AAA #867 & #868 (01/17 and 01/24)

taped on…a sunny day? and indoors, with varying lighting

We’re not supposed to notice the offices the Legion took over are not the offices AAA made a big deal of moving to, are we? Maybe that was explained and I missed it. Probably the same time they explained Hijo de Tirantes rudo turn.

Recapping the second half of 2008 reminded me how much I totally hated the second half of 2008. It was quite accurate.

02/12: notes, GDL

FCW (SAT) 02/07 Cudahy Sports Center, CA [el maldito enmascarado, SuperLuchas]
1) Roeglio Ruiz & Timothy Thatcher b Phoenix Star & Zokre
2) Candice La Rea DQ Aiden Riley
3) Black Metal b Chris Kaddilack
4) Enigma de Oro & Kayam b Brandon Cutler & Dustin Cutler [FCW TAG]
5) Hijo de Rey Misterio, Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson b Joey Ryan, Mascara Ano 2000 Jr., Scott List
6) Scorpio Jr. b La Park, Mascara Sagrada, Rey Misterio Sr., Tinieblas Jr, Diabolic, Cyanide, Kamala, Jaguar de Oro, Super Porkirio, Mascara Ano 2000 Jr., Black Metal, Joey Ryan, Nick Jackson, Matt Jackson, Vintage Dragon, Scott Lost, Rogelio Ruiz, Perfectly Rude, Chris Kaddilack, Roeglio Ruiz, Timothy Thatcher, Phoenix Star, Zokre, Brandon Cutler, Dustin Cutler, Enigma de Oro, Kayam, Hijo de Rey Misterio, ? [FCW, battle royal]

Main event was a 30 man battle royale and no one could keep track of everyone in it. Scorpio own, though LA Park though he was cheated.

Mistico, who should be on his way to Japan by now, is already looking past Mephisto and talking about facing Tiger Mask IV. Mistico isn’t particular about who’s putting up what title but just wants the challenge.

While Mistico head to Japan, SuperLuchas back at Mil Mascaras and Dos Caras Sr.’s 1983 trip to All Japan’s Tag Tournament.

In Ovaciones, Arkangel throws out a challenge to Flash & Stuka. He’d take their masks or the tag team titles. It is about right for the Guerreros Tuareg to get a title shot, though promos in Ovaciones don’t actually mean anything. Arkangel also says he’s leaving this week for a two show tour of the United States. Where?

Ovaciones also says IWRG will resume airing on TV Azteca in March. The poster for today’s show lists it airing on TVC Deportes.

Tercera Caida, via WagnerMania, had a story on the AAA video game. They mentioned it’ll be available on the 360, PS3, Wii and DS and it’ll include Cibernetico. It looks like they’re just showing a story from the latest Dos de Tres.

Notes from theGladiatores recap of IWRG’s 02/08 show: Fuerza may be back on the tecnico side already, since he saved Zumbido from a post-title match by Fuerza’s second (Oficial 911, who had early gotten thrown out for interfering.) The semimian wasn’t just a title match, but the usual IWRG title/mask/hair deal. Dr. Cerebro was first out, and will have to be a hair match later on. Bushi totally had his feet on the ropes for the pin.

The Gladiatores also have a recap with yet to debut CMLL female wrestler Star Fire, who trained with Vicky Carranza, Mr. America and Skayde before joining CMLL.

The Katharis lucha libre museum exhibit has move to Nuevo Leon

Hablando de Catch has lots of photso from the Santo de mi Devocion art show. There’s another Santo related art show today.

(SuperLuchas) Ultimo Dragon‘s next major show in Japan on 03/20. Presumabrly, this is the show people (Brazo de Oro) were talking about going over for, but only Okumura and Ohara have been officially announced.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update, as well Arena Coliseo Monterrey 03/02/03 (los Caifans!), CMLL TV 09/08/07, AAA 08/19/07:

This feud is draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaging. Get healthy Konnan!

CMLL (SUN) 02/15 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Palacio Negro & Samurai vs Katana & Malefico
2) Leon Blanco & Thunder Boy vs Acertijo & Mr. Trueno
3) Boomerang & Gallo vs Angel del Mal & Infierno [Torneo Alfonso Dantes]
4) Valentin Mayo vs Nube Roja
5) Averno, Ephesto, Satanico vs Marco Corleone, Mascara Dorada, Mictlan
6) Shocker vs Terrible

That tournament is apparently a points format. I trust Apolo Dantes and whomever else is programming here over the AAA bookers, but I could use actual details.

CMLL (TUE) 02/17 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Meteoro vs Milenio
2) Atenea vs Magnifica
3) Idolo vs Skaxy
4) Metratron vs Dragon
5) Neutron vs Rafaga
6) Blue Panther & Mictlan vs Averno & Ephesto
7) Marco Corleone & Toscano vs Black Warrior & Mr. Niebla

01/11 Arena Puebla

Taped 01/05

So, I’ve gotten into watching Arena Puebla, but I’m very slow at posting the recaps. This is from about a month ago, and was a pretty good show. I was sold on following this show by the opener alone, but the second match and the cibernetico were pretty enjoyable.

I have more I want to say about the locals here, but I’lll save it for a fresher recap.

Sangre/Mictlan was as good as it’s going to be, which is not good enough to go out of you way but not bad enough to embrass anyone. Mictlan’s still so limited, they just do the same thing they do with all limited tecnicos here – do as many dives instead of sustained offense.