01/14: Perros, IWRG, GDL, Mexico, Dos Jr. staying in CMLL

PERROS (SAT) 01/10 Centro de Convenciones, Madero, Tamaulipas [the Gladiatores]
1) Guerrera Negra, Lince, Payaso Vagabundo b Black Snake, Pandillera, Pastor Diabolico
2) Arana Maligna I, Arana Maligna II, Black Master, Disturbio b Konami, Pesadilla, Violento Jack
3) Cerebro Negro, DJ Skull, Sadico b Bulldozer, Darling Boy, Yessi-K
4) Super Crazy & X-Fly L Damián 666 & Mr. Águila and Scorpio Jr. & Zumbido [losers advance]
5) Super Crazy b X-Fly [hair]
6) Dr. Wagner Jr. DQ Ciberneticoel Hijo del Perro Aguayo

Yes, a DQ in the main event of a Perro show. Cibernetico & Perro recalled that they were friends and ripped off Wagner’s mask. Damian and Aguila came out to help beat hiim down, and Super Crazy made the save to set up a tag match next time thru. (This seems to be the standard match they’re building to on these shows.) Triangle matchw as a hardcore brawl. Crowd looks half full, but that’s a big building.

IWRG (SUN) 01/11 Arena Naucalpan [the Gladiatores, SoloLuchas]
1) Avisman b Imperio Azteca
2) Eragon & Galactik b Anticristo Jr. & Nemesis (IWRG)
3) Black TerryCerebro NegroDr. Cerebro DQ Coco BlancoGemelo Fantastico IGemelo Fantastico II
4) Trauma ITrauma IIZatura b Oficial 911Oficial AK47Oficial Fierro
5) FreelanceFuerza GuerreraHijo de AnibalPendulo b ArlequinPierroth IITesuya BushiVeneno

Freelance replaced Multifacetico in the main and probably regrets it. In the second fall, he tried a dropkick to the floor, connected, but still hit his head hard off the mat and went into seizures. Sounds like a very scary situation; SoloLuchas compares it to Oro’s death. He was taken away on a stretcher, and I have not seen an update on his condition. Match focused on Veneno/Fuerza and they made challenges after the match.

New tecnicos Traumas beat the IWRG trios champs thanks to their partner, who got 911 with a ‘rana. 911 might have gotten his shoulder up in time, there was a post match arguement about, but the Oficials are defending their titles anyway.

Cerebro Negro fouled one of the Gemelos. The other Gemelo fouled Negro in revenge, but only the tecnico was caught. Second man always pays the price.

After being swept by Imperio Azteca a couple weeks ago, Avisman returned the sweep the other way. I’ve been thinking, I need to start working sweeps in the listings up there, but I don’t know of a good abbrevation. “S”? “St”? I don’t know if that’s clear enough. Swept itself isn’t really that long, but DQ Sweep/CO Sweep is. 

CMLL (TUE) 01/13 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [MT]
6) Angel de Oro & Mictlán b Satánico & Semental
7) Héctor GarzaLa SombraMark Corleone b AtlantisEuforiaÚltimo Guerrero

Tecs took the main event clean, Hector getting UG to build to the trios match here. Article mentions this was Mictlan’s debut in GDL. I could not believe that – he’s been in CMLL for two years – but sure enough, it’s true. Well, it’s “Mictlan”‘s debut, anyway.  I wonder if they kept him away since he’d been wrestling unmasked in GDL (as Vaquero I) before starting as Mictlan?

CMLL (TUE) 01/13 Arena Mexico [SuperLuchas, ESTO]
1) Pegasso & Rey Cometa b Puma King & Tiger Kid
2) Dr. XHooliganLoco Max b Ángel Azteca Jr.Fabián el GitanoTony Rivera
3) FlashMáscara PúrpuraStuka Jr. b Shigeo OkumuraSkandaloVangelis
4) Black WarriorDragon Rojo Jr.Sangre Azteca b Mascara DoradaSagradoValiente
5) Blue PantherDos Caras Jr.La Máscara DQ TerribleTexano Jr.Villano III

Yay, Dos Caras Jr. actually appeared.  Dos went on Tercera Caiada and said he’s signed with CMLL for 4 years, and he’d have a better position than he would in WWE. I have no trouble believing that, but we knew that months ago and this still got dragged out.  The bottom line is Dos’ not going to WWE, he’s staying in CMLL, and I have no idea what they’re actually going to do with him but he gets to be in a lot of meaningless main events like this one. V3 fouled Panther for the DQ.

