Pirata in IWRG, UG vs Volador, Mistico retains, Charly left AAA because…

IWRG (SUN) 09/27 Arena Naucalpan [Black Terry Jr./Esterlla del Ring]
1) Rey Tempestad b Dark Saint
2) Eragon & Pendulo b Epidemia & Heavy Boy
3) Bushi, Gemelo Fantastico I, Gemelo Fantastico II b Avisman, El Hijo del Diablo, Gringo Loco
4) Black Terry, Dement, Tóxico DF b Chico Che, Exodia, Rigo
5) Hijo de Pirata Morgan, Pirata Morgan, Pirata Morgan Jr. b Oficial 911, Oficial AK47, Oficial Fierro

Pirates destroyed the Oficials. Dement is a guy in knockoff Mankind gear, including the mask.

CMLL (SUN) 09/27 Arena Coliseo [CMLL]
1) Bengala & Trueno b Calígula & Méssala
2) Hiroka, Princesa Blanca, Princesa Sujei b Amapola, Dark Angel, Mima Shimoda [Relevos Increíbles]
3) Fabián el Gitano, Pegasso, Rey Cometa b Dr. X, Loco Max, Vangelis
4) Ray Mendoza Jr., Terrible, Tetsuya Naito b Hijo del Fantasma, Máximo, Sagrado
5) Blue Panther, Héctor Garza, Volador Jr. DQ Black Warrior, Felino, Último Guerrero

The third fall ended with Garza, Volador and UG in the ring. Garza, facing away from the rudo, boosted Volador up for a ‘rana, only for UG to duck under and heel kick foul him on the way down. Hector checked on Volador after the match, but Volador angrily pushed him away (!) then challenged UG for a match next week.

As suspected, the second match ended up with all the rudas stomping a mudhole on poor Dark Angel. If only she had some sort of partner who could help her out here.

CMLL hasn’t announced it on their site yet, but ESTO has posted a modified lineup for Sunday.

CMLL (SUN) 10/04 Arena Coliseo
1) Delta & Trueno vs Semental & Zayco
2) Astro Boy, Metálico, Starman vs Calígula, Méssala, René Guajardo Jr.
3) Guerrero Maya Jr., Pegasso, Rey Cometa vs Arkangel de la Muerte, Vangelis, Virus
4) Blue Panther, Místico, Toscano vs Averno, Ephesto, Mephisto
5) Volador Jr. vs Último Guerrero

Poder Mexica, Valiente, and Mictlan all appear dropped. Unless they just add them to go to the usual six match card with a singles main event.

CMLL (MON) 09/28 Arena Puebla [Fuego en el Ring, SuperLuchas]
1) Black Tiger, Lestat, Milenium b Mr. Rafaga, Sauron, Siki Osama
2) Artillero, Pólvora, Súper Comando b Ángel Azteca Jr., Ángel de Plata, Sensei
3) Euforia, Nosferatu, Skándalo b Flash, Metro, Stuka Jr.
4) Naito, Ray Mendoza Jr., Shigeo Okumura, Yujiro b Atlantis, Black Warrior, Dragon Rojo Jr., Último Guerrero
5) Místico b Jushin Liger [IWGP JH]

HOORAY for Fuego en el Ring having full Puebla results on Tuesday. Figure it’s a special thing for Mistico/Liger, but would love to see it every week.

Liger beat Mistico with a crushing Ligerbomb in the first fall. Mistico was so hurt, they put him on a strechered and started to carry him to the back, but Mistico refused to go down that way and rallied back. He won the second fall with a suplex, and the third with what sounds like a shoulderbreaker. Two defenses, who’s next?

Liger ends the tour 5-6, as far as matches we’ve heard about, but it sure feels stronger than that. He went 4-1 in Coliseo/Mexico. I think CMLL booked Liger trip in as well as they’ve booked anything of late; he got build up super strong, and the top guys got to vanquish him before he left. That’s the way to do it.

