taped 10/10, aired in the US 11/08
Where do you even start here?
Bigger missed shot?
– Alex Koslov pulling off his mask
– Cibernetico spearing Chessman into a table on fire
I will grant no longer doing the 30 second cuts to the crowd to hide action is an improvement, but wavey dissolved from shot to shot only gets you up to public access level. AAA never seemed to have an idea how to run a three hour show that was actually three hours long and they seem even more clueless at two hours.
I’m told Mesias is a good worker and he gets credit for taking big bumps to make opponents offense look good. The problem is, he’s been here now two years, and I can’t think of any good match he’s had. His matches are completely devoid of any psychology – it’s not like the main event, where they tried US spots and they just didn’t get over – it’s all random you hit me for a while, I hit you for a while and on and on until our time is up and we do the finish. I expect that from Chessman, but Mesias is supposed to be better than that. There’s no drama built in the match, there’s just occasion noise from the fans when Mesias insult them and his love of garbage wrestling is Lider-like and I don’t have to see Joe Lider singles matches.
Does anyone know who’s supposed to be a tecnico and a rudo? You’ve got give Konnan credit for at least booking his stuff where it’s very clear, especially in comparison to the confusion and pointless fake out swerves the rest of the show. The Dark Family/Chessman made some more sense watching compared to reading – Chessman was only hinted to be back with the group, so it wasn’t really a turn – but then you have to try and figure out why Chessman turned on Dark Family (no reason given, just done for shock) or why the Psycho Clowns worked the match as tecnicos then got bailed out by a rudo (swerve? bad booking? who knows.) Mesias clearly is supposed to be going tecnico, but he wrestled his match as a rudo while Chessman is clearly supposed to be a rudo and got the tecnico spots in his match and the rudo spots in other people’s matches.
Cibernetico’s not told the reason why he’s backing Mesias because no one could figure out a reason for such a thing, right? They created a mystery without even a clue of the solution, just because they wanted to get Mesias on the tecnico side so they could give the illusion of changed matchups, but never bothered to really think it out.
If this was live and not a month old, I’d be sure they were writing Teddy Hart out here. That seemed like a message it might coming, if nothing else, but obviously he’s still being booked. Maybe the end of the year will be the end of it. I like how Jack cared about it one segment, then was over it by the end of the show.
FWIW, DGM were clearly on one more was to come. Still hasn’t.
Zorro couldn’t save this for me. Now I’m just wondering if he’s supposed to be crazy or just really drugged up at all times. Either way works for AAA.