03/12: FCW, IWRG, GDL

FCW (SAT) 03/07 Cudahy Sports Center, Los Angeles, CA [the Gladiatores, SuperLuchas]
1) Jaguar de Oro & Lil Cholo b Maxim & Rogelio Ruiz
2) Vintage Dragon DDQ Ryan Taylor
3) Black Metal & Capitan Calico b Enigma de Oro & Kayam [FCW TAG]
4) Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson, Tito Santana b Brandon Cutler, Dustin Cutler, Kung Haku
5) Felino & Rayman b El Hijo del Solitario & Emilio Charles Jr.
6) Scorpio Jr. b Rey Misterio [FCW TITLE]

No, not the AAA Tito Santana. The other guy. Scorpio retains his title, Black Metal & Capitan Calico are new tag champs. This group is promoting Super Porky and Eugene for their next show.

Speaking of, Rey Misterio received his award for 2008 Best Wrestler from the Tijuana Box Y Lucha comission. Rey felt honored, and wished he there was mroe wrestling in Tijuana, since it was more the suburbs in 2008.

IWRG (SUN) 03/08 Arena Naucalpan [the Gladiatores]
1) Halcon 2000 & Miss Gaviota b Epidemia & Heavy Boy
3) Black Terry, Cerebro Negro, Dr. Cerebro b Galactik, Trauma I, Trauma II
4) Zatura b Testuya Bushi
5) Arlequin, Hijo de Pierroth (IWRG), Pierroth II b Oficial 911, Oficial AK47, Oficial Fierro
6) Head Hunter I & Head Hunter II b Hijo del Cien Caras & Mascara Ano 2000 Jr. [super libre]

If you like challengers beating champions in non-title matches to set up the title bout, this was the show for you – top four matches all were that deal. (Pareja Toxic really needed had to have some tiny arena tag title too.) They did arrive at the same conclusion in different ways.

– main event was a bloody brawl, the Jr. Dinamitas being DQed in the first fall of a no rules match (???) and the Head Hunter taking fall two
– Pierrth family with dominant with a two straight fall win
– Zatura/Testuya was back and forth with Zatura barely coming out ahead in the third fall
– Cerebro Negros were surprised by sudden Trauma armbars for the flash victory there.

All four of those title matches take place this Sunday.

The Gladiatores also has a recap of the CHIKARA/Invasion Azteca show on 03/08 in Delaware, with Quack/Solar/Kendo vs Mr. Ferrari/Negro/Claudio. Phil Schneider has notes over on DVDVR and K-Atomico himself posted photos of his debut (and win!) on El Martinete.

CMLL (SUN) 03/08 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) In Memoria b Principe Leo
2) Leon Blanco & Thunder Boy b Katana & Malefico [torneo tanque dantes]
3) Angel del Mal & Infierno b Acertijo & Mr. Trueno [torneo tanque dantes]
4) Boomerang & Gallo b Palacio Negro & Samurai [torneo tanque dantes]
5) Nube Roja b Valentin Mayo [hair]
6) Dos Caras Jr., Shocker, Valiente b Black Warrior, Dragon Rojo Jr., Sangre Azteca
7) Marco Corleone, Maximo, Toscano b Misterioso II, Terrible, Texano Jr.

Nube Roja took the 1st & 3rd for the win. The torneo seems to be taking shape: it’ll just be these six teams, and probably in a round robin format (which means there’s three more weeks where they do these matches to come, though this may take a while if they wait three weeks for each one.) Acertijo seems to have changed Trueno partners or I got something wrong the first time. Standings are updated, Gallo and Boomerang are the only 2-0 team so far.

CMLL (TUE) 03/10 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [CMLL]
1) Astaroth b Skaxy
2) Virgo b Guero Loco
3) Idolo b Angel de Mal
4) Casanova b Drago
5) Magnum DCO Metatron
6) Maximo & Metal Blanco b Misterioso II & Satanico
7) Shocker & Toscano b Terrible & Texano Jr.

Rudos were distracted by Maximo in the main event. I’m betting Maximo is the one losing his hair on Sunday, but I’m less than sure.

LuchandoLibre insists there’s nothing sinister about Black Warrior being off the Dos Leyendas show.

AAA says Mini Abismo Negro suffered a 10 cm (4 inch) cut on his shin at a Juarez show. He finished the match but was in the hospital ever.

Box Y Luchas put up a whole bunch of articles from last week’s magazine
Mini Damian 666 says he feels comfortable in CMLL, so he turned down the offer to jump to Perros del Mal with his partners. (Didn’t Perro and Damian insist all the wrestlers were coming to them and they weren’t going after guys? Hmmm.) Mini Damian says HE was Troll, I’d always that was Mini Halloween.
Ultimo Guerrero and Villano V talk about their mask match. UG vows to leave his soul in the ring and is hoping for a sell out. Villano V says he’s faced the best in the world and succeded, and then calls UG dillusional.
Luna Magica talks about being 8 months pregnant. On Ras de Lona, I believe they mentioned she delivered the baby and all is well with mother and new daughter (but now I’m not sure so don’t source me on it – go watch the show.) Luna plans on taking another year off before coming back to the ring and CMLL says they’ll give her spot back.
Hijo del Soliltario says he could go back to CMLL or AAA. He could do a lot of things. He complains that one company “asked me to do things I do not like, ugly things, in exchange for stardom. I refused very simply: women were made for men and Solitario is for women, not men.”
– A column complaining about those who put back on a mask they lost (Silver King picture) suggests a new rule: if you lost a mask in a building, you can not wear any mask in that building again, but you can continue wearing that mask in any other building. (Eh.)
– profile of father/son team Centella de Plata I & Jr
– Villanos 3 has a list of great Veracruz wrestlers.

