08/30 Perros del Mal (or really FMLL) @ Congress Theatre

Stuff LLL wants to know: I twittered 500 people in attendance early, but it kept filling up. By the end, the lower section was full (though it seats much less than it used to) and there appeared to be people watching from the second floor. I’d say in the 750-800 range, but I have no good idea of what capacity is nowadays.

Stuff people on the fence on GA for DGUSA want to know: you’re going to be fine where ever you sit, unless the thing really outsells it’s expectations. Also, but the parking lots they’re using are easy to get to and no problem if you want to use them. The ones they were using on this night were a heck of a lot closer than the school parking lot they used to send you towards.

Stuff people thinking about Lucha Va Voom may want to know: They were promoting Cassandro, Alebrije, and Cuije for the show.

Stuff DGUSA needs to know: you’re setting the main camera up on the stage. There’s no choice, that’s where it’s gotta be. Also, at least once, pan up to the big dome just to make the place look a bit classy.

All the other stuff:

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Pena Memorial card, Alex Koslov, Hijo de Rey Misterio


AAA says a new cruiserweight champion will be decided at Verano de Escandalo, with the same six guys who’ve continued to face each other, minus Alex. The two title matches are all that’s officially announced. Guessing the rest

– the Pena gauntlet match
– either Fabi vs Sexi or Fabi/Aero vs Sexi/Billy
– something with the Grondas, though very unlikely to be the mask match this soon
– and either the minis or the Clowns to work the opener.

Going back to Alex – he’s posted on his mySpace and his twitter that he’s done with AAA and says he’s talked with CMLL (and specifically Paco Alonso) about coming back. I tend to think he’s still going to return to AAA and this is just a fakeout, but it’s been enough to put doubt in my mind, and that’s sort of the point. The only thing here I completely can not believe is Paco Alonso sends people emails. Having people send emails for him, maybe.

Previews of today’s CMLL Fan Appreciation show: ESTO, Ovaciones. Main event is Super Sky Team vs UG/Niebla/Felino, while everyone wonders if there will be a run-in. Semimain is Trio de Terror vs Trios Champs, and we wait to see what title match comes out of it.

Hablando de Catch has an interview with Hijo de Rey Misterio, who’s hoping to make it into CMLL or AAA, and talks about being in Nebraska and being told he was wrestling in Boliva. The irony of someone faking to be Hijo de Rey Misterio seems lost on him, though.

Fuego en el Ring has an interview with Hector Garza, which is quite a bit of answering Mistico’s interview last week. I got the complaint wrong last week – Mistico wasn’t accusing Mictlan of ripping him off, he was accusing Hector Garza of ripping Mictlan off. That’s just cold. Garza points out he was first, Sombra & Volador were part of (one of Garza’s) groups first, and his guys were the first wearing t-shirts and now Mistico’s saying only he can wear shirts. Garza’s happy to be in the anniversary, so he can prove Mexican wrestling beats Japanese wrestling. He’s also looking to get a hair match with “the Japanese” (Naito) or a tag title match with Terrible and Texano.

Also in Fuego, Misterioso II is going with the “Arena Coliseo Guadalajara is a Arena Coliseo” theory on getting a shot at Stuka & Flash. I love that this isn’t just something crazy I’m making up, but a real explanation. Misterioso wore his old Super Spider mask to the ring on Sunday, which he used when he started out 11 years ago (and wrestled as in Arena Coliseo Guadalajara.)

Naito visited Teotihuacan. I presume Yujiro was too busy hitting on women.

Kcidis illustrates Blue Panther vs Averno.

Luchas 2000 #485 has Mistico vs Negro.

Edit: Even though no poll will ever beat “we think the guy who had a rod put in his leg is faster than these other two” for a result, the Koslov stuff makes me think we need a new one:

[poll id=”42″]