Mistico wins in straight falls, threatens to retire if he loses his mask

CMLL (FRI) 09/04 Arena Mexico [SuperLuchas, Notimex, Cesar, Ovaciones]
1) Disturbio & Durango Kid b Bengala & Delta
2) Stuka Jr. b Loco Max [lightning]
3) Hiroka, Princesa Blanca, Princesa Sujei b Dark Angel, Lluvia, Marcela
4) Mascara Dorada, Máximo, Valiente DQ Dragon Rojo Jr., Misterioso II, Sangre Azteca
5) La Sombra, Shocker, Volador Jr. b Ephesto, Terrible, Texano Jr.
6) Místico DQ Negro Casas

Mistico won the main event in straight falls, getting the first via La Mistica, and the second when Niebla and Felino ran in. Mistico still ended up stuffing Negro in the trash can, revenge for lat week. That doesn’t sell you much for Negro’s chances in two weeks, though the crowd was behind Negro.

Clean win for the tecnicos in the main event, Texano even taking Volador’s moonsault side slam. Misterioso fouled Maximo for the DQ in the fourth. Cesar says Maximo is worse than La Parka Jr. now.

Disturbio worked the opener in Turbo’s spot (though Ovaciones missed it – oops.) That’s a bit off to be a typo. Plus, it’s hard to make the same exact typo twice. Cesar says Disturbio was unmasked Super Crazy like wrestler, which makes me guess he’s the guy from the DTU show.

For his part, Mistico says he’ll retire from lucha libre if he loses his mask, and just go back to school. So, we’ve now got Negro’s hair vs Mistico’s mask, the hair of all the Perros, and Mistico’s career. Guess it could go either way. Negro really should taunt him with some university applications and a new bookbag next week. He thinks his success in Japan has given him enough momentum to beat Negro, and would like a match with Liger if he beats Casas.

Okumura says he’s not afraid of being hated by the Mexican fans, but in fact that’s kinda what he’s going for. The author of this article seems surprised by this concept.

Mascara Magica and Mictlan discuss their feud in Guadalajara. It’s as you’d expect – Magica feels Mictlan is not a wrestler, just a dancer, and doesn’t come to the ring to wrestle, while Mictlan points out all he’s done lately is wrestle, since Magica beats the heck out of him every time he tries to dance.

In Reynosa, the local police are using a masked wrestler to teach kids to hate criminals and defend themselves against them. I think the real news here is this a tecinco police character actually exists.

In an expansion of previous articles, Perro Aguayo Jr. talks actual numbers and details about his promotion:

– there are 40 wrestlers on roster
– Tickets go for 30 for children, 50 for bleaches, and 100 for ringside.
– they usually sell 90% of tickets
– 40-50% of the fans in Mexico are fans of Los Perros
– Their merchandise is only available on their website, but they hope to be in stores later this year or next. They’d like to expand to more clothing, as well as items for dogs and cars.
– shows cost 50,000 to 300,000 to run
– wrestlers cost from 1,500 ($112) to 100,000 ($7475) per show
– Perros get 10% of the revenue per show, while the promoters get 50%
– Perros hope to be on Cadena3 and Unicable by October.

PerrosdelMal.net does NOT have merchandise on it – doesn’t have anything but cards from February. I don’t think those are actually the ticket prices, and I’m sure there are people on those shows making far less than $112. In light of that, it’s tough to believe any of this (including TV), but it’s interesting as the story Perro is presenting to the public.

DTU has photos from it’s Pachuca show.

X-Torm wants it known that the Rabia who lost his mask on the Rey Misterio Sr. tribute show a few months ago, who was mentioned at the time as also being X-Torm, is actually just a guy who X-Torm let borrow his mask a couple times. X-Torm himself did not lose his mask.