Friday notes

I’m busy and afraid to look in the comment section. (More than usual!) Quiet day anyway.

Previews of tonight: ESTO, Ovaciones (hooray for posting today’s article, since the PDF isn’t up), LuchandoLibre. The big story here is Liger’s debut match, as good as bet as they have for drawing a good house the week before the anniversary show. Looks like he’ll be headlining every show he’s on as a rudo and teaming with No Limit most of the time. There sure seems to be a Liger/UG match coming before he goes back to Japan (which makes one wonder if UG is headed back to Japan at some point in the near future.) No Mistico on the card, but with Negro in the semimain, it wouldn’t shock anyone to see a surprise appearance. Terrible/Mascara as the lightning match is interesting in light of Terrible’s pals getting a shot at Mascara’s trios titles next week.[poll id=”43″]

CMLL announced the anniversary show will start a half hour earlier, to show a video of past anniversaries. So, an episode of Ras de Lona then? Or maybe they’ll help us fill some gaps on the list of Anniversary main events?

El Pancracio writes about new CMLL wrestler Disturbio and Puebla wrestler with Tigre Rojo.

Luchas 2000 486 has many pages on Alex Koslov – having wholy and completely different articles on the show, Alex on losing the cage, Roldan talking about the Cruiserweight Title, and the CMLL booking committee saying he’s not coming in is completely normal and still odd. It’s all the same story.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s upcoming lineuips.

FWIW: I had planned to do a move on the luchawiki server this weekend which would take it down a few hours. Not sure if that’s going to happen, but I’ll try to give warning (both here and the wiki) if it does.