Alfonso Dantes (1943-2008)

(Superluchas) Alfonso Dantes passed away today. He was 65. Dantes was a NWA Light Heavyweight champion and also a national heavyweight champion. Dantes, a member of the WON Hall of Fame, was a second generation wrestler. His father Al Amezuca wrestled, as did his brother (original Septiembre Negro) and his sons (Cesar and Apolo). SuperLuchas credits him with created what would be known as the Tiger Suplex; it was Satoru Sayama who used in Japan, after the two had feuding in Arena Mexico in 1979. No cause of death has been made public.

Box Y Lucha thread

(I’ll update this later on if more info turns up.)

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4 thoughts to “Alfonso Dantes (1943-2008)”

  1. Sucks.:( I hope the theory about deaths in 3’s doesn’t come true.

    FWIW, I don’t think he created the tiger suplex but he did use a variation which Sayama picked up and made into what we currently know as the tiger suplex. Alfonso would grab the opponents for a tiger suplex but instead of suplexing them over (unheard of in Mexico on the boxing rings), he’d just roll back into a pinning position. Sayama likely took it to the next level when he went back to Japan.

  2. It’s a shame. Dantes was not very liked by much of the lucha family, he was one of the few who stood in EMLL when UWA was taking all the top names, rumor has it that Dantes was one of the reasons the guys were unhappy, I’ve heard several mafia like stories about him but who knows if there is any truth into them… and I bet Brazo de Oro probably gets the same heat.

    I’m surprised on him being 65, thought he was older.

  3. what a shame… Prayers for him and his family.

    Btw, does anyone know about an event named Interlucha this Friday in Gym Juan de la Barrera in Mexico City???? I heard it has to do with Blue Demon jr but can’t find any info related… Thanks

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