IWRG Copa High Power, AULL with AJPW, Oriental, Koslov

IWRG (SUN) 09/06 Arena Naucalpan [Estrella del Ring, Black Terry Jr. photos, Al Filo del Ring]
1) Keshin Black b Alan Extreme
2) Dark Saint & Menfis b Rey Tempestad & Star Boy
3) Blasfemia, Capitán Muerte, Mr. America b Angelico, Gemelo Fantastico I, Gemelo Fantastico II
4) Bushi, Chico Che, Exodia b Oficial 911, Oficial AK47, Oficial Fierro
5) Bobby Lee Jr. b Masada, Nosawa, Fuerza Guerrera, Kai, Veneno, Suicida, Juventud Guerrera, Gringo Loco, Pendulo [copa higher power]

Bobby Lee Jr. wins this tournament? Not that they really had regulars here besids Suicida and Pendulo.

AULL (SUN) 09/06 Arena Lopez Mateos [EdR]
1) Gallito de Oro & Principe Torbellino DRAW Hormiga Atomica & Rey Cristal
2) Super Halcon Jr., Super Panda, Tortuguillo Ninja DQ Conde Bartock, Epidemia, Psicopata
3) Robin Maravilla, Sadico, Yakuza DQ Cerebro Maligno, Epitafio, Herejia and Angel o Demonio, Leon Rojo, Ovett [AULL TRIOS]
4) Masada b Rocky Santana, Sepulturero I, Terry 2000, Último Vampiro, Jiro Hachimitsu, Kai, Nosawa [XLAW INTERNATIONAL]

Masada got Rocky Santana with a foul and covered him to win the vacant title in the main event. Porros (Angel O Demonio’s team) got eliminated form the three way for a DQ, so they kept interfering until they get the other challengers DQ too.

Ras de Lona promoted the upcoming return of Brazo de Plata and hyped up the anniversary show. The segments with Mini Violencia’s kids and India & Maximo’s newborn were cute, but I was totally lost on the news bit with Medusa, Black Warrior and Black Warrior’s wife.

Tonight’s Arena Mexico card is built around Mephisto vs Hector Garza.

DJ Spectro posted the Oriental is leaving AAA article from Box Y Lucha.

Chuck Palumbo worked the AAA show in Tijuana this past Friday. Seems to only work the Tijuana shows.

Box Y Lucha #2938 has Mistico vs Negro, plus Alex trying the “if CMLL brought back Mr. Niebla, why wouldn’t they bring back me?” Of course, Niebla didn’t leave CMLL, CMLL dropped him admits much talk of personal issues.

El Pancracio has an interview with Puebla wrestler King Jaguar.

Kidnapped by Ninjas is a new lucha libre product review site. First review is the Lourdes Gorbet book.

Kcidis illustrates Mistico trashing Peste Negra.

411 Mania has a review of the EAW show that aired. The EAW people did interviews last week vowing a return, but didn’t

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update.

Ohtani’s Jacket didn’t like the style of Santo/Casas for the NWA Welterweight Title in 95.