09/19-20 Lucha Times

box. Time slots seem mostly normal this week.

AAA-US: first part of VdE, which was Clowns/Yakuza, Cruiserweights, WagnerMania vs AAA, and Double Date In A Cage

52MX: Women and Maximo/Stuka/Valiente vs Dragon/Sangre/Okumura

CMLL: On F4 today, Dr. Lucha pointed out this is the normal time slot and expected Mistico/Negro to air here. That fits the pattern, but would feel kinda absurd. I’ve got it listed there out of habit, but I dunno about this one. They might as well show an earlier match, use the semimain as the final match since that’ll be the focus for the next couple weeks, and save Mistico vs Negro for some special down the road. It’ll clearly air on TV at some point, just who knows when.

FSE-CMLL: still appears to exist (though I’ve probably messed up the listings; remember to go back and guess better there), but is now airing at 8 AM on Saturday. What a time. Since 52MX was guessed to get the last feud, it’s this show’s turn, so No Limit/Liger vs Super Sky Team, plus Tuareg vs Pegasso/Cometa/Maya.

FSE-AAA: this one airs about 13 hours later. Last two matches from Day 1 here; Elegido/Divina/Pimpi vs Decnnis/Mini Abismo/Polvo, plus Mesias/Marco vs Cibernetico/Kenzo. Who gets the move of the night point? Marco maybe? Or one of the minis, sure…

C3: top 4? They’ve got a shorter turn around than usual here, but it’s not like these shows would figure to have a lot of post production time.

Puebla: tercera seems like a good bet for a drop, which leaves Panther/Garza/Mistico vs Liger/No Limit as your main event.

Monterrey: Hijo del Ninja vs Morse for the masks, for sure.

AAA #900 (08/29)

taped Centro Banamex, 07/26/2009 – crowd seemed poorly miced; it looked impressive and seemed like they were far more into the show than we could hear.

Rio Bravo, Tigre Cota, Tito Santana II vs Atomic Boy, Gato Eveready, Laredo Kid – in the same range lately, where it’s pretty good but not to the remarkable good level. Laredo’s looking more consistent lately.

Billy Boy & Sexy Star vs Aerostar & Fabi Apache – The story they seem to be telling here is Fabi would beat Sexi in 10 seconds or less if not for Billy being there. I can believe that.

Did they forget to pay off the Mari story? Shouldn’t there have been a fourth vignette where Mari is found knocked out and Billy is clearly implicated? I’m going to really miss Xavier doing the AAA recaps over at the Observer, because it was so easy to go over there on Monday and see what I completely misunderstood.

Crazy Boy, Rocky Romero, Ultimo Gladiador vs Kenzo Suzuki, Oriental, Sugi – think we’re now halfway thru the giant Yakuza push. It’s been a long run. (Also, this seems to be the end of the Mexican Powers, though it wasn’t clear at the time.)

You know, this group of tecs is not the most interesting at making other people look good. It’s too bad everyone is so tightly slotted, because this show would’ve been more interesting if you just swapped this tecnico team with the opener. Poder del Norte & Mexican Powers/UG can double team each other to death and Poder del Norte would actually get something out of a tainted win, while the Yakuza really shouldn’t need help to win at this point and it would surprise no one for them to beat the Air Force. Perhaps Oriental had given notice in by this point

Charly Manson & Jack Evans vs Chessman & Teddy Hart – still not interested in this match, but they’re at least setting up the Chessman/Charly feud in a uncharacteristically manner: Charly is so angry at Chessman that he wants to break the rules, breaking the rules costs Charly every time, so Charly wants a match with no rules and that’s what they do. Easy!

El Mesías, Extreme Tiger, Octagon vs Alex Koslov, Joe Lider, Nicho el Millionario – really, does Mesias’ move have a (AAA) name? It’s the most important move in the promotion, it probably could use a move name by now.

Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Cibernético in a Number One Contenders Match for the AAA World Heavyweight Championship – Wagner back to being a tecnico this week. Surprisingly one sided. It was a chokeslam thru a table, but it was cleaner than I expected for Wagner.

Sicodelico, trios titles, non-agression pacts

In celebration of Mexican independence day, this blog will be independent of any useful content. Much like normal.

Sicodelico Jr. was let go from FCW. Cesar writes a lot about this, saying making it/not making it to WWE is no stamp of quality. My thought here is Sicodelico had little to lose – he was working Texas independents and occasional NWA shows, not exactly a full time bit – by taking a developmental deal and he probably learned a lot from it. (Including some he probably didn’t want to learn.) Dos would be a different story.

[poll id=”44″]Tonight’s main event in Arena Coliseo is Angeles Rebeldes vs Trio de Terror. This is known title defense five (all the papers seem to be agreeing on that number, so we may be accurate there for once.) This is also Avenro & company’s third shot at the belts, the previous two in Arena Mexico. Losing 3 straight in DF seems unlikely, but Garza’s lost three straight CMLL Heavyweight Title matches in Puebla, so they’re not afraid of doing it. I think the titles do not change hands.

CMLL is also running full shows in Guadalajara (the usual Tuesday show) and San Luis Potosi (Wednesday is the traditional big wrestling day there.) Due to the holiday, I’m sure there are many small shows going on in DF we’re not reading about, but there’s not much left of the roster to work them.

Looking ahead, Hector Garza explains the Mexican rudos and tecnicos have signed a non-aggression pact. They’re all united as Mexicans to prove Mexican wrestling is better than Japanese wrestling. Garza notes they’re the home team and so they shouldn’t lose.

Astaroth talks about the mask match with Fraile de la Muerte next week. He’s the novato, Fraile is the older rudo, and things haven’t gone well for the older rudos here lately. Just like Fraile (and everyone else), Astaroth is surprised they’re doing the mask match so soon.

Ohtani’s Jacket watches some classic Infernales from 1987.