01/23: notes

Ovaciones‘s got a preview of today’s show. Not a lot issues going into this one. No ESTO preview as I write this.

Ovaciones also repeats a bit earlier mentioned in the Observer; NJPW’s intersted in using CMLL wrestlers in March or April. Names mentioned are La Sombra, Ultimo Guerrero, Flash, Stuka Jr. (hopefully they can find an Arena Coliseo in Japan), Valiente, Mascara Purpura (?), Volador Jr. and Okumura.

The Gladiatores has interviews with Piratas Jr. and Terrible Cereberos (Black Terry & the Cerebros) about their feud. They also talk to El Fresero about his retirement.

Judging from Dr. Morales column in Refomra (via dr_landru), the angle in AAA with Konnan and money is the Legion embezzling money from the company for personal use, sending the company towards bankruptcy. So, basically, Konnan’s running AAA out of business (as an angle.)

Also in Reforma (this time via Jazzo) has an interview with Perro Aguayo Jr. He’s disappointed Charly isn’t coming into the group, but would gladly welcome him later because he handled the situation like a professional. Perro doesn’t blame Charly for going back to AAA for more money, he’s upset with ‘other companies who act against us’. He gives credit to Charly for calling them back and letting them know what was going on – unlike Dos Caras Jr., who never called them to explain why he wasn’t on the first show.

There’s been mentions of a Santo artwork special to celebrate the 25th anniversary of his passing on 02/05, and you can see previews and find out more about the artists over at El Santo de Mi Devocion. They’ve got more on the exhibit (actually 02/07) over there as well.

Box Y Lucha has a video interview with Tinieblas about his career. Knowledge to use: Tinieblas likes whiskey.

SuperLuchas looks back at Mil Mascaras vs Temojin el Mongol.

LuchaWorld has Robert on TripleMania 2007 (The Animal!), TripleSEM 2007 (AAA/NOAH) and 74th Anniversary show.

CMLL (MON) 01/26 Arena Puebla
1) Akira & King Jaguar vs Mr. Rafaga & Toro Bill Jr.
2) Asturiano, Black Tiger (Puebla), Centella de Oro vs Espiritu Maligno, Fuerza Chicana, Siki Ozama Jr.
3) Dark Angel, Lluvia, Marcela vs Hiroka, Princesa Sujei, Rosa Negra
4) Mascara Dorada, Toscano, Volador Jr. vs Averno, Terrible, Texano Jr.
5) La Sombra, Místico, Shocker vs Atlantis, Rey Bucanero, Último Guerrero

No main event yet announced for the 02/07 show. This might be where they run an angle to set something up.

AAA Gonzalez (TUE) 03/03 Plaza de Toros Monumental Arizpe
1) Estrellita & Fabi Apache vs Cinthia Moreno & Tiffany
2) Laredo Kid, Pimpinela Escarlata, Silver King vs Rio Bravo, Tigre Cota, Tito Santana II
3) Dr. Wagner Jr. & La Parka Jr. vs Electro Shock & Zorro

WagnerMania has the poster. Again, until it happens, it hasn’t happened, and there’s no apparent deal to go here full time yet.

AAA #865 (01/03)

taped 12/06, part 1 of Guerra de Titanes.

This was the good half of Guerra de Titanes, for sure. And that only lasted half the show.

Apaches & Morenos is never not good. It’s also never not head crushing on the finish. It would’ve been nice if it wasn’t clipped up and if the Bily Boy angle was built better, but this is as good as postives come in 2008.

Sect vs DMex was the best DMex since they’ve been here. It’s also like the second. I still think what made Alex & Rocky unique in CMLL doesn’t make them stick out in AAA, but I’m more than willing to wait and give them a chance. More hope there than elsewhere. The Sect hasn’t been beat down bad enough to give up yet, which is nice. I bet that was not the 2008 they though they were getting.

Latin/Konnan was not made for people on the internet to recap. There is some to be gleemed from it – part of Latin’s deal to be here must be “I get to kill everyone” and Konnan does not believe Konnan can wrestle a singles match of any signifcant length (and yet, the post-GdR booking sure seems to point to a singles match between Konnan and Mesias.)

Cage match was the usually worthless bit. Unless they have real big plans for Elegido & Guapito, why not give Porky the win so someone actually wins their feud? The idea of pushing Elegido by having him win the match isn’t really there when he didn’t win it – Brazo lost to Guapito technically, and it’s not like Elegido did anything particular to defeat him. Months of feuding for a comedy finish, yay.