IWRG, Mexico preview, Perro Jr.

IWRG (THU) 09/03 Arena Naucalpan [Black Terry Jr. & Pics, twitter/gladiatores]
1) Talisman Jr. b Terry Brow
2) Blasfemia & Vampiro Metálico b Exodia & Miss Gaviota
3) Bushi, Chico Che, Freelance b Avisman, Brandon (IWRG), Gringo Loco
4) Head Hunter I & Toxico DF b Bobby Lee Jr. & Scorpio Jr.
5) Sangre Chicana b Villano III

Brandon is a random masked fill in, since whichever Espanto Jr. who was supposed to be here never actually was.

Previews of tonight’s show: Notimex, Ovaciones. All the focus is on Negro/Mistico’s singles match, two weeks from when it really matters. Gotta figure next week is Lyger on top in a trios just to do a special attraction to get people to come out.  There’s a lot of good matches on the undercard tonight, but nothing else in terms of story.

Perro Aguayo Jr. defended Rey Misterio Jr., saying criticism wasn’t fair, because it wasn’t due to prohibiting substances – just substances he wasn’t allowed to use without getting his doctor’s permission. That doesn’t quite work, but OK. Also, when asked, Perro didn’t want to pick a winner between Mistico & Negro, but “ultimately mention that if Mistico lost, he and Los Perros would all shave their heads in solidarity.”

Call me crazy, but I wouldn’t think Perro would do an interview just to promote Rey Misterio and Mistico. You have to hunt around for it, but it turns out Perro Aguayo Jr. was actually speaking to a group of entrepreneurs about business. His basic message was I thought I was a rudo, until I started dealing with businessmen. Perro always likes competition, but not the unfair stuff he’s dealt with – competitors taking down his posters or scheduling another show at the same building with lower prices. This probably is an interesting talk, but I hope he’s figured out the needing-TV thing. Sunday’s show really made me wish Perro and company had figured this out a whole better.

AAA probably needs to check Mini Psicosis’ birthday on their site. (Pointed out by psychosismask @ DVDVR)

Preview for a 10/03 CMLL spot shows seems to think Mistico & Volador are the tag champs, or just needs loses something in the translation.

ESTO has an article about the fourth season of ImprvoLucha.

Segunda Caida checks in on IWRG from August 20, 2009.

Last night’s Slammin’ Stan #11 is up. And just when I caught up…

Edit: Pueba lineup…

CMLL (MON) 09/07 Arena Puebla
1) Blue Center, Lestat, Milenium vs Alarido, Espiritu Maligno, Fuerza Chicana
2) Delta, Guerrero Maya Jr., Horus vs Durango Kid, Escorpion, Turbo
3) Hiroka, Princesa Blanca, Princesa Sujei vs Dark Angel, Lady Apache, Marcela
4) Atlantis, Misterioso II, Último Guerrero vs La Sombra, Toscano, Volador Jr.
5) Shocker vs Yujiro

Main event is not a hair match, but may be for a Copa Puebla.

For a guy who tore a muscle in his leg, Toscano sure is wrestling a lot.

Turbo continues on, so tonight’s not all or nothing.

Milenium and Alarido appear to be new Puebla wrestlers, which can’t be right. I wonder if they’re guys who just haven’t worked in 10 years (like Guerrero Mantis.) The name “Milenium” sure suggests someone who got it a while ago (there’s a Milenium listed as working Puebla in ’98), or is way ahead of his time.