid: five minutes! not very good! This is when I realized I should not have wished to have this show back (though that was also evident on the random FSE show I watched but maybe never posted the recap for?)

Máscara Dorada, Metro, Toscano vs Naito, Shigeo Okumura, Yujiro – No Limit had the hair match the next week and were saving it up for that match. Kinda surprising they put the tecnicos over in this show, but no one thinks like (each day is it’s own promotion) that so why do I?

The really big story is the metric tons of filler and ads for other products. I like to think I pay attention than most, but I’m pretty sure most of the stuff would’ve passed right by me if I didn’t right a (too long) recap of it. Don’t think a normal person watching it would absorb any of it; it’d more likely push them away from the show.

CMLL on Televsia #953 (12/05)

(it’s probably not 953)

By my count, I’ve got something like 15 recaps done but not posted. Fine work on my part. Let’s see what I can do about that this week.

taped 12/04/09

I believe I downloaded LuchaLibreDeMexico‘s YouTube for this, so go check him out. Or buy something from his store.

– Héctor Garza, Místico, Strong Man vs Atlantis, Mr. Niebla, Último Guerrero

– La Sombra & Volador Jr. vs Ephesto & Mephisto for the CMLL World Tag Team Championship – very good match in the usual format, but it didn’t seem like it exceeded the usual format. It’s a match worth seeing, definitely, and among the best in 2009, but it wasn’t the breakout match to make anyone a bigger star. I mean, they did the crucifix powerbomb reversal into a ‘rana for the finish. This may be very pedantic of me, but they always do that finish. It was a very good spot show match and the problems here don’t appear to be as much as physical or mental. Like I said, still one of the best matches of the year, but there was nothing about that was of 2009 – it wasn’t special enough to differentiate between the many variations

(Also, CMLL needs new refs.)

– Terrible & Texano Jr. vs Naito & Yujiro in a double hair match – maybe this one just had the advantage of not being done nearly as much, but this DID feel like the breakout match Terrible & Texano needed to reach another level. It wasn’t as technically good as the previous match, but it was over more with the crowd (for obvious reasons) and seemed like a much bigger deal when it was over. My big question was if enough people saw this match for it to mean as much as it should’ve; I’m sure that’s the reason why it aired on TV the day after, unlike the other big matches this year.

Coliseo, GDL, new lightweight champion

CMLL (SUN) 01/10 Arena Coliseo [Ovaciones (PDF), ESTO]
1) Rayo Tapatío I & Rayo Tapatío II b Cholo & Disturbio
2) Fabián el Gitano, Leono, Tony Rivera b Bronco, Puma King, Tiger Kid
3) Ángel Azteca Jr., Pegasso, Rey Cometa b Arkangel de la Muerte, Hooligan, Skándalo
4) Astro Boy, Hijo del Fantasma, Sagrado b Dragon Rojo Jr., Naito, Sangre Azteca
5) Blue Panther, Místico, Strong Man b Averno, Ephesto, Mephisto

Strong Man pinned Mephisto and Mistico pinned Averno, which led to Mistico challenging Mistico for a match next week. I don’t get it, but next week is a Fan Appreciation show at Arena Mexico so it’ll probably happen.

Astro Boy filled in for Maximo. Tercera was all about teasing Azteca/Arkangel again.

CMLL (SUN) 01/10 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [El Occidental, Fuego en el Ring]
1) Guerrero Romano b Flyer
2) El Divino b Katana
3) Acertijo & Exterminador b Magnum & Samurai
4) Gallo & Neutrón b Malefico & Mr. Trueno
5) Dalis la Caribeña, Lluvia, Star Fire b La Comandante, Magnifica, Princesa Sujei
6) Brazo de Plata, La Sombra, Toscano DQ Terrible, Texano, Vangelis

Porky faked a foul from Terrible, then declared he was a better wrestler than Terrible and so they should meet in a hair/mask match. Terrible said no, but they’ll have a singles match next week.

Magnum & Samurai had issues in their match for the second straight week.

IWRG (SUN) 01/10 Arena Naucalpan [Black Terry Jr. (photos), Black Terry Jr.]
1) Ángel de la Noche & Guizmo b Guerrero 2000 & Keshin Black
2) Dinamic Black & Imperial b Alan Extreme & Comando Negro
3) Chico Che, Eragon, Hijo del Pantera b El Hijo del Diablo, Gringo Loco, Masada
4) Dr. Cerebro b Bushi [IWRG IC Light]
5) Hijo de Pirata Morgan, Máscara Año 2000 Jr., Pirata Morgan b El Alebrije, el Hijo del Canek, Pantera

Piratas beat Hijo del Canek and took his mask.