Poder Mexica is still undefeated in Arena Mexico (though they’ve lost elsewhere.)

ESTO’s article loses major points by talking about the “tremendous cold spell”. It was in the 50s there yesterday, and I was driving thru a blizzard this morning. WEAK.

CMLL announced Arena Puebla’s Fan Appreciation day (the monthly cheap ticket show) will now be on Saturdays, starting with February 7th. Not sure if that means they’ll be running two shows on those weeks. They have run shows on Saturdays and Mondays (and Thursday and Monday) in the past.

Ovaciones has a big interivew with Pierrothito about his mask win. He says it’s special, but also spends half the interview challenging Mascarita Dorada. They mention that Pierrothito will be wrestling in Arkansas from 01/22 to 01/25, then McAllen, Texas in the middle of February. There’s lucha libre in Arkansas? (Casino show, has to be.)

Ovaciones also features yet another Arturo Rivera column. Too bad he’s trying to make up for lost time when there’s absolutely nothing going on with AAA. 2/3rds of the article is going thru the matches on the next taping (Sunday) and teasing new foreigners in the Legion without naming names. He does mention that Rey de Reyes is supposed to be in Ciudad Madero.

Big AAA news: they added a profile page for Rio Bravo. He’s the masked guy in Poder el Norte, but of course you knew that.

Informador has a long career retrospective with Atlantis, focusing on his start, his mask match with Villano 3 (Atlantis says he was losing that one) and his many accomplishments.  They mention he had 43 defenses of the NWA Middleweight Championship, and I think 41 of those were all in the same title reign in 2.5 year span. That means he was defending the title every 3 weeks for 30 straight months. There are titles today that go 30 straight months without any defenses, and a lot Atlantis defenses were in the main arenas.

Over on Televisa Deportes’ site, they’ve post their first lucha content in a while: Felino’s wishes for 2009. He does look for more for Pesta Negra (which hasn’t teamed up together much), but more so looks for good things for his nephews Tiger Kid and Puma King (Felino says they’re wearing cat gear because they like their uncles, and they don’t want to be yet another Junior, hmmmm) and his wife, Princesa Blanca (4 straight Friday shows! Turning ruda does pay off.)

The Katharis lucha libre exhibit is extending it’s run until January 25. They’ve had 30,000 visitors.

The Lucha Libre Expo people already have a (bare) website up for this year’s edition; it’ll be May 1st thru the 3rd. Not sure if it’s too soon to note there’s a CMLL logo but no AAA one. Four months is plenty of time to change. (thanks to Mr. Reyes)

A recap of Monday’s action at the January Leon fair includes 3 minuntes of video action. The article mentions the new setup is hurting the shows – they’re essential on an outdoor orchestra stage and the people are too far away.

Guerreros del Ring #173 has Sangre Azteca on the cover, and an interview with Hijo del Santo on the inside. There’s also a feature on Ultimo Guerrero’s new gym/CMLL lucha libre school. That is a school worth attending.  I’d take the spinning classes.

Villano III is now selling his merchandise thru SuperLucha’s website. It makes more sense for people to work together for things like this rather trying to do their own online store  (but then, it usually makes more sense for a promotion to do it for them.)

On the other side, Box Y Lucha is making log in – to a new account that doesn’t seem at all connected with the message board account? – just to view the lineups for the week. The free info the promotions are giving to them to promote their shows can only be viewed if you sign up for something, and I don’t think everyone’s going to make the same I effort I did just to find out the WFS lineup (Monsther vs Black Terry in a huuuuge 12 man tag). Is the internet at 2001 in Mexico? And how many years is that ahead of other things?

Kcidis posted a drawing of Abismo Negro.

Ohtani’s Jacket watches the torneo and the main of the 01/01 El Toreo Tribute show and likes Dos Caras Sr.’s matwork. This reminds me – somehow, I wrote 2000+ words about an indy show and neglected to mention that Canek & Silver King will be on the next Cicero show.  I don’t know if that helps.  Anyway, at least one of the El Toreo tribute shows this week in Neza and Lopez Mateos is supposed to air on TVCDeportes.