Ovaciones mentions the upcoming WWE RAW tour the same way it’s mentioned all WWE news since RAW got on Televisa: with a picture of Rey Misterio Jr. unmasked. There’s a sidebar on the Jr. Capos defending their titles this week. They say it’s their 17th defense, but there’s no way we could’ve missed six defenses in Arena Naucalpan (unless they’re defending them elsewhere, which is possible but never been mentioned.)

Dr. Morales is picking Abismo Negro to win Rey de Reyes. AAA also hyped up Aerostar vs Billy

DTU posted a video of their appearance on Tercera Caida on their blog.

Hijo del Santo was named Rey de la Alegria in Xalapa.

WagnerMania posted video of Dr. Wagner & Olimpico vs Canek & Cibernetico.

Hablando de Catch has pictures of rudo moves. No fouls, somehow.

LuchaWorld has Robert on IWRG 11/08/07 and Tijuana 12/21/01, plus KrisZ’s news report. I really think Alvarez needs to steal that “Dr. Bryan” gimmick next time he has a match.

CMLL Lineups

CMLL (TUE) 03/17 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Hierro vs Fraile de la Muertge
2) Plata vs Skaxy
3) Quazar vs Relampago Azul
4) Shockercito vs Meteoro
5) Pequeno Violencia vs Boomerang
6) Flash & Stuka Jr. vs Euforia & Nosferatu
7) Hector Garza, Hijo del Fantasma, La Mascara vs Felino, Heavy Metal, Negro Casas

Lots of interesting stuff here. Main event looks like the set up to a trios title match, which sure tips the hand on the finish of Sunday’s title match. Can the Arena Coliseo tag team belts be defended in any arena named Arena Coliseo? Someone needs to break out the CMLL rulebook. Plus, more minis vs ACG regulars.

CMLL (MON) 03/16 Arena Puebla
1) Black Tiger & SWAT vs Karisma & Policeman
2) Bam Bam, Electrico, Tzuki vs Pequeño Universo 2000, Pequeño Warrior, Pierrothito
3) Angel de Oro, Angel de Plata, Astro Boy vs Dr. X, Loco Max, Skandalo
4) Black Warrior, Dragon Rojo Jr., Sangre Azteca vs Mascara Dorada, Sagrado, Toscano
5) Dos Caras Jr., Hector Garza, Shocker vs Atlantis, Mr. Niebla, Rey Bucanero

Main event seems ripe for more Dos Jr. shenanigans. I’m sure Black Warrior being listed doesn’t actually mean he will or will not be there. I looked at the tercera really quick and thought Hector’s guys are teaming up, but no, Astro Boy’s not in that group for whatever reason.

indy (THU) 03/19 Arena Solidaridad [RFC]
1) Anarkia, Kryven, Misionero vs Black Soul, Titanik, Voltaje
2) Gran Markus & Gran Markus Jr. vs Orientale I & Orientale II
3) Rey Hechicero & Tigre Universitario vs Halloween & Mr. Aguila
4) El Hijo Del Santo & Super Crazy vs Damian 666 & el Hijo del Perro Aguayo

If you’re Super Crazy, what would you rather do – main event shows teaming with Santo or work third from the top teaming with Crazy Boy?

AAA #874 (02/28)

taped 01/31/09

Clipping even more present on this show. I think they’re still doing a better job of working to the TV time, but you can feel the editing a bit more.

This Poder Norte opener was better than the last one, even though this is clearly the lesser side. Argenis appears to be working infrequently and getting worse for it. (He also appeared to be on a hunger strike.) The other two were pretty good, though I was sure this was a time Aerostar got hurt and had forgotten about it after that dive. Need to start a running count on how many straight shows where the top guys ‘shockingly’ involve themselves with the opening match. This show makes it 3 of the last 4, and the other one had Billy Boy running in.

Whatever momentuem the Guapos had, and I’m not sure there was much, seems to have been lost over the winter break and it doesn’t feel surprising they’ve been faded out of late. Not sure why they’re doing the slow turn with Guapito (or how having two tecnico mascots actually works, so maybe this was intended to be a swerve.) Seeing as Brazo has head his head shaved quite a few times over the years, you think he would’ve thought to kept it off for a while longer to sell the ‘betrayal’.

If they were really interested in the Super Fly/Electro story, they probably should’ve remembered to give Super Fly the big win here. They gave him normal offense after allowing none, which doesn’t really help anyone or repair any of the damage, but that clearly wasn’t the point here. At least now the Electroshock push has a logical purpose now, as he’s been build up to give Charly a rival on his return.

Ozz vs Chessman dragged at a point, which is not what you want to say about a six minute match. Neither guy has grown into the kind of guy who can carry a singles match, which would be troubling for Chessman if we hadn’t kinda given up on that with him. Like in the last match, Ozz is just here to set up Chessman for the next title match, though I gotta think it would’ve been more switching those two around.

I don’t know that this works another way, but Konnan matches are all pretty much worthless brawls and this week’s fit the pattern. Even though it was stronger than previous matches and played into the finish, it still doesn’t feel llke Black Abyss/Abismo Negro is as big a deal as you’d expect reading about it (or as you saw last year.)

Likewise, nothing to get out of the main event that you didn’t get out of the last one.