coverage plans for tomorrow’s anniversary show

Trying to work something out here. And I’m not going to be around this morning, so this’ll fill some space.

As mentioned elsewhere, audio for tomorrow’s anniversary show will only be available for the top two matches; EstadioW is broadcasting a soccer game up until that point (and that appears to be the status quo from here on out.) While it’s possible SuperLuchas or someone else will be doing live from the arena coverage – a fine idea! – I wasn’t planning on doing a chat for the show until that last hour, if even then.

Also as previously mentioned, I had talked about going to LuchaVaVoom. Somehow, despite seeing the ad for the show many times and having an ad sitting on my desk right next to this keyboard, it didn’t click in my head that the show was not Saturday, but actually Friday. Their website says doors @ 8:30, which would mean I wouldn’t be around to do any coverage until 1ish.

Which won’t work at all. I think Negro beating Mistico is as likely as Billy beating Fabi for her hair at Verano de Escandalo (the show that was taped last month, so this would require time travel), but I still want to hear it. And the semimain’s pretty interesting finish wise; which pair of feuding people get the pin will tell a lot about upcoming priorities.

So the plan at the moment is to skip Lucha Va Voom (I guess I didn’t need to see Cuije in a sex show) and do Anniversary live results coverage, probably with a CoverItLive chat if there’s enough to chat about, Friday night. Until I remember something else I forgot. Meanwhile, everyone a stone’s throw from my place should go to Lucha Va Voom and have themselves a good time.

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17 thoughts to “coverage plans for tomorrow’s anniversary show”

  1. What’s XBWL?

    I’m in NYC this weekend. Might check out Lucha Va Voom. If anyone else is going, let me know.

    Not sure if it’s in another update, but WON says LATV is now airing new footage on Mon and Fri. We shall see tomorrow.

  2. Grrr… I may not even be around for the live coverage of the last two matches unless I can move some things around. I should make my predictions tonight…

  3. @Mean Mark Mease: Yes. Anyone else would be using a better nick by now.

    The XBWL was an efed I was in…in the late 90s? A long long time ago, or so it feels. Though I think that website had a better site design.

  4. Any idea who’s booked for the Va Voom shows besides Cassandro (also, as far as US indy guys I heard T.J. Perkins/Puma’s gonna be there)? Trying to figure out whether or not to go the NYC show…

  5. @Bix: Hilarious. Listening to last night’s podcast, and desperately trying to find an email for you to get you the Chicago lineup. Then I thought to actually check my email and this comment is there.

    Chiicago card is here: .

    There’s a lot of local names who I doubt will making the trip to NYC – probably just guys like Dirty Sanchez. Main is Alebrije/Cuije vs Cassandro/Lil Chicken.

  6. How’s the actual wrestling from everyone other than the 2.5 name guys in the main event, Lil’ Cholo, Principe Frankie, and Puma if he’s on the show (I don’t see him listed unless he’s under a new gimmick)? Is it straight lucha aside from Steve Boz?

    It wouldn’t shock me to see them bring the Chicago crew in since you have a local Lucha scene and we don’t, unless maybe some of the Chikara crew will come up from PA?

  7. @Bix: The wrestling will be just OK. Third match will probably be the most lucha (though it looks like it’ll be comedy). Guys in the opener work a mix of US and lucha and I figure the second match will be US style too.

  8. What about the main event? More of a comedy match given the setting (albeit good Lucha comedy…I mean it IS Cassandro)?

    At any rate, do you recommend that I go?

  9. @Bix: Yea, the main event will be some mix of comedy and straight wrestling. It’s Alebrije and Cuije, those guys have their one match worked out and just tweak it.

    The last time I went, it was really more of a show that included lucha libre. Much more a variety show than a wrestling one. The lucha was good, but it wasn’t the quality of the match that matter as much as the zaniness of them.

    I enjoyed the shows, but as different kind of entertainment than straight wrestling shows.

  10. @Bix: Funny. For as much as they interject commentary during the match, they didn’t overpower it. And they’re clearly doing the shows because they’re fans.

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