Luna Magica, Mexico, Puebla

attention people not in the US: CHIKARA’s Sampler CD is avaiable for people around the world for the low low price of $5 US Dollars (via paypal.) Five dollars includes shipping, so it’s still a superb deal. Order it here. Plus, I’ll make the same offer as with the US – if you haven’t watched CHIKARA before and don’t like it, and read this blog, I will give your money back. CHIKARA isn’t paying me for this, but I figure I’m not going to be paying you either – it’s good stuff.

5 US Dollars is
66.30 Mexican Pesos
5.21 Canadian Dollars
447.15 Japanese Yen
3.39 Euros
179.75 Dominican Pesos
A deal in any currency! go buy now.

If there was only a catchy often repeated song about five dollars that could be used to promote this…

In El Sol de Tampico, there’s an interesting interview with Luna Magica. She explains that she’s living and training in Ciudad Madero for the moment due to custody issues. She separated from her husband, her husband wanted to take their child to Madero for a vacation (? – maybe we’re talking about her first child now?), and then the husband then decided just not to return. So Luna followed him and they’re in a legal battle, which obviously more important than wrestling in CMLL. She is training and hoping to return.

It’s not mentioned here, but it’s been said before that the father of Luna’s new child is Franco Colombo, a member of the CMLL programming team. He can’t possibly have run off to Madero, or you think we would’ve heard that – this has to be her (unknown?) first husband.

Arena Mexico previews
– and that’s pretty much it, but there’s plenty of coverage of Yujiro/Warrior. Warrior wants all of Mexico to unify behind him against the evil Japanese. More talk trash here.

Tonight’s main event pushes that match, as well as the debut of Strong Man in Arena Mexico. The special and semimain should be pretty good. With no Guerreros and no Pesta Negra, it’s a (relatively) young rudo side on the top matches (though I forget how old Mephsito and Ephesto actually are.)

Really, the CMLL shows are the least important of the weekend. AAA resumes TV tapings tonight in Arena Xalapa (who have their own evil Japanese to deal with; also, the champs of NOAH & AAA meeting in unnoteworthy fashion), and Perros tape a TV show this Sunday in Ectapec. AAA also has a spot show in Mexico City; the article says Silver King will not be wearing his mask. We’ll see.

El Pancracio has profiles of local luchadors Orus & el Sable.

They actually called the double underhook faceslam Devil’s Wings in the CMLL Llaves y Lances book?????

CMLL (MON) 10/12 Arena Puebla [hugo999]
1) Asturiano & King Jaguar vs Alarido & Ares
2) Diamante & Guerrero Maya Jr. vs Calígula & Méssala
3) Eléctrico & Tzuki vs Pequeño Damian 666 & Pequeño Warrior
4) Flash, La Máscara, Máscara Dorada, Sagrado, Valiente, Volador Jr. vs Averno, Black Warrior, Ephesto, Mephisto, Sangre Azteca, Texano
5) La Sombra, Místico, Strong Man vs Felino, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas

Strong Man versus Pesta Negra is a fine idea. Not sure if the fourth match is meant to be a cibernetico or a trios tournament. Someone get Tzuki a strong cup of coffee before his match.