Heroes de Inmortales occasionally live results

Sorry. Unexpectedly occupied tonight. Also, forgot this was supposed to not be Verano de Escandalo.

Here’s what has happened so far:

AAA TV (SAT) 09/26 Arena Monterrey
1) Argenis, Atomic Boy, Laredo Kid b Rió Bravo, Tigre Cota, Tito Santana II [glow in the dark]

Laredo pinned Rio Bravo (that’s what he gets for staying.

2) Extreme Tiger b Sugi San, Jack Evans, Teddy Hart, Rocky Romero [AAA CRUISER, Ladder]

Tiger wins the title back, so the Koslov win just inflates totals here. Kinda strange they keep having the same 5-6 men in the match if only 2 are ever going to win. Sugi and Jack were hurt by Teddy moves, Sugi more so.

There was an angle in between where Konnan demanded Joaquin Roldan come to the ring to meet him by this time. Joaquin did, but Konnan wasn’t there – he was too busy kidnapping Dorian.

3) Gronda, Joe Lider, Nicho el Millionario b Decnnis, El Elegido, Gronda II [cage, hardcore]

AAA’s recap doesn’t include an explanation for what Decnnis is doing here. Rudos destroyed the tecnico team, put Elegido thru a table for the pin and then attacked Guaptio after.

4) Sexy Star b Fabi Apache [Reina De Reinas, bull terrier]

Sounds like Sexy won clean, which is a surprise. After the match, Konnan’s women (now listed as Loreline and Jane), put the belt on Sexy Star only to turn on her. That would make a lot of sense for an angle if they were going to Sexy Star & Fabi Apache vs Foreigners next. They do not appear to be doing that.

5) Chessman b Electroshock [hair]

Parka, Cibernetico, Zorro and Konnan Big appeared to be teased as replacements. Chessman, just like you, ignored Konnan Big in favor of choosing one of the other 3. Before he could, Electroshock showed up to be the actual replacement, demanding the spot of his brother. (He also told Konnan Big to go back to the circus.)

Chessman bled a lot, and got the win when Konnan and/or his women threw powder in Electro’s face for leaving the Foreign Legion. This would make a lot of sense if they were doing Electro/Konnan next. Hmmmm. I guess they could.

La Parka Jr. came back out post match, and got Hijo de Tirantes head shaved as well for missing the powder. I guess they wanted to give fans an extra hair here.

6) Cibernético b La Parka Jr., Octagón, Silver King, Electroshock, Alan Stone, Zorro, Último Gladiador, Kenzo Suzuki, Marco Corleone, Pimpinela Escarlata, Ozz, Konnan Big [copa Pena]

This match, which has been a gauntlet match the last two years, was now a battle royal. Final five were Zorro & Octagon (took each other out), Alan Stone (taken out by Konnan Big) and Konnan Big was eliminated by Cibernetico for the win. AAA does not list full participation, so not sure if Electro actually worked both matches (probably not.)

7) Dr. Wagner Jr. b El Mesías [AAA HEAVY]

Wagner retains. Mesias loses again. Maybe another rematch?

Similar finish to Verano. Silver King & Ultimo Gladiador ran in, Mesias gave UG a martinete, but Wagner used the distraction drop him with the Wagner Driver.

That’s it. The Dorian Roldan angle didn’t seem to go anywhere here.

Okumura (?) wins Gran Alternativa, UG beats Liger, Charly

CMLL (FRI) 09/25 Arena Mexico [SuperLuchas, Record, Cesar, Fuego en el ring
1) Flash, Metro, Stuka Jr. b Arkangel de la Muerte, Loco Max, Skándalo
2) Pierrothito b Eléctrico [MEX LIGHT]
3) Ephesto, Mephisto, Texano Jr. b La Máscara, Toscano, Volador Jr.
4) Ángel de Plata & Héctor Garza b Averno & Pólvora [Gran Alternativa, torneo, quarterfinal]
5) Shigeo Okumura & Yujiro b Rouge & Toscano [Gran Alternativa, torneo, quarterfinal]
6) Ángel de Oro & Místico b Atlantis & Camorra [Gran Alternativa, torneo, quarterfinal]
7) Mr. Niebla & Tiger Kid b Blue Panther & Rey Cometa [Gran Alternativa, torneo, quarterfinal]
8) Shigeo Okumura & Yujiro b Ángel de Plata & Héctor Garza [Gran Alternativa, torneo, semifinal]
10) Ángel de Oro & Místico b Mr. Niebla & Tiger Kid [Gran Alternativa, torneo, semifinal]
11) Shigeo Okumura & Yujiro b Ángel de Oro & Místico [Gran Alternativa, torneo, final]
12) Último Guerrero b Jushin Liger [CMLL HEAVY]

They had Toscano work the tercera, and then he had to come back and work the tournament too. Rough.