Dragon Rojo replaced Mr. Niebla. Warriro did the hair challenge to Yujiro again. Nosferatu snatched Stuka’s mask in their match, though the rudos were winning that anyway.

According to last week’s Wrestling Observer Radio, AAA never told Charly Manson he was going to lose his hair. Instead, AAA just refused to tell him anything. Apparently, the current policy is to not tell the wrestlers what their finishes will be until the day of the show (presumably only for TV tapings.) Charly thought it was disrespectful not to be told, and so he left. Meanwhile, AAA lauds Electroshock for taking the hair match in place of his brother, and ESTO says AAA still plans to sue.

Fuego en el Ring interviews Rayo de Jalisco. He thinks CMLL has too much young vs young, and the fans want to see youth vs experience. He’ll never go back to AAA – “I spend three weeks in Triple and I think it was the worst experience I had in my life.” Rayo de Jalisco believes the last strong rivalry in lucha libre was Rayo de Jailsco vs Cien Caras. There was a mix up previously where he was advertised to make an return to Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, and Rayo blames that on Apolo Dantes promoting him without actually checking with the office to see if he could be back there. He hopes to be back in GDL by the end of the year, but there’s not the usual “I’m coming back to CMLL in a few months” bit here.

Konnan’s talk about Cibernetico doesn’t appear to be anything new; the usual “I was a star in the US, Cibernetico never accomplished anything” bit, plus the “there are no up and coming stars like there was when I was an up and coming stars.”

Fuego also talks to Leono, who would like to turn rudo. His brother is in the CMLL school, and may end up wrestling with the same name Leono started with (Mustang).

AAA explains who Konnan Big is by embedding a link to his music video. Well played. No music video for Go Shiozaki, which is disappointing.

Following up on the odd listing of Cinthia Moreno & Oriental teaming up on an indy show, Dr. Landru @ box y lucha foro (and others) say it’s a typo and it’ll actually be Rossy Moreno working the show.

ESTO notes today’s main event rudo side probably is fated for disaster. Atlantis and Villano V doesn’t quite work as a team, with Atlantis responible for V3’s mask loss and Atlantis’ best friend Ultimo Guerrero taking Villano V’s mask. Good thing there’s the level headed presence of Heavy Metal to settle them down.

Proyeccion Luchistica has photos of lucha libre fan fest, and R Rudo talks about the shows. Similar pricing complaints as the lucha libre expo.

Luchas 2000 #489 has what you’d expect: Electrico & Pierrothito with the belts, Charly joining the Perros, and Okumura winning Gran Alternativa. No AAA results.

Ohtani’s Jacket checks out the opener from 09/14/09. A best of Puebla 2009 is a fine idea.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update.

AAA (SAT) 10/03 Plaza de Toros el Pinal, Teziutitlan [AAA]
1) Fabi Apache & Gran Apache vs Billy Boy & Sexy Star
2) Alan Stone & Relampago vs Pasion Kristal & Pimpinela Escarlata
3) Cibernético & Gronda vs Gronda II & Kenzo Suzuki

BEST WORKER IN THE MAIN IS KENZO SUZUKI. I need sirens and a big red button to hit when something like that happens.

Edit: left this in the wrong tab and forgot to include it:

IWRG (TUE) 09/22 Arena Naucalpan [Proyeccion Luchistica]
1) Maldito Jr., Poseidon, Samot b Espada de Plata, Halcon Fire, Master
2) Gringo Loco b Imperio Azteca, Keshin Black, Fly Star, Imperial, DVD, Serpiente Dorada, Halcon 2000, Hijo del Signo, Alan Extreme, Comando del Diablo, Fenix, Dinamic Black [cibernetico]

Gringo Loco wins! Just a two match trainee show, of guys who work first and second matches (and Gringo Loco.) Proyeccion Luchistica is high on Fly Star’s perfomance here, though I wish he would’ve labeled more of the pictures.