Rumors, GDL, Puebla, Mexico

El Santo would be 92 today.

In an interview with Refomra (reposted on SML) Manson repeats what he’s said elsewhere. He says AAA would not negotiate with him, and Chessman may leave too. AAA is quoted as knowing nothing about any of this. I bet they do now!

Other rumors floating around
Goddess to AAA. She hasn’t wrestled in CMLL since the women’s cage match in GDL.
Rey Bucanero to AAA. We get this one every few months.
Pirata Morgan to AAA, with the idea that he’d be half trainer/half wrestler and bring along his sons. This may be related to the one above.
Oriental (and Super Porky) to CMLL

Porky’s already appeared on TV saying he’s coming back, so I think he’s coming back. (What’s with no Ras de Lona this week, BTW?) Goddess to AAA seems likely, as does Oriental to CMLL (though, that’s more of a question because he’s not the first guy who’s left AAA to try and get to CMLL and most haven’t made it; I think he’s a safer bet then some.) Wait and see on the rest.

CMLL (SUN) 09/20 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [CMLL]
1) Principe Dylan b Nocturno
2) Angel (GDL) & Saturno b Acertijo & In Memoria
3) Metal Blanco & Palacio Negro b Mr. Trueno & Rey Trueno
4) Astaroth b Fraile de la Muerte [mask]
5) Hijo del Fantasma, La Máscara, Metro b Dragon Rojo Jr., Nosferatu, Sangre Azteca
6) Héctor Garza, La Sombra, Shocker b Mephisto, Terrible, Texano Jr.

Fraile de la Muerte is 36, 10 years a wrestler, and originally from San Juan de Dios. Blanco & Negro, who’ve won this match two weeks in a row, challenged the Truenos for a shot at their tag team titles. Not on the schedule, but it sounds like they’re getting it.

Fuego en el Ring has photos of the Tuesday show, but no results. Looks like Satanico yanked Hierro’smask.

CMLL (MON) 09/21 Arena Puebla
1) Policeman & Sauron b Crazy Black & King Jaguar
2) Metálico, Molotov, Starman b Apocalipsis, Ramstein, Tiger Kid
3) Pequeño Olímpico, Shockercito, Último Dragoncito b Pequeño Damian 666, Pequeño Violencia, Pequeño Warrior
4) Averno, Ephesto, Mephisto b Hijo del Fantasma, La Sombra, Toscano
5) Jushin Liger, Shigeo Okumura, Yujiro b Blue Panther, Héctor Garza, Místico

Okumura filled in for Natio, and Mini Olimpico and Shockercito were in for Bam Bam and Mascarita Dorada

CMLL (TUE) 09/22 Arena Mexico [ESTO]
2) La Nazi, La Seductora, Yezca b Lluvia India Sioux Zeuxis, Lady Apache, Marcela
4) Euforia, Misterioso II, Sangre Azteca b Máscara Dorada, Sagrado, Stuka Jr.
5) Héctor Garza, Hijo del Fantasma, La Sombra b Felino, Heavy Metal, Negro Casas

Negro tried wearing the wig thru the match, but got it pulled off by the tecnicos at the end of the first fall. Hector pinned him for the win.

Euforia took Hijo del Lizmark’s spot. Stuka Jr. worked in Valiente’s, no explanation there. ESTO skips the tercera and mentions “Sioux” in for Rain Lluvia in the women’s match, which I presume means India is back. Edit: No, it’s Zeuxis , I forgot about her.

ESTO says the crowd was sub 1,000.

Today’s true big news: Konnan Big is changing his name to Buffalo. The story they’re telling is Arnold Schwarzenagger owns the name Konan el Barbaro (in Mexico, even!), so he had to change it. He’s got a (music) CD out that he’s promoting, and mentions that he thought about retiring from wrestling, but the public is insistent that he keep on wrestling.

AAA teases Kenzo Suzuki recruiting a new Yakuza member from Japan. He’ll debut on 09/10 and have the match to prove himself. KrisZ quotes Kenzo as suggesting it might be one of KENTA (no), Shinsuke Nakamura (no), Hiroshi Tanahashi (no), Yoshihiro Tajiri (no), and Puma (ding ding ding).