All 8 novatos were introduced for the tournamnet (and the seeding battle royal). When Semental entered, Yujiro showed up as well. Yujiro said he was now refusing to team with non-Japanesse and wanted Okumura in the spot instead. Semental refused to give up his spot, but Okumura & Yujiro beat him up, and Okumura entered the tournament in his spot.

Ages of Gran Alternativa winners, oldest to youngest.

(We don’t have birthdates on Chicago Express and, surprisingly, Misterioso II. )

years names
17.65 La Sombra
21.66 Místico
22.33 Rey Bucanero
23.48 La Mascara
23.65 Shocker
24.54 Tony Rivera
25.17 Sicodelico Jr.
25.19 Tigre Blanco
25.55 Hector Garza
25.61 Alan Stone
25.71 Dragon Rojo Jr.
27.09 Ultimo Guerrero
37.34 Okumura

Man, Sombra was young. Still is. And I forget how close Ultimo Guerrero is to 40. Also the Okumura thing, that too.

Seriously, CMLL, you didn’t need to throw away this tournament like that. If you want to push the non-Lyger trio as a top threat, a threat to Mistico, you could’ve saved some time and heartache and just booked a trios match. No Limit vs Mistico, Panther, and Garza or Toscano or Shocker or not whoever. Do the same ending, have the rudos surprisingly beat Mistico, and save this tournament for a time where you actually might get something out of it. Wasted opportunity, obviously.

Now, I guess CMLL’s ideas here is we’re supposed to be angry, just furious at No Limit and Okumura for taking Semental’s spot and bending the rules like that. It just doesn’t come off that way – it’s more looks like CMLL was completely ineffectual in running it’s own events.

Speaking of, the main event was short enough to probably not be all that notable enough of a match, but long enough that anyone who saw the end of it missed the last train out. This is neither a new problem, nor one CMLL seems interested in fixing, but if the big match yuor’e selling the card around is frequently disappointing because you run out of time to put it on, you’re hurting your return bsuiness. Start the show sooner or run it more efficiently, just figure it out.

This week, Liger won the first in under two, UG won the second in under two, then used the ropes to pin Liger in the third. Liger has another title chance on Monday.

There’s not enough scandals in AAA, so this weekend will see the release of a controversal Konnan interview, AAA’s site proclaims. They do not say who it’s about, but DJ Spectro does: Cibernetico.

Meanwhile, AAA is still threatening legal consequences to Charly Manson (pictured here with Perro Jr. & a shirt…) and refuses to announce a change to the card because they think they can intimidate Charly into showing up, but says they may anyway have an ace up there sleeve like Cibernetico (who’s already on the card) or Latin Lover (who’s not.) I think people will go home from tonight’s show happy, but only if they’re the type of people who enjoy disasters.

Segunda Caida has Cassandro 6th on it’s top wrestlers of 2008 list and watches 03/19/09 IWRG.

Lineups much later.

10/09 AAA TV Taping Lineup (Xalapa)

AAA TV (FRI) 10/09 Arena Xalapa [KrisZ, box y lucha?]
1) Mascarita Sagrada 2007, Mini Charly Manson, Octagoncito vs Mini Abismo Negro, Mini Histeria, Mini Psicosis
2) Fabi Apache & Mari Apache vs Cinthia Moreno & Sexy Star
3) Laredo Kid, Octagón, Súper Fly vs Cuervo, Escoria, Ozz
4) Dr. Wagner Jr., Electroshock, Último Gladiador vs Go Shiozaki, Kenzo Suzuki, Sugi
5) El Mesías, La Parka Jr., Marco Corleone vs Cibernético, Joe Lider, Nicho el Millionario

2009 AAA TV Taping
Projected Air Date (#909)
Mexico: 10/16
US: 10/31

Will the minis champion make it on TV for the first time in 8 months? No, they’ll probably cut this show to 2 hours.

Stuff we can figure out about Saturday’s show based on this lineup
– looks like Mesias and Cibernetico are having another match
– looks like Sexi Star & Fabi Apache are having another match


Super Fly returns, but that sure looks like finally the completion to the rudo turn (Octagon tries to set him straight, Super Fly pretends to listen and then turns on him.)

No Gronda, no usual cruiserweights. OK with that.