Mexico, GDL, Lineups

CMLL (SUN) 10/11 Arena Mexico [Cesar]
1) Inquisidor & Semental b Molotov & Principe
2) Leono, Metálico, Tony Rivera b Apocalipsis, Pólvora, Ramstein
3) Eléctrico, Mascarita Dorada, Pequeño Olímpico DQ Pequeño Damian 666, Pequeño Violencia, Pierrothito
4) La Máscara, Máscara Dorada, Sagrado b Felino, Heavy Metal, Sangre Azteca
5) Blue Panther, Shocker, Strong Man DQ Atlantis, Mr. Niebla, Último Guerrero

I *think* UG fouled Strong Man for the DQ (welcome to CMLL!), but I may be reading it wrong and the rudos may have gotten away with it. Why don’t you tell me what the finish is, that’ll be easier. No obvious bonus match set up next week – maybe Shocker/Strong Man vs Atlantis/UG in a tag?

DQ in the minis was for Damian fouling Dorada. We’re back to La Mascara putting Sangre Azteca in a campana every time they meet. This would be a good build to a title program if a) Sangre’s team was still intact, b) Mascara’s team didn’t already have trios titles, and c) either of them still had a singles title.

CMLL (SUN) 10/11 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [Fuego en el Ring]
1) Nocturno b Halcon
2) Idolo & Metatrón b Thunder Boy & Virgo
3) Egipcio & Magnum b Leon Blanco & Samurai [Relevos Increíbles]
4) Horus & Metal Blanco b Ángel del Mal & Asesino Negro
5) Ángel de Oro & Ángel de Plata b Euforia & Nosferatu
6) Ray Mendoza Jr., Terrible, Texano Jr. b Máximo, Toscano, Volador Jr.

Rudos won clean.

Reforma talks to Cibernetico about his appearance on the El Pantera TV show.

Segunda Caida writes about IWRG 07/23/09 and puts Blue Panther #2 as best of 2008. If I were them, I’d set the #1 to post at 11:58 on New Years Eve just to screw with people, but then I also liked the Guizmo spot tomk suggested as a bad idea, so they probably have a different ideas.

Estrella del Ring has a video interview with DF Commission member, Dr. Ortiz

Cronicas de Leyendas de Lucha Libre has the Toreo debuts of Magnifico, Los Infernales and Konnan

SuperLuchas #335 has an interview with Skandalo.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update.

IWRG (THU) 10/15 Arena Naucalpan
1) Guizmo vs Comando Negro
2) Eragon & Jack vs Epidemia & Heavy Boy
3) Hombre Bala Jr. vs Gringo Loco
4) Bushi, Exodia, Pendulo vs Arlequin Amarillo, Arlequin Rojo, La Rata
5) Oficial 911, Oficial AK47, Oficial Fierro vs Barba Roja, Hijo de Pirata Morgan, Pirata Morgan Jr. [IWRG IC TRIOS]

Pirates vs Police! A mythic rivalry. I have nothing interesting to say here (or ever) but I think, if the Perros are going to run a full promotion, they should pull a CMLL and steal the titles from here (with no intention to return) instead of creating new ones. Pirata winning the trios titles would be a fine start.

And speaking of other promotions interacting with IWRG – what happened to Super X? I presume the regular shows promised just never happened and everyone agreed never to mention it again.

A new rat? Is IWRG borrowing CMLL’s idea of midcard singles matches? Has that even really worked for CMLL? If we have to pause to think of even one lightning match that’s actually meant anything, that’s a no.

AULL (SAT) 10/17 Arena Lopez Mateos
1) Danger, Platino, Solar Jr. vs La Kripta, Trauma I, Trauma II
2) Negro Navarro & Solar I vs Black Terry & Shu el Guerrero
3) ?, Hijo de Rey Misterio, Huracan Ramirez vs el Mosco, Pierko el Boricua, Veneno
4) Canek Jr. vs Fishman Jr., Pierroth II, Gran Markus Jr., El Hijo De Huracan Ramirez, Jaque Mate Jr., Septiembre Negro II, Hijo de Máscara Año 2000 [mask]

Said to be taped for TV. Presumably TVC Deportes.

CMLL (SUN) 10/18 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) El Divino & Virgo vs In Memoria & Relampago Azul
2) Rafaga & Samurai vs Egipcio & Leon Blanco
3) Metal Blanco & Neutrón vs Mr. Trueno & Rey Trueno
4) Blue Panther & La Máscara vs Misterioso II & Sangre Azteca
5) Héctor Garza, Máscara Dorada, Shocker vs Atlantis, Dragon Rojo Jr., Felino

IWRG (SUN) 10/18 Arena Naucalpan
1) Miss Gaviota & Star Boy vs Carta Brava & Hijo del Signo
2) Gemelo Fantastico I & Gemelo Fantastico II vs Maldito Jr. & Samoth
3) Bushi, Chico Che, Exodia vs Avisman, Fantasma de la Ópera, Sangre Chicana
4) Negro Navarro, Trauma I, Trauma II vs Black Terry, Cerebro Negro, Dr. Cerebro