CMLL CAN52 #130

taped 05/09, 05/11, aired 05/19

No video of these, because – well, I can’t remember how to rip a video from a DVD, which seems so out of character that I have trouble believing it. I’ve watched the next two as I write this, and the only thing really worth watching out of all of this was the minis match on this show.

If I remember my minis feuds from May correctly, I think we started to get an idea that they were going to do a Dorada/Mini Warrior mask feud based on the finish here and all else was going on. Of course, that didn’t happen, and I’m not sure if they got some commission push back over Mini Warrior losing his mask again so soon (it was only 2005 when he lost it to Octagoncito), or if they just saw Dorada and Warrior look like the worst combination, oddly enough. Not that they looked awful, they just had some iffy moments in a match that was otherwise really great. Tzuki and Dorada are their usual fun stuff, and Pierrothito is a good bully. I hope they remember they just gave him the lightweight title and do more with him.

Main was about normal, but twice as long as we’ve been getting on FSE lately.

10/19 GALLI Show

GALLI 10/19 poster
GALLI 10/19 poster

GALLI (SUN) 10/19 Addison Community Center
1) Furia Roja & Pinocho vs Emperador Azteca & Venom
2) Centella de Oro, Golden Star, Nemesis vs Funebre, Resistencia, Yakuza
3) Charly Manson Jr. & Joey Marx vs Chilango & Mason Conrad
4) El Tiger & Slayer vs Amenzaz del Siglo & Vengazna
5) Samurai vs Bryce Benjamin vs Gringo Loco [GALLI]

Hey, look, a poster. I haven’t been to a GALLI show in quite a while (there hasn’t been as many, and I don’t notice the free shows at the car dealership until after they happened), but I’m thinking I’ll be able to make it to this one. Looks like Charly is back and Negrotistico is Negrotistico no more. I like how they tease me with only five matches, as if I’d go and it’d be done by 7:30. ha ha NO.

GALLI has/had a TV show, though it’s not even listed as GALLI in the TV listings, with matches from the aforementioned car dealership shows I think. (It’s not listed as GALLI or lucha libre or anything in the guide, just the normal Azteca America program for that half hour.) I have 2 or 3 episodes on my TiVo and I haven’t gotten to them yet, but I guess I need to catch up and/or find the YouTube links so y’all can see it.

quick AAA notes from the latest Observer

or you can wait for them to show up on and pretend they wrote it. Whichever.

– Shelly Martinez will start on 10/24.

– AAA’s strategy for bringing in the US wrestlers: they think only 2 companies will make it in Mexico, and don’t think they can compete with WWE in Mexico on money, production, or stars (which doesn’t say much for them) so they’re trying to counter them by doing more acrobatic wrestling.

me: I guess they can’t find anyone in Mexico to do this. This also makes no sense given the Jack/Aerostar match which was anything but, and the other hundred problems with this idea

– US indy workers Low Ki, Generico, and Ruckus are supposed to start in November, and they’d like to get Pac from the UK at around the same time (Pac and X-Pac, it’s like the Mosco feud but less compelling.) They’d run a Low Ki/Jack/Teddy vs Generico/Ruckus/Pac feud.

Ultimately, it seems like they’re trying to invert boom era WCW: Mexicans on top, people from the US/Canada/Europe underneath to provide the really good matches. It comes off like there’s a handful of current guys they feel like they need, but native midcarders are unnecessary; those who want to see Mexican wrestlers wrestling lucha libre will buy tickets when the top guys are on the cards, and the foreigners are being brought to tap into a separate fan base.

10/17: ENESMA, GDL, Mexico preview


ENESMA MEDINA (SAT) 10/11 La Plaza de Toros Vicente Segura, Pachuca, Hidalgo [the gladiatores]
1) Black Spirit, Metal Boy, Turbo b Black Thunder, Hijo de Mohicano, Mohicano I
2) Enfermero Jr. & Gran Markus Jr. DRAW Hijo de Huracan Ramirez & Huracan Ramirez Jr.
3) Esther Moreno & Xochitl Hamada b Flor Metalica & Rossy Moreno
4) Intocable, Kung Fu Jr., Rayman b Head Hunter I, Mascara Ano 2000 Jr., Pentagon Black
5) Killer Steel L El Hijo del Solitario, LA Park, Rayo de Jalisco Jr., Mil Mascaras, Espanto Jr., Pierroth II, Angel Blanco Jr. [cage]

Order of escape: Angel Blanco, Mil Mascaras, Pierroth II, Rayo de Jalisco, LA Park, Espanto Jr. Killer Steel, a sub for Mr. Texas, lost to Hijo del Solitario. Killer Steel is Alberto Aguilera Dominguez, from Panama, 17 years wrestling. He was an ENSEMA regular back when they were running ENSEMA regular shows and probably will go back to being/doing whatever else he was doing.

AAA (THU) 10/16 Arena Victoria De Guadalajara [Tiburon_Blanco @ box y lucha]
3) Makabre b Roberto Paz Jr.
4) Joe Lider & Nicho el Millionario b Extreme Tiger & Shyru Dragon [AAA TAG]

CMLL (FRI) 10/17 Arena Mexico
1) Axel, Flash, Metalik vs Loco Max, Nitro, Skandalo
2) Máximo, Sagrado, Valiente vs Felino, Heavy Metal, Sangre Azteca
3) Dos Caras Jr., Héctor Garza, Volador Jr. vs Averno, Mephisto, Terrible
4) Blue Panther, Ephesto, Último Guerrero vs Villano III, Villano IV, Villano IV [Relevos Increíbles]
5) Marco Corelone vs Lizmark Jr. [hair]

Generic previews: Ovaciones, ESTO, and Notimex. Mentions of AAA: 0.

About a month ago, I would’ve been absolutely sure Marco Corelone was winning this. Marco’s on the precipise of meaning a lot, Lizmark doesn’t have that problem. Marco loses, and he’s stuck in that role of guy who’s always on top but doesn’t mean anything. Lizmark loses, he just looks like more of a freak.

Now, I have no idea. I’m sure CMLL has a good idea, and Marco’s probably been subject to many long conversations with people trying to decide if they should believe what he’s saying. And it’s not like Marco’s done anything wrong, he’s just had interesting friends.

Figuring out the finish has become less interesting than figuring out what comes next. If CMLL thinks he’s leaving, they surely don’t want him winning on the way (which begs the question of Marco even showing.) If Marco wins, it doesn’t definitively answer anything – he’s still go a week (and a lot longer) to change his mind and still leave. I’m leaning towards Marco winning and things remaining uncertain, but I’m not sure on this. It’s as much a toss up as they’ve had for a main event apuesta match in a while, and it has nothing to do with the build.

Semimain is also more interesting for getting an idea of where they’re going with this then for the match itself. There’s not much else going on, though I would have Averno & Mepshito demand Garza vacate the tag titles if they’ve got to wait at least two more months to get a shot.

Rellik was such a big deal, this newspaper recap doesn’t even notice him.

Campeons de Lucha Libre links: interview with the lead female voice, character bio sketches, TseTse Fly air plane.

La Oreja hypes up the Konnan/Roldan battle for control of AAA while reminds us they did this with Cibernetico already.

DTU moved it show to Thursday, gets the AAA guys back on the card.

LuchaWorld has Robert on April 30, 2006 (Billy Boy vs Gran Apache in a hair match), and May 1st, 2006

Atlantis/Rey Bucanero vs Keiji Mutoh/Ultimo Dragon: Hooooooooooooooooooooooly crap this was awful.

and KrisZ‘s news update.