Felino warns Mistico that Mistico isn’t on his level AND he knows how to escape La Mistica, so Mistico better not try to take his mask. Speaking of Felino, CMLL’s subbed him on Sunday’s lineup for Hijo de Lizmark.

An article about support efforts for La Paz, dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane, mentions Tiger Marino’s benefit lucha show.

WagnerMania has a preview of Gran Alternativa. But it looks like they went over the bandwidth limit again, so go read it on box y lucha.

SuperLuchas has info on Juvi’s School of Hard Juice. The other trainers (Negro Navarro, Skayde, Fuerza) sound great, but it is Juvi.

The Gladitores has a video interview with IWRG Rigo. El Pancracio talks to Puebla’s Blue Center. His father was a wrestler, Andres el Salvaje, and Centella de Oro actually unmasked him.

Ohtani’s Jacket watches Perro Aguayo vs Gran Hamada blowoff match from 1984 on handheld and Cassandro/Rudy Reyna vs Matematico/Ninja Sasuke from UWA 1992.

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19 thoughts to “Rumors, GDL, Puebla, Mexico”

  1. Chessman was also on Tercera Caida last night, but nothing he said made it sound like he was leaving. I’m guessing Charly was booked on the show in advance to help hype the match and this is why the story wound up breaking there. My limited Spanish kept me from understanding much of what Chessman had to say, but I think he talked about how great AAA was and how he would be there on Saturday (big chance I’m wrong on this, but I don’t think I’m wrong by the degree it would take for him to be leaving the door open to leave before the show). He seemed pretty subdued and I assume he got the news about Charly around the same time it was going on TV or just before because he didn’t seem to want to say much about it.

  2. @rzombie1988: The wig is part of La Peste Negra’s ring attire and let me just say how awesome it is to hear that Negro Casas tried wrestling while wearing the wig because I actually thought he should do it a la Buddy Jack Roberts back in the early ’80s to add a little more heat to the matches.

    Do you think someone back in WCW made some joke about Juvi using the term “juice” and somehow he thinks its cool? Really, “School of Hard Juice” is the stupidest name for a wrestling school. The good news is that he has a really awesome training staff. If I were wanting to be a wrestler, I’d probably live with the embarrassment of forever being mentioned as being a graduate from the “School of Hard Juice” if it meant getting trained by Navarro, Solar, Skayde, and Fuerza.

    Konnan Big retiring would break Rob’s heart.

    Go Shiozaki es YAKUZA~!!!!

  3. Negro working the match in the wig is spectacular. Quite possibly enough to make up for what I thought was a disappointing match at the Anniversary show.

    @CM93: I watched the show on TVCDeportes, but I don’t think Tercera Caida is showing up online anymore. LucahLibreNation had been uploading the shows to youtube very quickly after they aired until he got pinged for the WWE and ROH footage they show. I think he quit uploading them at that point and hasn’t uploaded anything in a few months now. Not sure if anyone has started posting them elsewhere.

  4. “Mini Olimpico and Shockercito were in for Bam Bam and Mascarita Dorada” What happened to Mascarita Dorada ? Recently it seems like he’s fallen off the face of the earth. What is Juventud Guerrera’s big deal with the word “juice”? It was, & still is increditibly stupid.

  5. “El Pancracio talks to Puebla’s Blue Center. His father was a wrestler, Andres el Salvaje, and Centella de Oro actually unmasked him.”

    I think you mean he unmasked Centella De Oro? Blue Center is probably my favorite Puebla local after Espiritu.

    @Calabcd44: I was thinking about that the other day. The only place I see Dorada pop up regularly these days is Lucha VaVoom shows or smaller CMLL shows. Never seems to turn up at Arena Mexico or Coliseo on a regular basis. He seems to limit himself to 1 show per month @ Arena Mexico like a (smart) indy wrestler would do as to make the fans want to see him when he returns. Maybe he isn’t an official CMLL wrestler?

  6. Puma actually did more shows for TNA during the whole X Cup tournament. He was on Team mexico, team Japan, Team TNA

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