Bushi not only lost in two falls, he lost in two falls after taking a martinete (from Dr. Cerebro’s cornerman Hijo del Diablo) and was strechered out of Arena Naucalpan. Enjoy Japan! Dr. Cerebro was appalled Diablo prevented from winning the belt cleanly, so there are issues there.

Show was not taped for TV – looks like Thursday will be – but Black Terry Jr. has video at the link. How does he manage to get video and photos at the same time? The man is talented.

EditPerros del Mal says the second part of it’s latest Arena Neza show will air today at 5pm and 11pm on TVC Deportes.

AAA (SAT) 01/09 Zocalo de San Pedro Cholua [SPORTimes]
1) King Vikingo b Dany Casas
2) Metalik Boy & Principe Orion b Black Devil & Black Star
3) Electric & Space Man b Tiburon Blanco & Verdugo
4) Argenis, Atomic Boy, Super Aguila b Gema, Polvo de Esterllas, Yuriko
5) Crazy Boy, El Alebrije, Gato Eveready b El Brazo, Silver King, Último Gladiador

Free show, but a noticeable weak lineup which seemed worth pointing out in light of the recent attendance comments. Article mentions Electroshock was supposed to work the main event but got into an accident on the way to the show and arrived late. Another article quotes Electroshock as having forgotten what time this show was, speeding to make it on time, losing a tire, and colliding into a truck. Electroshock (and his companion) are OK. El Brazo (as AAA rep) and Electroshock said Electroshock would come back to work for free here at some point down the line, maybe Kid’s Day.

Villano III supposes CMLL isn’t using him because they’re afraid he’ll beat all the kids. Villano III says he’s got trips to Puerto Rico, Japan and possibly Canada.

Box Y Lucha #2956 has the new trios champs amidst a dozen stories, including a feature story on the EAW show.

Black Warrior to AAA, Super Nova to WWE, Crazy Boy to not extreme wrestling

As originally mentioned on their Thursday radio show, LuchandoLibre says Black Warrior will resume his career shortly, in AAA. This would be a return to AAA – he was a regular from 1992-1995, during the part of his career where he was frequently switching gimmicks and before he became Black Warrior. There had been rumors of this sort of jump last year, but more recent reports had him being disinterested in the wrestling business after leaving CMLL. AAA tapes next Sunday.

Can’t link to it, because the PDF version of Ovaciones is not working, but their big lucha story is Super Nova confirming he’s signed with WWE and will be starting there. He worked that same tryout match as Incognito, and similarly will probably be heading to FCW until/if they have an idea for him. Thing that’s the important thing to remember (for these guys and Dos) – there’s a little bit to the idea of getting use to the different style, but WWE’s brings in new people to their main shows based on having an idea for them, and not as much as on their performance. Bad performance can get you dropped, but you can find plenty of stories about talented people who never got out of developmental.

Al Filo del Ring has a pair of interviews from today’s DTU show: unmasked Ultimo Gladiador talks about joining the Wagnermaniacos, and Crazy Boy says he’s retiring from extreme wrestling after this show, though DTU will go on without him.

Mini Cibernetico is banned form wrestling in Nuevo Laredo until the whole stabbing thing gets cleared up. This seems reasonable. (via Delac @ SML)

Luchando Libre profiles Juarez area luchadoras Princesa Guerrera & Estrella Diabolica

A Puebla mask maker talks about the changes in mask making. He says it costs him 200-300 pesos ($16-$23.5) to make a professional mask, and they sell at 2000-5000 pesos ($158-$394), and then he complains the wrestlers want cheaper masks today (which doesn’t seem a surprise for 5000 pesos.)

Cesar reviews this week’s lineups, notes the lack of trios with any natural union.

Cronicas y Leyendas looks back at El Solitario talking about his mask match with Angel Blanco and Canek in Madison Square Garden.

SuperLuchas #346 has their 2009 awards. I don’t want to give it away, but I’m pretty sure you can not possible guess the tecnico of the year. (I’m not kidding.) The concept of 2009 awards seems familiar, as if there’s something I’m supposed to be remembering to do about now.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update.

If you’re outside the US, you can talk to Octagon and Cibernetico about the AAA movie on Tuesday in a video chat with Televisa DEportes. If you’re in the US, you’re blocked as usual.