09/19-20 Lucha Times

box. Time slots seem mostly normal this week.

AAA-US: first part of VdE, which was Clowns/Yakuza, Cruiserweights, WagnerMania vs AAA, and Double Date In A Cage

52MX: Women and Maximo/Stuka/Valiente vs Dragon/Sangre/Okumura

CMLL: On F4 today, Dr. Lucha pointed out this is the normal time slot and expected Mistico/Negro to air here. That fits the pattern, but would feel kinda absurd. I’ve got it listed there out of habit, but I dunno about this one. They might as well show an earlier match, use the semimain as the final match since that’ll be the focus for the next couple weeks, and save Mistico vs Negro for some special down the road. It’ll clearly air on TV at some point, just who knows when.

FSE-CMLL: still appears to exist (though I’ve probably messed up the listings; remember to go back and guess better there), but is now airing at 8 AM on Saturday. What a time. Since 52MX was guessed to get the last feud, it’s this show’s turn, so No Limit/Liger vs Super Sky Team, plus Tuareg vs Pegasso/Cometa/Maya.

FSE-AAA: this one airs about 13 hours later. Last two matches from Day 1 here; Elegido/Divina/Pimpi vs Decnnis/Mini Abismo/Polvo, plus Mesias/Marco vs Cibernetico/Kenzo. Who gets the move of the night point? Marco maybe? Or one of the minis, sure…

C3: top 4? They’ve got a shorter turn around than usual here, but it’s not like these shows would figure to have a lot of post production time.

Puebla: tercera seems like a good bet for a drop, which leaves Panther/Garza/Mistico vs Liger/No Limit as your main event.

Monterrey: Hijo del Ninja vs Morse for the masks, for sure.

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11 thoughts to “09/19-20 Lucha Times”

  1. When and where did Mendoza vs. Ultimo Guerrero air? I don’t remember, but I don’t think it aired the next day.

    I can see TDN asking CMLL to air Mistico vs. Casas live. Noche de Punos is on live at the time, and they could do it. I say this b/c Televisa has a lot riding on TDN, and might want to create a buzz. Yet, I don’t see the main airing on Saturday for some reason.

    For those in the NYC area, WPIX 11.2 is dropping LATV soon, so Ras de Lona won’t be available locally, unless LATV finds another affiliate with cable coverage. I expect the same to happen in Chicago on WGN.

  2. Does anybody know if there’s online streams for these other shows, like Puebla etc? Something i’ve wondered about for a little while now

  3. @LLL: Pretty sure Guerrero vs V5 didn’t air until the swine flu stuff hit. It seems like they aired the Mistico vs Casas match from that show on Fox Sports the next week though.

  4. @LLL: losing LATV is not a big deal as long as 52MX continues doing the podcasts. Hope they do.

    @Anonymous: Only non-Televisa/non-Cadenda3 show we have a stream for is Monterrey’s show. I actually stumbled along a stream for Fox Sports Espanol the other day, but I believe it was the US feed (so no lucha). I have to grab that again and check.

    @Alan: Instead of Dos Leyendas, they showed repeats of matches from the prior two weeks. Mistico/Negro aired the first off week of the flu, and V5/UG aired the last week.

  5. From the Observer site:

    –LATV is airing a one hour CMLL show which features up to date matches from Mexico City on Mondays at 11 a.m. and Fridays at 7 p.m. Eastern time

    WHAT THE FUCK? Monday morning?

  6. @Alfredo: This has to be the Guerreros del Ring reruns, and whoever sent it in doesn’t realize it’s a rerun. But I’ll record it again just to prove the point.

  7. Oops. Should’ve checked here first on the LATV stuff.

    I’m sure LATV can get it right, and debut CMLL on Saturdays, like they debut Ras on Tuesday.

    I spend time in NY, so of course NY is losing LATV. That’s how it works.

  8. Thanks for tracking down the Fox Sports CMLL time. I hadn’t checked before 10am on the guides. And, as predicted, they got the Tuaregs vs Cometa/Pegaso/Guerrero Maya and No Limit/Liger vs Super Sky Team.

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